The Act of Grasping


Deanna propped her legs up on the footstool. The cake in her lap was half-eaten and was being brought to her mouth little by little each minute. On the television screen was an old Mexican soap opera. Deanna could not understand a lick of the dialog but she presumed the main character was pregnant by the pool boy.

"You have been sitting in the same spot for the past three hours." Samantha bitched. Deanna swatted her hand, her eyes studying the screen. Samantha rolled her dark eyes and went back to her comic book.

Normally Cassandra would be in Heaven doing her other duties when the Winchester sisters did down time, however, she enjoyed watching them "act human". It did not bother her to stand and watch them for hours on end. She did that in Heaven, at least while she was on Earth she could interact more easily. Cassandra shifty sat on the chair opposite of Deanna. Her legs oddly felt "wiggly" and to help the sensation was to sit. Deanna smiled.

The screen continued The small cabin was quiet aside from the television and the buzz of the old refrigerator. The foreign language was irritating to Samantha's ears. It seemed to run in one continuous noise. She knew she should have taken Spanish instead of Latin in school.

When two female characters on the screen started to bicker, Samantha blew up. "THAT'S IT!" she exclaimed. "Deanna, I'm going for a walk. You better have moved when I get back," she snapped.

Samantha tossed the graphic novel into the pile with the rest of them and walked out the front door. It slammed behind her, so hard it made Cassandra shut her eyes. Humans moved around much too harshly. Deanna had watched the whole time with a smile on her face. When Samantha left Deanna's focus went on Cassandra.

"Hey, Cassie, come sit right here. There is plenty of room," Deanna told Cassandra. Cassandra cocked her head to the side in confusion. She did not understand the point in chancing seats.

Reluctantly, Cassandra stood and sat next to Deanna. Her head turned towards the television screen, as that was custom for the humans. With Samantha gone the tension on the air was also gone. There was not any bickering or name calling. However, there was bickering on the screen as usual. Cassandra stared, she knew the language, angels had to know all the languages, but she did not understand.

As two women started to fight the screen switched colors to a commercial. Deanna sighed loudly, "they always cut in at the good parts".

Cassandra studied the screen carefully, the who humans were doing something she has not seen before. "What is that, Deanna?" Cassandra asked in her monotone voice.

Deanna looked at the screen trying to figure out what Cassandra was asking about. "What is what?" she asked. "All I see is a couple holding hands to sell some stupid chocolate," Deanna pointed out.

Cassandra's head slightly tilted. "To hold hands?" she repeated it out loud.

Realization hit Deanna. "Yeah, it's when two people take the others hand. Like they grab, or even grasp it," Deanna told her. Cassandra stared at Deanna.

"Why though. Why is it important to grasp someone's hand?" Cassandra asked, then interlocking her own fingers.

It was not a big deal to Deanna. Holding hands was some bullshit pussy stuff she saw in movies. "It's not, but some people like to do it. To like show affection, or to let people know the person you are holding is yours," Deanna explained. She took a huge bite out of the cake and slowly chewed.

That answer did not satisfy Cassandra. Her hands still interlocked, but she could not figure out why people did it. She has seen it all day on the television, it baffled her. The commercials was over the show was back on eventually. Again, characters held their hands.

Finally, Cassandra let go of her own hand and studied it. "Deanna, how can this own someone?" she asked.

The cake was set aside and Deanna sat up. "It doesn't. Look," Deanna took Cassandra's own hand as a demonstration. "I grasped your hand, see? Now, if I do not let go, that's holding hands. It doesn't mean anything really," Deanna let go of Cassandra's hand. Her cheeks were flushed.

"Then why do the lovers on the televisions do it?" Cassandra asked.

Deanna shook her head in frustration. "Because they want to. Like I said, it's a sign of affection. If someone likes another person, they will take their hand. It's a human thing," Deanna tried to smile.

Cassandra nodded her head. It was a sign of affection, nothing big. Still staring at the screen Cassandra reached out and took Deanna's hand. She liked Deanna, Deanna was a good person. When
Samantha would come home, Cassandra would let her know she liked Deanna.

The action surprised Deanna. Her cheeks flushed, and she chewed her lip. It worried her if she explained a simple gesture the wrong way. Though it did feel pleasing to be touched by Cassandra. Her hands were much softer than Deanna's. So Deanna did not pull away and let Cassandra do as she wished.

They sat there holding hands until Samantha came home.
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Please tell me if you noticed anything wrong. Editing software is still down. I believe I got all the errors but I'm only human. Anyway, please don't be mad on who I chose to represent the genderswapped characters. Though Dean and Miley do not look alike, She seems like she could settle into his role easier than others. Miley also has the short blond hair I was searching for.

I'm going to make these into a series of one-shots about them. All of them are going to be rated differently and have different stories. All the one-shots will be centered around Cassandra AKA Castiel.

Speaking of that, I know even though they are genderswapped, Castiel should have kept his name. However, when I see that name I see a man in a trench coat, not a woman in a peacoat. So I changed the name to something that sounds like it could fit. I'm still debating, but I like the came Cassandra and her nickname be Cassie. It seems to go with the idea that Castiel is now a woman. Please tell me your thoughts on everything if you want.