I Love You No Matter What

It's just a mirror...

Isaac stared at himself in the mirror; the thick thighs and round belly he deformed with his hands as he stood twisting in front of the mirror. He hated how big he got, it was like he swelled up day by day, clothes growing tight and on the rare occasion ripping or bursting a button or-

“Hey,” a kind voice said from beside him as soft lips pressed against his cheek “What's with this?” Owen laced his own slender fingers through his lovers chubby ones so that both pairs rested on his stomach.

“A-am I f-fat?” The dark haired one asked looking up to his other half with wide questioning eyes.

“Yes.” Owen said looking back down and wincing at the obvious pain in Isaac’s eyes as he pulled his arms about him tighter “Oh! Sweetie, no, don't get upset! You're beautiful anyway; no matter how big or small you are.” He kissed his lover's cheek again and pulled his shirt back down.

Isaac bowed his head looking ashamed of himself but his soft face soon contorted into surprise as he was spun to face Owen instead, who ran his slender fingers up his plump sides and through the long brown hair before cupping the back of his neck in one hand and lay the other across his lower back.

“D-don't touch me I'm..I'm-” Isaac leant his head under Owen's chin.

“gorgeous.” He finished for him before taking his hands again and walking him backwards through the house.

“W-where are we going?” He asked but shyly followed out of interest and obedience.

“We are going where any good husband and husband should go at this time of night,” His lips flicked into a smile and kicked the door open with one socked foot while still holding on to Isaac “To bed.” Owen chuckled and moved back close with butterfly hands ;lightly caressing his love's body.

“C-can we turn off the lights?” he asked with a slight blush but all he got was a shake of the head as he was pulled closed and rocked, slightly, as though they were dancing. Their movements sped up a little as they rocked about the room in a slow dance.

“If we turn of the lights I can't see you.” he said and finally got him onto the bed with a slight thud which made him turn a pink hue. Owen's voice dropped as he crawled on top of Isaac “And I very much want to see you, pretty boy.” He pressed their lips together for a second before moving away to look him over.

“N-No you don't.” he tried to cover himself with his arms as his chubby body filled up a lot more space than he wanted it to. Owen slid his own arms underneath, effectively parting them, as he pulled him closely into an embrace.

“you're confused, baby.” he said resting his head against Isaac's shoulder “You confuse being skinny with beauty. But if you want to lose weight to make you feel happier in yourself I'm not gonna object because I'll love you no matter what, ok?”

He hugged him back and sighed as he fell back onto the bed “Why do you love me?” He asked looking up at him from his newly horizontal position.

“if you get changed so I can see your body I'll tell you.” He said kissing him softly on the lips and getting off the bed. Isaac did not seem impressed by the proposal but he did need to get changed to sleep. He shyly pulled out a t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms from under his pillow and set about pulling off his shirt. Owen changed quickly into much the same and sat back beside him “Number one: I love the way you smile and light up whenever you see me.”

He sat with arms covering his belly for a second and blushed as he was softly patted on the thigh and handed the t-shirt “Number two: I love how kind and good you are.” The t-shirt was pulled on quickly to hide the way he jiggled with the new excess flab. “Number three: I adore the way you keep your pyjamas under your pillow because that's what happened when you were a kid.”

Isaac blushed and slipped out of his trousers “K-Keep going...I-I'm not dressed yet.” Owen laughed and kissed up his jaw with a nod.

“Number four: the way you always have ice in your drinks even in winter and will often wear a hat even indoors.” Owen chuckled to himself and helped slide on his trousers; not willing to point out how he filled them. “I can go on if you like.” He said stroking his hair gently. Isaac shook his head and slipped under the thick covers with his back to Owen.

Owen sighed and followed suit only he moved closer and embraced him with his hands resting on his lover's fat and overhanging stomach “I really love you, baby, and if you thought I'd suddenly hate you over a little extra flab you're kind of an idiot.” he gave him a tight squeeze “But you're my adorable, brilliant to hug, idiot and I wouldn't have you any other way.”

Isaac pulled up the covers and laced his finger through Owen's thin ones with a slight smile “You promise?” Owen laughed and kissed him on his shoulder and nodding.

“I promise you are perfect, baby, and if anyone says otherwise...” he chuckled and stopped when he realised the cute dark haired boy in his arms had fallen asleep “Good night, pretty one.”
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(If anyone wants more I'll try to write it)