Status: just an experiment. we'll see where it goes.

Last Breath.


I never thought things would happen like this. I never thought I would have to attend the funeral of my best friend, especially at the age of nineteen. Emily and I had been inseparable since we met in middle school—seventh grade gym was hell, but it had brought her into my life, and I’ll forever be grateful for that. I never really understood what people meant when they said that their best friend was like their missing half. Until I met Emily, that is.

“Ugh! I hate gym!” a petite blonde exclaimed, dropping down on the bench next to me.

“I’m pretty sure dodge ball is some ancient form of torture designed specifically for those with slow reflexes.” My tone matched hers, full of anger and resentment toward the sport that we were currently being forced to play.

“Would it be-“

“-acceptable to fake a stomach ache every day to get out of this class?”

“I’ve tried. After day two, Nurse Matthews stops believing you. I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Natasha,” I said, introducing myself to the only other person in the class who seemed to feel the same way about the sport as I did.

“I’m Emily. I just moved here from New York. Upstate, not the city. I-I’m sorry if that sounded harsh, but people have just been assuming all day, and it gets kind of tiring,” she explained with a half-smile.

“At least you’ve moved! I’ve lived in the same house as long as I can remember, and I was born here. I’ve never even been east of Colorado!”

Emily laughed, before speaking again. “You know what? I think we’re going to be great friends.”
♠ ♠ ♠
this is just something I've started as a little experiment. I liked the idea, and decided to run with it. I realize that this is really short, but it's just a prologue, and a way to see what people's initial reaction to the story will be.

darker text is present day, and the lighter text is flashbacks. most of the story will be told via flashbacks, but some of it will be present.

I don't think that this fic will be very long, but I'm not sure.

feedback // criticism is welcome :)