Sequel: Infernal


Chapter 2 - Fresh Meat

After wandering around the halls aimlessly, feeling like an unwanted puppy I'd gained a nice dosage of courage to ask a girl to point me in the right direction. That same girl was sitting with me, and was going to be my lab partner for the rest of the year—if things went swiftly, without trouble. As long as I didn't warn her about possible future events. I was following my Mom's advice—starting over. I could do that, maybe I could turn this move into something good—to my favor. In this high school no one wrote 'freak' across my locker. All I had to do was keep my ability on the down low, not fall asleep during class and wake up screaming some nonsense—yeah.

If I was going to play normal, I was should be listening to all the themes we'd be learning. Turned out everything else seemed more interesting than listening to an old lady preaching loudly—I glanced down at my leg. A hand was tapping me, it kept doing its job until my gaze met up with Dawn's—my sunny partner.

"She sounds like a banshee." To bottle up a laugh I coughed earning a glare from a nerdy kid on the front of class.

I slit my eyes playfully as he turned to the front.

"How about geeky-brains over there?" I whispered, leaning closer to her pointing the guy's back. "I bet he has fantasies with Mrs. Mayfield because he's deeply in love with her." Dawn tittered little by little, a shush came from the front, again from the nerd—it only served for our amusement.

"Maybe he has photos of her on his walls." Dawn chuckled.

I pinched my thigh, willing myself to stop. I wasn't looking to get kicked off to the principal's office on the first day, getting scolded wasn't part of the list either.

Dawn tapped her pen on the fresh notebook, it seemed to be an apparent tick. I didn't blame her, Mrs. Mayfield was going over the lab's instruments and how we had to be careful when dealing with each of them. We all knew this by now, it didn't seem to stop this old fossil. I was being a bad, bad girl, calling mean things to my teachers. This was probably the result of being cornered and assaulted in the hall by a guy who didn't say coherent things. What had those questions been about? Did he belong to the CIA? Who was I? Like that was any of his business.

"What are you?"

It made no sense … Phillip's brother—no offense—was a crazy lunatic. Maybe I was being drastic but after what I went through I could think like I dammed well pleased.

Dawn's scarf was a nice blue, building a contrast with her curly auburn hair and mocha light skin. She was pretty, nice too—a complete ball of sunshine. She'd been hyper when I asked for directions, her happiness only grew when she learned we had the same class—the whole schedule was pretty identical.

When class was let out Dawn took me to the next one—Trigg. We had it together but on one seat tables. Time dragged on as our teacher jumped right on subject. Formulas were written in a sloppy calligraphy on the board. I transferred them to my notebook, not understanding much of anything. I was still on vacation-mode. My body was lazy, too tired and battered with heavy sleepiness for me to focus on anything. What I wouldn't give to go home and sleep.

Lunch hour rolled around and I was dragged over to the cafeteria. Dawn was making it her mission to introduce me to everyone and I meant everyone. Was it strange that I'd hit it off with a popular girl? Not popular as in mean, she was sociable, the kind of girl all people liked.

"If I give you my lunch money will you please stop?"

"Stop what?" Dawn's curls bounced atop her eyes.

"Going around saying 'hey guys, this is Nina, please be nice and talk to her because she has no friends'."

"I didn't say that." She tipped her lips up as I set my hands on my hips, regarding her. "Okay, I did, but just the first part. And lunch money? What do you think I am, a bully?" I should stay quiet about that. Dawn was being nice and that was good—being super-nice was part of her. "Come on, I'm going to tell you what's good to eat around here."

She practically filled my tray in two minutes. Her explanation was quite simple: keep away from the nachos and chili dogs. Veggies, sandwiches and fruit were in the okay zone.

I walked behind her unsure where we were going to sit, or if I was sitting with her in the first place. I mean, until now she'd been acting as friendly tour-guide and talking to me but now she probably wanted to be with her friends, people she knew for more than three hours. My eyes spotted a lone table in the cafeteria's corner. Seemed like a good place—

"And now," she said with emphasis staring straight into my golden eyes. "It's time to meet my friends." I was stunned; I couldn't lie and say I wasn't. This girl was willing to share her friends and the time with them… with me? "Come on, Nina." She hurried nodding forward.

