Status: For Leann/sugarplum.

Three's a Crowd

Chapter 6

Marcel banged on the front door of Jackie’s house a wide smile spread across his face as he held his results for his test. He was so excited he was vibrating; when the door opened to a tattooed blonde he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.
“Hi to you too Marcie,” she laughed as she wrapped her arms around him hugging him back tightly.

“I aced it,” he said before letting her go and stepping back to look at her, a warm smile was spread across her face. He handed her over the results like a proud child. It was all thanks to her that he was able to concentrate for the rest of the night and ace his test. Jackie looked at the paper work before a wide toothy grin spread across her face.

“Well done Marcie, I knew you could do it… you just need to give yourself some breaks every now and again.” Marcel nodded his head in agreement. Jackie handed back the paperwork to the youngest twin before inviting him inside. Marcel stepped inside her home kicking his shoes off at the door as not to dirty the carpet. The two walked down the hallway into the kitchen where Jackie was busy baking.

“You want something, tea, juice, vodka?”

“A juice will be fine Jack,” Marcel smiled at the young woman. Walking over to the fridge she pulled out a small bottle of apple juice before placing it down on the counter for her friend. Shooting him a smile she walked over to the oven before pulling out a perfectly risen cake. The brown haired male’s brows shot up in surprise. “Didn’t know you are such a good cook.”

Jackie chuckled as she placed the tray down letting the cake cool, “Oh I’m not really, I just dab in it to pass the time.” Jackie placed it on the counter top to allow it to cool as she turned back to look at Marcel who had cracked his bottle of juice open. Smiling to herself she walked over leaning onto the counter top looking up at the brown haired male, Marcel arched one of his brows at the blonde that was staring at him quizzically.

“Have you ever considered contacts?” the brown haired male was taken by surprise at her question, a blush spread across his face as he shook his head at her.

“Not really. Where did that come from?” the tattooed blonde shrugged her shoulders before straightening up.

“Dunno, I’ve never really seen you without glasses, just trying to imagine what you would look like without them.” Jumping up onto the isle she sat down on the granite tops before reaching her hands forward aiming for her friends’ glasses. “Do you mind?” Marcel simply shrugged his shoulders as she reached forward and grabbed the glasses that were perched on the bridge of his nose slowly pulling them away. Marcel blinked at the sudden change; he squinted slightly trying to lessen the blurriness. A musical laugh left Jackie’s lips, “You look so cute when you squint.”

“Uh… thanks I guess…” the male stumbled not sure what to say to the compliment. “So how do I look without my glasses?”

“If you stopped squinting I would tell you,” there was playfulness in the blondes’ tone; rolling his green eyes Marcel eased his stare ceasing his squinting.

“So?” there was a breath of silence, a blush spread across Marcel’s face and he suddenly felt awkward and uncomfortable. He was about to ask for his glasses back before Jackie spoke.

“Wow, you look hot… uh,” she stammered realising the words that tumbled from her lips. “I mean you look good.” Marcel’s pair of glasses were slowly placed back onto the bridge of his nose the blurriness fading Jackie’s face becoming clearer, her neck was red and her cheeks were rosy with what he assumed was embarrassment.

“Thanks for the compliment,” he smiled in a way that made him look like a shy child and Jackie couldn’t help but melt at the way he looked down at the granite counter tops. The two were swallowed into a silence.

“So do you wanna help me ice this cake?” the blonde haired girl asked jumping off the counter and walking over to the now cool cake.

“Uh…” Marcel was amazed at how easily she could break an awkward moment, he could never do that as hard as he tried he just made it even more awkward when he spoke. Walking over to the counter where the blonde had placed down the cake. The brown haired male watched as she pulled a few chocolate melts out of her pantry and a tub of thickened cream from her fridge. “What kind of icing are you making?”



“It’s cream and chocolate,” she stated putting a pot over the heat of the stove before pouring half a tub of the cream in. “Right tell me when that starts bubbling,” Marcel quickly moved over to the pot watching and waiting for the white liquid to start bubbling. While he was doing that the tattooed blonde had grabbed a dessert bowl and tipped a few white choc chip into it before placing it into the microwave a minute. His eyes watched her at work before she caught him “Keep watching that cream,” she scolded playfully.


Marcel watched as Jackie delicately wrote HAPPY BIRTHDAY POPPY onto the freshly iced chocolate cake. He was amazed at how steady her hand was and how concentrated she was on getting the cursive perfect.

“So this is a birthday cake?” Marcel questioned.

“No, I just write stuff on my cakes so they don’t look bare.” Jackie chuckled before chucking down her utensil. “Do you want some?”

“Sure… wait it won’t kill me will it?”

“No you goofball,” she said grabbing a large knife out of the block, “However…” she twisted the knife held point out causing Marcel to yelp in surprise. This caused Jackie to burst out laughing.

“You’re a bitch!” he growled watching as she turned back to the cake cutting two large slices off for the two of them.

Marcel was about to take a bite when he phone began ringing in his pocket, quickly he fished it out and saw that it was his mother on the caller Id. “Excuse me,” he answered the call watching as Jackie took a bite into her cake.

“Perfect,” she said.

Hello Marcel, would you be able to come home now, something has come up and your father and I need you home… also could you call your brother he’s not answering his phone, he needs to be home for this as well.

“Uh… sure…” Marcel began to feel a little worried and slightly nauseous but before he could ask questions his mother spoke.

Thanks sweetie… see you soon.

“Yeah,” the two hung up and Marcel quickly clicked on Edward’s number holding his phone to his ear. Edward didn’t answer, groaning the green eyed male hit end when Jackie spoke.

“You okay?”

“Yeah… I’m gonna have to go Mum wants me home, something has come up… I’ll uh… I’ll talk to you later yeah?” Marcel said as he walked out of the kitchen taking his slice of cake.

“S-sure,” Jackie stammered watching as he turned and hurried out of her home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Look a quick update! This one has more Marcel and Jackie hehehe.
I love the relationship between these two it's so cute. :3

So what do you think will happen next?
Shout out time big thanks to
Dezi Demize

and EmzyStilinksi for their comments thanks soooo much
Cheers Esther :)