May Angels Lead You Here

May Angels Lead You Here


I stared at the spray-painted heart on the wall and traced my little finger along the black paint. The rough wall feeling bumpy under my skin. I sighed and placed my hand against the wall and looked down towards the ground. My shoes were soaking wet from running in the rain outside. I ran away.

I’ve finally run away.

I slid down against the wall placing my hands on the wall behind me. I placed my hands in my lap and rested my head against the wall. I pealed my wet jacket from my body and dumped it in front of my feet.

I can’t believe how long it’s taken me to finally realise that he was cheating on me. After my friends told me that he was, I thought they were jealous. They weren’t. He had his smooth hands all over some skinny girl with an amazing everything. He was mine. I had him. I thought he loved me. He said he did. Every chance he got he told me.

Lies. All of those times were full of lies.

I played with a strand of my hair and twisted it around my finger. The ends of my hair sprayed out and I brushed my finger across it. I let the black strands of hair fall back onto my shoulder. I rested my chin on my chest and just let the silence overtake my thoughts and let my body to just give up. But only for a moment.

Everyone has their moments of weakness and this one is mine.

This might be overdramatic right? But I always tend to fall for the same type of guy. Maw-hawk, Dr Martens, skips school. And then I meet him. Robby. He’s got the blue maw-hawk and the ripped jeans smokes weed. He said he loved me. He was different around me. Obviously acting. Now I can see it anyway. It all makes sense now. Too late. I should have known it wouldn’t have worked.

I’m the complete opposite!

I want to do well in school. I’m against drugs. My hair is dull. I’ve only got two pairs of jeans. None ripped.

So my moment of weakness has come, and I let the tears fall. Not bombs but small pointless tears.

But as I sat still with wet eyes I heard someone crash the door open and slam their feet into my direction.


This guy started shouting to himself about how stupid he was and why girls should come with a manual.
I personally don’t think we need to come with one.

I kept my mouth shut though and used the back of my hand to wipe my tears away. I’m not alone anymore so my moment is over. I have to be strong now.

Forget Robby.

I turned my head slightly to see if I could see the guys still raging on about some girl. I caught a glimpse of muddy converse and baggy jeans. I smiled to myself as the guy carried on shouting and slamming his fist against the wall, and as I was about to turn my head back around, the shouting suddenly stopped.

I stayed where I was. The silence filled the room once more. My heartbeat stopped. The blood flowing to my head stopped.

“Don’t tell me, you have been here this whole time listening to me?”

I looked up and found a pair of stone green eyes staring back at me. Black dread locks surrounded his face. A nose ring shone under the light bulb and his lips were pulled tight together.

Smiling I nodded.

He threw his hands up into the air and let out another frantic shouting raging boom! I didn’t quite know how to describe him. He wore an Operation Ivy top, which had a small tear in it at the bottom. His jeans were so baggy it looked as if they would fall off. His skinny arms waved around the air as if he wasn’t controlling them.

I know he’s angry and probably wants to hit me, but I couldn’t help but laugh.

“What are you laughing at?!”

My laughing stopped instantly and I looked back up to his face that was now as hard as stone.

“Your arms. Their flying in every direction.”

I shrugged my shoulders lightly and the guy just seemed to relax after I said it. Well it seemed like he did a little.

The guy sighed himself and sunk down on the same wall as I but on the other side. Now I couldn’t see him at all. Silence filled the room once more but this time I didn’t move. I just let the thoughts of Robby consume me as I started to feel stupid.

He said he was in love with me. I never said it back. More fool to that girl. That girl with the amazing…everything. Just because I wouldn’t have sex with him, is that why he’s doing this?


He’s generally a prick.

“Why are you in here anyway? There’s a party going on in there mind.”

The guy was so rude! Are all guys just thick? I bet you a plank of wood could have brought a better conversation up with me.
Sarcasm seemed to drip out from his mouth. A natural.

“Yeah thanks I did notice.”

I kept a cool head not wanting to sound as rude as he did. I wish someone would just show a little bit of respect. Am I asking too much? I’m not a horrible person. I don’t try to be anyway. This is getting way to hard!

All I wanted was a minute to myself but I’ve landed myself in a room with another male.

“Then why the fuck are you in here?”

“I wanted peace!”

I couldn’t help but raise my voice a little. I didn’t mean to. As soon as I did I regretted it.


I heard some movement and I before I know it he’s standing in front of me. I look up at him and his face isn’t as cold as stone anymore. His green eyes don’t seem so cold anymore and his body isn’t as tense as it was. He looked quite innocent.

“Before I leave you in peace answer me one question?”

His voice was lower now and his eyes looked serious but I could see his hands fidgeting behind his back.

He was shy.


“What do you girls look for in a guy? Cause I am so confused.”

I smiled and the guy slumped down next to me by the wall. A strong smell of weed followed him. I didn’t quite know what to think of him. First he’s shouting and pounding walls and extremely rude. Now he’s all calm and going all sentimental on me. He doesn’t even know me. I don’t know him!

We sat in silence for a short while. His hands still fidgeting with the bottom of his t-shirt. The locks of his hair fell into his face but he didn’t move or say anything. I felt something bubble in the pit of my stomach but I ignored it. I kept my eyes glued to the spray painted heart.

“So what’s your story?”

I looked over and sighed.

“My boyfriend…well ex now was all over some perfect girl in the party. So I came here to drown in my sorrow.”

He laughed and I let a smile slip onto my lips.

“I can kinda guess yours…. sorry.”

The guy nodded and leaned his head back against the wall.

“I don’t get it. I mean , I thought girl looked for down to earth guys that listened and all that…but that bitch out there and every other single girl is…I mean…fuck it.”

I laughed out loud and wrapped my arms around my chest. The guy hit me in the arm but I carried on laughing.

“Ah don’t worry! I’m trying to find a guy that is down to earth and not up his own backside.”

The guy laughed now as well.

How the hell can this be happening? I’ve been looking for a guy that’s down to earth and…well everything and then he just suddenly walks in and complains he can’t find a girl that wants that.

Could this be the guy?

My laughing came to a sudden halt and the guy next to me stopped laughing. Robby and all of the other guys are just sluts. They’re all just sluts. They don’t care about morals and manners, and I’m taking it this guy doesn’t when he’s angered but he’s trying. He has tried with that “bitch out there”.

Soon I felt a pair of lips land onto my own. His hands went on the sides of my face as his warm lips moved on mine. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

The feeling in my stomach grew but there was small amount of guilt in the back of my mind. I’ve only just broken up with Robby and now I’m kissing…I don’t even know his name. I’m the slut here….

His lips left mine and I opened my eyes to see him staring back at me.

“Can I take you on a date…”

The guy had a confused look on his face and I soon realised he wanted my name. I smiled and looked down at his hands that had rested on my lap.


He smiled.


I laughed and nodded my head.

“I live down the road, first left by the park. 6th house on the left with the blue door.”


Billie nodded and kissed my cheek.

“The guy you went out with sounds like a dick. You’re gorgeous and deserve more. I’ll pick you up next Tuesday at 6.”

With that Billie stood up and walked out of the room.

The silence filled the room once more but this time it wasn’t so nice. I wanted him back. The feeling of his lips on mine still lingered and he called me gorgeous. No guy has ever called be gorgeous. They may say they love me but, now I realise, they just wanted to get into my underwear.


Billie seems different. He didn’t shove his tongue down my throat. He wanted to talk. He seemed genuine.

I picked up the spray paint on the floor and wrote underneath the heart on the wall.

May Angel’s Lead You Here.

I walked out of the room and went on the lookout for Billie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked it ^.^
