Status: For Leann/sugarplum.

Three's a Crowd


“Miss Styles, please, just one more push,” a young doctor pleased with the exhausted woman. The woman had already given birth to two healthy boys but there was one more to be introduced to the world.

“Come on Anne dear,” the young woman’s mother urged soothingly as she rubbed her hands over her daughters back. Anne gasped for air her body was aching painfully and fatigue was beginning to set in, the only thing the brunette wanted to do was sleep.

“Anne Love,” Anne looked down at her husband who had a tight hold of her left hand her wedding ring glinted in the bright light of the hospital ward.

“I can’t,” she sobbed with exhaustion squeezing her husband’s hand.

“Yes you can Love. Come on one more beautiful baby to bring into this world then you can rest,” through watering eyes Anne looked at her husband, he had a smile on his face. Taking a deep breath she gripped his hand tightly as her mothers hands gently rubbed over her back. With the last ounce of strength she had left she pushed as hard as she could before falling back against her pillows closing her eyes and relaxing, her hair was a tangled mess, sweat thick on her forehead and her muscles were tight.

“Three healthy baby boys Miss Styles, congratulations,” the doctor beamed as he and a nurse handed the bundle of joys to each relation in the room. Smiling down at her son Anne lifted her gaze to look at her husband tears in her eyes, tears of joy and tears of pain.

“Des,” she began but the words stuck in her throat, quickly the brunette averted her eyes and looked down at the newborn cradled close to her body.

“We don’t have to make the decision right now Love,” Des pointed out as he looked at his tired wife.

Des and Anne had come to the decision as soon as they found out they were going to be having triplets that they wouldn’t be able to support the four of them and their daughter Gemma, their income wouldn’t allow it.

“What are you going to name them?” Anne’s mother was quick to change from the dreary subject and try removing the tension that circulated the air.

Anne looked down at her son in her arms smiling gently, “Harold Edward,” looking over at her husband the two said his name together, “Edward Xavier,” Des looked down when the baby in his arms made a light gurgling sound.

“And Marcel James,” she nodded her head gently toward her mother and the bundle of blankets she held close.

“Such beautiful names for equally as beautiful sons.” The three smiled down at the babies and for a little while the thought of adoption had vanished from their minds.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay the start of a new story, I got this idea from the a photo I saw on Tumblr and TADA new idea.

Yes this chapter isn't very long but the next few chapters will be longer.

shout out to the wonderful sugarplum.
and IFHY for recommending this story you girls rock!! and to the two wonderful subscribers!

Anyways please leave a comment and tell me what you think would love to hear it

cheers Esther xx