Status: Slow

I Feel Like Dancing

Time Bomb

I woke up with an intense headache. I propped myself up on my elbows and hit my head. “Ow.” I hissed. I stuck my arm out and felt something-someone. I looked at the lump next to me. I quietly pulled the cover from their face and gasped. Alex woke up and groggily stuck his head out of the small, tight bunk.
“What!” He yelled. I caught his arm before he could fly out of the bunk.
“Alex! It’s me!” I said. His eyes got wider.
“Oh crap. You stayed last night?” He asked.
“Yeah, I guess so. I was hoping you’d know the answer to that.” I said. I had no idea what happened last night. First thing in the morning I didn’t even know where I was let alone that I was in Alex Gaskarth’s bed. I was just waiting for my parents to- Oh crap! My parents! I jumped out of the bunk just as Alex started saying something. I ran and grabbed my iPod. I quickly dialed the home phone number in my keypad. Ring, ring, click. “Hello?” My mom said.
“Mom! Hey, it me. I-” She cut me off.
“Amelia Avellino Rey!” She screeched. “Where have you been?”
“I’m sorry, I went to a concert last night and I passed out on the band’s bus.” I said quietly.
“That is NOT acceptable! Oh when you get home! Your father is fuming as well as I! Honestly, I’m not sure if I ever want to see you again!” She screamed at me. I was taken aback. Never? What kind of mother says that to their daughter? I felt tears filling my eyes.
“I-I’m sorry, I-”
“No! Don’t you dare call back! When you-” I felt the iPod lifted from my ear as the tears spilled over my eyes and onto my cheeks. I just kept my hand in the same spot.
“Hey! I’m Alex the band guy! From what Amelia has told me you dictate everything in her life! That’s not right! So what if she wants to leave for a day or two and go have some fun? She’s a teenager! She needs a social life, not a psychopathic mother trying to teacher her etiquette and grammar! There’s school for that! Oh and I’ll be here social life teacher for a few days so don’t expect her home anytime soon!” Said Alex and then there was a beep signaling he’d hung up. I just stood there. I felt frozen until the small squeak came out of my mouth and then I started sobbing right into my hands. I felt Alex’s long arms around my shoulders and he lead me outside. I started nearly screaming. I just wanted a normal life and parents who loved me no matter what. Not parents that went off on me at the drop of a hat. Alex wrapped both of his arms around me, engulfing me in a hug. I sobbed into his shirt and balled my fist’s on his chest.
“I’m sorry.” I choked out. Alex just stroked my hair with his warm, soft hand.
“Don’t apologize. I heard everything she said to you and it was wrong. No one should have to be talked to like that.” Alex said. “No one.”

After a while I calmed down and Alex took me back onto the bus. I was still in my clothes from last night not that they were much of clothes in the first place. More like a few strings to me. Alex and I were sitting at the table with Jack and Esmeralda who’d just woken up. Esmeralda yawned and rubbed her eyes. Jack yawned also and stretched his arm out movie-theater-teenager style and put his arm around Esmeralda. She looked at him and lifted an eyebrow. He made a face and so did she. I shrugged and so did Esmeralda and looked back at us. Alex’s arm was around my waist and for some reason it made me feel safe. Like no one could say anything to hurt me when he was with me like this. “So you called Jenny?” Esmeralda asked. I nodded.
“She wasn’t happy at all.” I said.
“Yeah, doesn’t shock me. She didn’t react well when she saw me either.”
“Well, it’s because you dress the way you do.”
“Well, what business is it of hers how I dress?” She asked snarkily.
“Hey, no need to get an attitude with me Em.” I said. She made and apologetic face.
“Sorry. I know. I’m just tired and hung over.” She said. “And I can tell you are too.”
I shrugged. “I guess I am. For the first time in my life.” I said and smiled. I felt Alex laugh and his hand started moving up and down lightly on my hip.
“So,” Alex said. “What’s the plan for today?”
“We’re off today, so I was thinking take the ladies shopping maybe grab some coffee?” Jack suggested. Alex looked at me. I just looked back at him and he laughed.
“Well?” He said. “How does that sound to you?” He asked. Oh, he had been waiting for my approval of the suggestion. I’d had no idea. I nodded my head.
“Sounds really good.” I said.
“And tonight we’ll go out somewhere.” Alex said. I felt my iPod buzzing lightly. I reached in my pocket and held up a finger to everyone.
“Hello?” I asked.
“Hey Amy.” I heard Violet’s voice.
“Oh Violet?” I asked. “What do you need?”
“Nothing. But I was just calling to make sure you were okay.” She said.
“Ah, mom must have told you.” I said.
“Yeah she did. She told everyone in the house.”
“Well, I’m fine. I won’t be home for a few days though.” I said.
“Oh well, okay. If you need me you have my number Amy. Don’t hesitate to call me.” She said. I smiled to myself.
“Thanks, I won’t.”
“Alright, bye.”
“Bye.” I hung up. Alex was looking at me.
“What was that all about?” He asked.
“Nothing my oldest sister just wanted to make sure I was okay.” I said.
“Ah, I see.” Said Alex. He took his hand from my waist and I felt a little disappointed. He clapped his hands together. “Well, I say without further-a-due we get on the move.” I smiled at him.
“I completely agree.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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