Blinking from the daze, I nodded following her through the students and other tables. I was aware of some stares and murmurs. It was expected, I was the new kid.

"Hey, guys. Hope you don't mind but I brought company—fresh meat." I chuckled under my breath—they quickly died, being replaced by chills.

A stare was glued on me. I'd experimented this sensation today, and… to my horror it was the same person giving it to me now. My throat felt tight and dry. Phillip's brother was sitting on the table where Dawn's friends were supposed to be. Oh boy. This meant… it meant he was one of her friends! No way, there wasn't a single change this nice-going girl was pals with a bad tempered guy like him. But the thing was he was still sitting there, eying me under his long lashes.

"Hey—hallway-girl," another voice—familiar—sounded from my left. I looked down spotting the rusty hair. "Nina, right?" I opened my mouth unable to speak. I was still feeling ambushed by his twin's obsidian gaze. "Can you stop smoldering her with your eyes? It's freaking her out, Cam."

Cam…? My gaze stole a glimpse at the dark haired brother. The minute I did, I wished I hadn't. His arms were crossed in an intimidating gesture, lean muscles bulking nicely and a cold face, clear as ice, stared back at me.

"Stop being a dick." Dawn shoved his shoulder, it barely moved him. "She's new, don't scare her away. She's nice and hot—so what's your problem? It's always that last part that matters to you anyway." Every little blood drop rushed to my face, the blush made my cheeks go apple-red like the natural color of my lips. "Ah…" she sighed rolling her eyes as she tugged me down—my tray slipped from my hands due the sudden pull and before I gasped a hand shot out.

The white food tray didn't hit make a clack on the floor, it didn't spill anything, all remained on top of it. All because it was resting on Phillip's palm. That was how he'd stopped it, it was phenomenal. He'd caught it fast, accurately with no hesitation. His fingers were spread under the tray, making it ample.

"Nice save," I whispered out, blinking.

"Show off." Dawn gave out a laugh. "You couldn't resist impressing her, could you?" she swooned batting her eyes at him.

Phillip scowled at her, stealing his eyes from mine.

"I'm just helping, it's called being nice." The electric glare drove past her to his twin. "I wish some people knew the meaning of that word."

Cam's cold face gave way to a smirking façade. Well, I think that was less scary than the alternative.

"You always were full of virtues, little brother."

"Little brother…?" I asked out loud when Phillip set the tray in front of me. "I thought you were twins."

Cam's smirk turned arrogant, "But we're not Siamese twins, are we?" I parted my lips, he cut me off. "Huh, you're even dumber than I thought."

"Cameron—" Dawn spread to my defense but it wasn't needed.

Something broke, "You were the one who harassed me while I was minding my own business. I wanted nothing to do with you, I just wanted to find my class room and you backed me into a wall!" I said a little louder than expected my hands even slammed on the table—guess this guy just made me angry.

Dawn's outraged voice followed my snap, "You did what?" she looked like a mad pixie ready to kick him in the ass, I'd help.

"I was just having a conversation with her, asking a few things. She wasn't much help, though." Yep, this guy was positively insane.

Cameron's excuse didn't stop Dawn from glaring at him while eating a piece of carrot.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" This again? Didn't he get tired of the same old thing?

"I transferred to this school, I go here." I boiled.

Cameron let out a snort, leaning forward. I hadn't noticed it, but he'd been tipping his chair backward all this time.

"I meant what are you doing here—at this table?" My eyes lowered from him, my heart beat faster and faster. His tone was filled up with disdain. It shouldn't bother me, I didn't know this guy, as far as I knew, he was a jerk to everyone else—not just me. It stung, though, it really, really did.

My hands fell to my lap, curling out of sight. I carved my nails into my palms, willing myself to be okay, to stare him in the eye and tell him to 'piss off'. But there was no way I was doing it. Why was I at this table…? He clearly didn't want me here—

"Back off, bro. You're being a jackass for no reason." Phillip's voice was measured, sounding closer to Cameron's. "She hasn't done anything—"

"I don't like her. I don't need more reasons than that to want her out of our table." I shakily tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

A hand rested on my shoulder showing support, it was Dawn's.

"God, you're being rude. What's your problem today? Still haven't hit anyone?" she bantered easily, telling him off, not scared of his soul-chilling gaze in the least—not like I was.

