No Light, No Light

You Are The Start

Loki felt completely numb as he emerged from his father’s chamber. The conversation had been of the kind one wished never to have with ones parent, and Loki wasn’t entirely sure whether to say parent or not anymore. Something within him felt broken, ravished somehow, and he knew not how to repair his heart, or even prepare it for what was coming. He didn’t stop to great his mother in the hall, and he didn’t call out for his brother. After all that had been said, how could he ever reach out to any of them again? He knew not.

“Brother,” Thor said and caught up with him as he wrapped his fingers around the doorknob to his room, his eyes shut and lips as if sewn together. “Why are you this upset?” he asked and put one large, yet reassuring hand on his brother’s shoulder, gently squeezing it. Loki shuddered at the touch, and he quickly brushed the hand away, glaring at Thor with hatred in his dark eyes. “I am, much like I had foreseen, not your brother,” he whispered through clenched teeth, the words sounding almost like an angered hiss. “I am far from it.”

Thor looked to his younger brother with wide eyes, feeling both betrayed and angered at these news, but the anger was not directed towards his brother, but rather their parents for having kept Loki’s heritage hidden from them both. “How?” Thor asked, looking to the younger prince with bewildered eyes, eyes that made the god’s fury lower. “We will sit in my chamber,” he said and opened the door for them both, then shutting it carefully behind them.

“Father has kept this from us for a reason,” Loki said and tried his best to sound reassuring, but he knew he failed miserably, even Thor noticed, and Thor rarely noticed anything. “I was stolen from my mother’s dead arms. Odin thought to raise me as his son, the prince I was born to be.”

“Prince?” Thor asked, clearly interrupting his brother’s chain of thoughts, yet he managed to swallow his anger once again. “I am the prince of Jötunheimr.”

“Prince… That means-“

“Yes. I am his son, but this is old news to me,” Loki whispered and looked to his brother whose eyes were burning with confusion still. “How?” he repeated, and Loki sent him an angry glare. “Do not disturb me while I speak!” Thor nods, his eyes large, almost like that of a lost infant. The youngest prince sighed. “It was not hard to discover. Look at me brother; I am not of your kind. My powers are not common for the Æsir.”

“But what is it that angered you so?”

“My… My father,” Loki said and clenched his fists angrily, glaring into the thin air, as if Laufey was in the room with them. “I know not whether you have heard of the separation of souls, Thor, but I would guess not. When mother was attacked by Odin, she cast such a spell over my soul, and my soul was split in order for me, or at least a part of me, to survive the war.”

“But that would mean for you to be half a soul?” Thor asked, his eyes growing even larger at this discovery, and Loki nodded as to confirm his assumption. “I too felt overwhelmed with this.”

“And your soul mate, whatever happened to him?”

“Father knew little of him,” Loki said and looked to the ground, a thoughtful gaze upon his face, yet Thor knew better than to question him at this point of the story. “Only days ago did Heimdal notice a slight sparkle of magic being used, the magic that is mine.”

“Is he a-“

“Thor,” Loki said and raised a warning finger to his mouth, once again bringing the older god to silence. “And to answer your question,” he whispered and looked his brother in the eyes once more, knowing no other god cared so greatly for Midgard as Thor did. “Yes, he is a mortal, condemned to live his life over and over.” Loki seemed pained for a slight moment of through, his feelings towards this man, this brother, were already strong.

“What is there to be done, brother?”

Loki laughed at this, one of those brief and uncomfortable snorts he sometimes made when displeased or stressed. Thor frowned at him for a moment, uncertain of how to proceed, and to his luck, he didn’t need to say anything but yes. “The mortal is in great danger due to this sudden outburst of magic. They will sense the power, that it is indeed as great as mine, and imagine, brother, what strength we would have once reunited…”

“This is the talk of a mad man, Loki!”

“It is what both my fathers’ want, and even you, Thor, understand that. A power such as that is not easily ignored, and in the wrong hands, it’s a deadly weapon. The nine realms are depending upon us now, and we must take action at once.” Thor looked upon his brother with agreement, knowing well that what Loki spoke of was indeed the truth. “But what shall we do, Loki?”

The god of mischief smiled lopsidedly at his older brother, his eyes glimmering with pride as he spoke: “I knew I could put my trust in you, Thor.” The god of thunder nodded, although to him it was obvious. “I will always fight for you, brother.”