Status: For Leann/sugarplum.

Three's a Crowd

Chapter 1

Nineteen years later.

It was mid morning before Edward was woken from his sleep, the brunette would have loved to stay asleep for at least three more hours and wake at a descent time of day but the sound of his younger brothers voice was too loud to ignore. Grumbling irritably he pulled himself into a sitting position as he ran his hands through his unruly curls, the tattoos that covered his arm moving with the shift of his muscles. Yawning he got to his feet not bothering with a shirt just walking down the hallway towards his brother who was heatedly yelling his name.

“EDWARD XAVIER!” came his voice just as he walked into the kitchen where the dork was standing.

“WHAT!” Ed yelled back just as loudly causing his younger brother to jump out of his skin. Marcel spun around quickly looking at his brother his viridescent green eyes magnified by his large glasses.

“Took your time.” Marcel sassed at his twin before turning back to the food sizzling in the fry pan.

“Bite me Dork,” Ed grumbled angrily before taking a seat on one of the chairs around the kitchen counter. Marcel chuckled at his brother’s feistiness as he turned the bacon. It was a known fact that both Edward and Marcel were twins but their personalities were both so vastly different.

Edward was known for his violent streak around town and the fact that most of his skin was stained with black ink. His face covered with several piercings, eyebrow, lip, and septum. He had a bad boy image and he liked it. He liked the fact that people went out of their way to avoid conflict with him, afraid that he would do some serious damage if they overstepped a line.

Whereas Marcel, the younger of the two, was know as the town nerd. His overly large glasses covering most of his face, the fact that he wore vests and work pants everywhere he went did nothing to change his label. His curls were always brushed back and gelled holding it in place. Unlike his brother Marcel didn’t have a bad bone in his body, he was always kind to everyone, excluding his brother at times, this was what caused him to become the butt of everyone’s jokes in school and resulted in him being the one crammed into lockers and suffering severely from swirlies every morning.

Despite their constant bickering and nit picking the two brothers would be lost without each other and they know that, they would never admit it in front of each other but to others it’s the first thing they say about each other.

“Princess was busy sleeping off his hangover,” a female voice came from inside the open fridge. Ed sighed if he didn’t have a headache earlier he was going to have one now. The fridge door closed with a thud and a tattooed blonde appeared holding a carton of juice and a cheeky smile on her face.

“What are you doing here so early Jackie?”

“I came around to see my two favourite males,” Ed snorted before a smirk spread across his face as his eyes flicked from the blonde to his younger brother.

“Sure your two favourite males,” the look that the teenager received was of pure anger, if looks could kill he would be nothing but a corpse on their tiled floor but that didn’t stop the laughter from rippling from his lips. “And for your information I wasn’t sleeping off a hangover thank you.”

“Well that’s out of the ordinary for the rebellious, alcohol consuming, heartbreaker Edward Styles,” Jackie stated dramatically as she poured drinks for the three of them.

“Oh bite me Blondie,” attitude dripped from each of his words as he narrowed his eyes at the tattooed blonde who was smiling to herself before sticking her tongue out cheekily. There was movement in the room next door to the kitchen alerting Ed that there was another guest in their house. He was about to ask who else was over but his words stuck in his throat when he saw her, her face buried in a book and her blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head.

“Hey Sarah,” Ed greeted stirring the advancing blonde from her book, a gentle smile spread across her face as she gently nodded her head in a greeting.

“Hello Edward,” Sarah addressed the male by his full name which caused Ed to smile wider whereas Marcel chuckled over the fry pan resulting in a death glare from his older brother. Sarah was the only girl who was able to call him by his full name, the only person that Ed didn’t mind using his full name because it sounded nice coming from her lips.

“Decided to return to the land of the living did ya sis?” Jackie asked as she walked over to her younger sister wrapping one of her arms around her shoulders and drawing her close.

“I guess so, as dreary as it is,” she tried to sound pained but it didn’t work due to the smile that spread across her face.
“Small words sis, it’s too early for anything else,” Sarah laughed, her laughter was such and infectious sound that Ed couldn’t help the low chuckle that left his lips as he looked down at the half empty glass in front of him. Sarah placed her novel down before taking a seat next to the tattooed male nudging him gently with her shoulder.

“Have a good sleep?”

“It was alright, would have been better if my brother didn’t wake me up so early.” Sarah shook her head laughing lightly as she looked at Ed.

“I can’t believe you call this early.”

“Anything before one PM is early for him.” Marcel stated as he turned to look at Sarah his glasses balancing on the tip of his nose quickly he pushed them back before taking a plate and filling it up with scrambled eggs, bacon, mushrooms, and tomatoes.

“Oh, shut up Marcel,” Ed groaned feeling his neck burn with embarrassment. Marcel shrugged his shoulders before handing over a plate to Sarah. While his back was turned Jackie reached over to grab a piece of bacon but Marcel was quick to slap her hand away.

“Ah, ah,” the blonde giggled before handing his her plate so he could load it up. Marcel did so willingly. “There.”

“Why don’t you two just get together already?” Ed asked his green eyes flicking between the blonde and his brother.

“I’ll go out with Jackie when you go out with Sarah,” Marcel said casually as he scooped a heap of egg onto his brothers plate not noticing the blush that burned across Sarah’s face and the death glare he was receiving from Edward. Jackie was in hysterics behind Marcel at the sight in front of her, if steam could come from someone’s ears Ed would be like a steam train, Jackie had to set her plate down and stumble out of the room so she could get her wits about her again, however she couldn’t help the giggle that left her lips when she walked back in.

“You’re dead,” Ed growled at his brother.

“If you actually killed me every time you said that, I wouldn’t be here dear brother,” Marcel stated as he lay down a plate full of food for his brother, “shut up and eat, you’re grumpy in the morning.” Ed mumbled a curse word before biting into a piece of bacon.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well here is the update.
So, you get a look into Ed and Marcel's normal life and you meet Jackie and Sarah woo.

thanks to all who read this, and recommended and subscribed you're all amazing. I can't believe it one chapter and 13 reccs, and 26 subs you're all amazing!!

special shout out to five wonderful people :)

iron and wine

and Twinny you all rock please keep up the wonderful work your comments always make me smile :)

Cheers Esther xx