Cameron didn't grace anyone with an answer. He opted to stay silent, slipping into a cool expression hiding any emotion from view. Maybe it had worked and he was going to leave me alone? I wouldn't mind never talking to him again.

"Sorry," Phillip whispered after a while, I was sorting through my salad having lost my appetite. "He's not usually this much of a… douche-bag." Oh, nice. There went my theory. It was only with me that he added a little more jerkiness to the mix? I felt very important.

"I'm not sure that makes me feel better." I stabbed a piece of cherry-tomato. I knew he was trying to lift my spirits but I didn't think it was possible. The ambience at the table was dangerously moody, it was like a heavy cloud hovered above our heads.

"Right, well, don't worry. Just ignore him, that's what I do when he gets on my nerves."

"How do you manage that?" I mumbled seeing Cameron was distracted by something to his right. "He's… pretty scary." It was a crime saying he was scary, 'cause his appearance was dead-gorgeous, but mixed with his attitude… spooky.

Phillip's laugh brought Dawn's eyes to us and she wagged her eyebrows at him. He groaned. I settled for a grimace, was she going to turn into cupid?

"He knows how to mess with you, that's a fact." The copper haired twin nodded. "I'm serious though, ignore him. He'll stop trying to get under your skin if you do." He smiled sweetly leaving me wondering how these two were related, twin brothers none the less. It seemed they were complete opposites… poor parents—wait. Phillip had mentioned an uncle, no one else. "Did you get to class alright?"

I was pulled out of my own little world. He knew I'd been trying to get to class? Did I ask him…? I don't think so, then again, I was shaken up by everything. To the meeting with Cameron to finding out two hot twins went to my high school.

Waving my bristling unease away I looked at his face.

"Yeah, thanks to Dawn. Our first and second period classes were the same."

"What were they?"

"Bio and Trigg," I stuck my tongue out in a childish act. "I think I spaced out during both, so I can't tell you which one bored me more." Phillip's lips broadened into a grin.

"Well, I almost dozed off during Trigg, so that was definitely worse than Mrs. Mayfield's class—then again we did have some fun during that one…" me and her shared a personal eye-exchange stuffing down our giggles.

Phillip chewed on his sandwich. I wondered what it was made of, it had a strange smell—like ham? Who liked that?

"Something on my face?" he asked after swallowing a big bite.

"Hmm, no..." I muttered feeling myself about to chicken out. I looked in front of me slowly, so Cam wouldn't notice me—he wanted to make me leave. I didn't know why, I couldn't understand why he didn't like me. What I did know was that I didn't want to give him that satisfaction. I wasn't backing down, I wasn't going to feel threatened and stay quiet because I was afraid of his rude comebacks. With my resolve burning brightly, I turned to face Phillip. "I just don't like ham, and you're eating it." I shrugged, waiting for something—nothing happened.

"Really?" he eyed his food, spying a quick glance at me. "That's a new one. I never met someone who didn't like ham."

"I take after my dad." I decided to stop playing with my salad and jump to the fruit. Halfway through peeling my orange a crunch came from the front, where Cameron sat. My head flew up, hair flowing back falling well below my shoulders.

He was just eating, eating an apple. A crunchy, green apple—I saw his teeth biting down on it taking a big chunk out—delicately like he was savoring every tad of succulent juice that dripped to his tongue. What was so hypnotizing about that?

"Don't drool, Rapunzel." I was jostled from my fantasy universe. Cameron looked past me before anything else happened—his jaw movements stilled.

Phillip took notice sharp as a hawk. He glanced over his shoulder, his perfectly set mouth hardened. The back of my neck was burning, I wanted to turn, I wanted to know what was making them so strange. Dawn hadn't been affected by whatever spell the boys were under, she kept talking about a guy named Zeke and how he was late but I was going to love meeting him—I just couldn't help myself when my head whipped around.

I couldn't exactly pin-point what they were looking at—but I could guess it was the same the rest of the cafeteria was gazing at. A girl, tall with a nice frame walked down with no tray only her messenger's bag over her shoulder. She was looking sheepish, no doubt hating the looks of pity and wonder the students and even the lunch ladies gave her. She had nice skin, a little pale—actually, it neared snow. It was beautiful nonetheless, complete with shiny ebony hair curling in on itself, resting in front of her shoulders. The impish features were sort of delicate, yet potent.

