No Light, No Light

The Silence In Between

The flame had appeared without a warning. His hand had felt cold, and at first, he had not noticed it himself. It was Scarlet’s face that had startled him, her eyes resting on his hand, and when he had glanced down at it, he too had been baffled. And then, once his fury had abandoned him, almost as quickly as it had arrived, the flame had died out and his hand felt normal again. Scarlet had given him an uneasy look, then turned straight on her heels and walked out on him. He had been left to himself, simply staring down at his hand without understanding.

Home had been quiet as always. He had bought a pizza on the way, already cold when he was able to sit down by the telly and relax. Nothing interesting was on, like always when he was home by himself, and he was starting to miss having someone there with him. There had been some girls though the past few years, but they had never intended to stay for longer than a night, and he wouldn’t have let them. His career had been important above all, even a girlfriend, but now he had achieved both fame and success, and he did have time for that special girl. He hadn’t missed her until that night thought, especially since Scarlet had stormed off into the black nothingness of the night.

“How on earth…” he whispered and looked down at his hands, trying to draw the flame back to his palm, but he couldn’t understand what had triggered it. He had been angry, yes, but so he had been many times before that day, and that flame had simply just appeared without him having a say in it. “Come on,” he said and fully concentrated on the flow of power that he had felt before, but the flame would not reappear. With a weary sigh, he let go of the thought and wondered whether he had gone mad or simply too tired for his own good. He decided on the latter and gathered himself for a quick shower and then went straight for the bedroom, cocooning himself in the pleasantness of the duvets.

It was about four in the morning when the birds appeared outside of his window, both of them pecking on the glass, almost as if they were wanting for his attention. Tom had looked at them for several minutes, uncertain of whether to open or not. The idea of letting two birds into ones flat seemed extremely silly, even for him, but he couldn’t help but to get the feeling that they wanted something. Perhaps they were only confused by the reflection in the glass, or they felt the heat from inside, Tom didn’t know, but he decided upon letting the window stay closed. When he woke up again, hours later, the birds weren’t there anymore, but the feeling of loneliness seemed ever more present.

Loki had been suspicious the last few days, and he was aware that something was being held a secret from him, both his mother and father were looking to him with strangeness to their eyes, and Loki felt something oddly painful tighten in his chest. Thor, the great brute, was just as unaware of their parents’ secret, and they both pricked up their ears in order to figure it out. It was a rather useless tactic, seeing both Odin and Frigg were experienced warriors, and also experienced parents. They knew what to hide from their children, but also how to hide it from them.

“You seem so lost in thought, brother,” Thor said and settled down next to his younger sibling, watching him with curious eyes, yet Loki wasn’t interested in Thor’s meaningless gibbering.

“There is a silence in these halls,” he muttered and looked to their parents’ chamber. “And it is driving me mad with want.” The older, yet more naïve brother merely nodded in respond, he too eyeing the door with growing suspicion. “They have indeed been quiet as of late.” Loki nodded, folding his hands nervously in his lap and looking to Thor for comfort. “Odd things have occurred as of late, Thor,” he said and then leaned closer, weariness written all over his young face. “The truths that have been kept from us, from me… It is foul.”

“Elaborate,” Thor said, but Loki merely shook his head at this. “I cannot, even if I wish to. It is merely a feeling, and it is yet to be confirmed.”

“Tell me of this feeling then, Loki,” Thor asked as gentle as always, and his younger brother looked away for a moment. “I am not of your kind,” he admitted and bit his cheek painfully. “It is perceptible to the eye. We are not alike, but you resemble our parents. I do not.”

“Are you implying that…”

“Yes,” Loki hissed and felt rage flare up in him, yet he managed to control his temper, at least for the time being. “But as I said earlier, nothing has been confirmed.” Thor nodded, his face more serious than Loki could recall to have seen it before. “You must speak to father of this,” he whispered and looked away, hurt that his parents had not spoken of this. “Why would I be waiting here if I did not intend to?”

Thor was about to answer when the doors to their parents’ chamber were opened. Frigg’s eyes immediately fell on her sons’ suspicious faces, and they both took notice of how uncertain she appeared to be. Loki couldn’t bear not knowing any longer, and he walked up to her and looked her directly in the eyes, almost glaring at her. “What is this secretive behaviour of yours?” he spat and furrowed his brows, no longer able to control his anger.

“Your father,” she whispered breathlessly. “He wishes to see you this instant.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is before the movies, when Thor and Loki are still best friends. None of these characters are mine, and this is written simply for my own pleasure. I make no money from it whatsoever. Enjoy!