Status: Slow

I Feel Like Dancing


When we got to the concert it was amazing. I’d never seen so many people gathered in one place at one time. Not like this anyway. There were screaming girls and cheering boys. It was quite funny. Alex had his arm around my shoulder and some of the girls shot me venomous glares but I decided to make the best of the night and smirk at them. The only thing I wasn’t forward to was explaining everything to my parents. The guys tried to touch peoples hand and were pumping their fists in the air. It made me smile. When we got backstage I saw a nervous looking Sherria. “Sherria!” I yelled and ran toward her. I jumped into her arms and almost knocked her down. She laughed and when I got off her of her, her jaw dropped.
“What are you wearing?” She asked.
“We do live near the beach so only the appropriate attire.” I said and smirked.
“Esmeralda.” She said. I shrugged.
“She was my only hope unless I wanted to wear a Nun dress.” I said and laughed. She must have seen the guys because she got all excited again. I turned and seen Alex in front of me.
“This must be your friend right?” He asked hooking his arm around my shoulders again.
“She is.” I said looking up at him. He smiled at her.
“Well, I wonder if you’re as crazy and wild as Amelia says?” Alex said. Sherria smirked.
“Probably a little worse.” She said. I laughed.
“Probably.” I agreed.
“Anyways, if you lovely ladies would follow us to the dressing room so we can get ready.” Jack stepped in.
“Oh right buddy. Is she coming?” He asked pointing to Esmeralda. Jack nodded furiously.
“Of course she is!” Jack said. We all laughed. Alex held up his hands.
“Just asking! Geez, you didn’t have to get all emotional!” Alex said laughing. Jack started laughing too and eventually stomped past us with a laughing Esmeralda. Well, here goes nothing.

The concert was full of energy. The air pulsed and ripped with it. There was smell of sweat and cigarette smoke and some alcohol. I was up on the rafters looking down at eh performance. There were a ton of people beside me including Esmeralda and Sherria who’d gotten Rian’s number earlier in the dressing room. “This is amazing!” She yelled over all the singing voices. I smiled and nodded. It really was. All the kids and teens with the same music interest and band shirts. It was really cool and I was living it up knowing that I was never gonna get to do it again. I frowned. Oh crap. Did I text mom and dad and tell them I would be home late? I started panicking.
“Sherria!” I said.
“What?” She asked.
“I forgot to tell them I was coming home late!” I said. Sherria shrugged and grabbed me by the shoulders.
“Don’t worry. Just have fun.” She said and turned back to the concert. She’d been screaming and hollering the whole time. It made me laugh and smile. Tonight was definitely the best night of my life.

After the show they signed some stuff and then we went to the bus. It was almost two in the morning and I was exhausted. I needed something to boost my energy but I couldn’t find anything. “Come on Amelia, drink a beer for once in your life!” Alex said. He was already pretty drunk himself. I laughed and shook my head. He sighed. “Fine what do you want to drink?” He asked.
“Anything is fine.” I said. He poured me a drink and handed me the cup. I took a sip of it and immediately spit it back out. It tasted tangy and sharp. He laughed. “What is that?” I asked.
“Tequila.” He said.
“Really Alex?!” I said. He shrugged and I laughed.
“Come on just drink it Amy!” Sherria whined. Esmeralda and Jack had gone off somewhere but Rian, Zack, Sherria, and Alex had stayed on the bus. Sherria was pretty wasted but she drank very often so it didn’t surprise me. I sighed.
“One drink.” I said. I put the cup to my lips and chugged the drink. Once you got used to the taste it really wasn’t that bad. I coughed a little not liking the afterburn or after taste of the drink. “Hey Alex can you get me another one of those?” I asked. Alex smirked and took my cup.
“Of course my dear.” He said. He brung the bottle over and handed it to me instead. I shrugged and put the bottle to my lips. Hey whatever, as long as I get some more of this stuff. I quickly chugged the half filled bottle and after that everything went fuzzy.
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From now on until school gets out again, I'll be doing weekend updates! Just for a few months until school gets out though. But I really wanna focus on my grades and stuff but I will MAKE time to do my fanfics! But thanks for reading! Comment and tell me what you think!