The girl was nearing our table, no hesitation in her walk. I slowly returned to my previous position, eying the half-peeled orange. Who was this person?

"Oh—hey, Vanessa you're back!" Dawn all but jumped with an hysteric laugh when the black haired girl stopped inches from our table. "Finally, I thought you weren't showing up for the first day of senior year." The two were obviously friends, long term maybe, because Dawn went to wrap her arms around her—Vanessa took a step back. "Vanessa…?" Dawn's voice whispered worried. The look in her eyes told me she was confused, hurt and preoccupied. "Is everything alright—I mean, does something still hurt is that why?"

Hurt? Looking at the girl I saw her in perfect health.

Vanessa looked down, I saw her eyes faintly—they were quite the color… how could I explain it… rosewood? Yeah, something unique like that.

"No, nothing hurts… I just prefer to keep away." Her head lifted. "I'm sorry," her voice lowered into a softer tone. "It's not you, it's just since the… thing, I don't feel like I can do close contact. It's… weird but I just…" she bit her lip not finishing, instead she gave her head a shake.

"It's okay, I'm sure Dawn understands." Phillip spoke up calmly, gently. Dawn's lips etched into a slow smile—it wasn't a brilliant one. "Sit down, V." He nodded to the empty chair separating him and Cam.

She eyed the spot unsure. I never felt so much tension as when her gaze locked with Cameron. Vanessa seemed to shrink, it wouldn't be wrong to say she wanted to take off running, either away from here or… to him? Now that was strange—screw that, everything about this was weird. I noticed the people weren't talking as loudly as before she waltzed in, no, there were whispers murmurs—but no loud talk.

"I'm not sure it's a good—" A chair scraped against the tiled floor making me wince. "Cameron—"

"Stay," he whispered walking past her, not granting her a look. "I was done anyway." I looked back to where he'd been sitting. Sure enough all that was left of his apple was the core. How had he eaten that so fast? I would've choked for sure.

After Cameron left and Vanessa sat down next to his twin, the cafeteria seemed to return to normal, with a few spied looks at mystery girl.

"Give him time." I caught Phillip muttering, pushing his tray away.

Vanessa looked at him through the spaces of her fingers.

"I've been giving him time—the whole summer. Nothing has changed, Phillip. I don't think it ever will…" she lamented meekly, continuing rubbing up and down her face.

Phillip didn't open his mouth to console her over whatever it was she was going through. He shut his mouth running a hand through that silky looking hair of his, huffing out a breath. My eyes didn't resist stealing a glance at his chest, or what I could see of it. I silently thanked the three buttoned down buttons.

"If you stare any longer I'll have to charge you." I gulped dryly feeling like a fish that had been tossed out of the water. A loop-side grin lighted up his face. "I'm joking," my chest was about to heave a breath— "You can keep staring, I like attention." My eyes popped, nearly exploding into goo.

What the… what a smartass thing to say. Guess there wasn't a perfect nice guy inside of Phillip. He wasn't nearly as arrogant as his brother though.

"Who says I like what I'm seeing?" Wow, Cortez, where did that come from?

It was impossible not to think about shocks when looking into his light blue eyes, they were lit with bolts of energy, and as he came closer to my side, sliding to the near edge of his chair… I felt my heart stop.

"I just know."

My brain wasn't thinking, I was acting on instinct, "How?"

"Now," his breath was warm—like an Indian summer warm—it washed over my cool face making me all tingly. "That's a secret you'll have to find out on your own."

The current between us was severed when a pair of eyes rested on me. Oh Jesus, I'd completely forgotten about the other two people at the table. Dawn was being quiet looking at something in her phone, Vanessa on the other hand… she was looking at us—at me.

"I'm Nina." I introduced myself feeling impolite. I just flirted in front of two people—and one of them seemed to be going through a tough patch.

Vanessa stared mutely. She stared, and stared—until she nodded. Her eyes were distant for a while, until they focused and I mean they really focused. Her gaze kept jumping from one thing to another, but wherever it stopped it looked like she was in deep concentration, figuring something out—listening to something only she could. Vanessa remained quiet throughout the lunch hour.

Just what had happened to this girl?