Status: It is now completed :)


'but now I honestly don't care if you drop dead'

It was 12:30. Rose was panicking. "Fernando, I'll just call the gym-pretend I'm ill." Rose started.
"Rose, for the one hundredth time, this is your hobby- it's something that you can enjoy without anyone judging you." Fernando reassured.
"Yeah, other than the 900 people intently watching the competition!" Rose replied pacing up and down the hallway nervously.
"Rose," Fernando began as he grabbed Rose and pulled her closer to him, "Rose, I'm really looking forward to sitting in the crowd and, watching you for the first time, do what makes you happy. The team chose for you to captain them to victory-they chose you because you're worthy of this ok? So just calm down and use your nerves, stress and anger against them to motivate you and make you unstoppable." Fernando comforted.
Rose took a deep breath in "Ok, I can do this. Thank you for calming me down."
"No problem, Rose, I love you."
"I love you too Nando. bye!" Rose said as she walked out of the house, she put her bag full of what she needed for the competition. She suddenly turned around and stormed back into the house.
"What's wrong? Did you forget something?" Fernando asked worriedly.
"Yeah." Rose answered before kissing Fernando on the lips and then returning to the car. Fernando stood there smiling into the ground, he too had fallen for Rose.

"Hey Rose!" Scarlett shouted sweetly as Rose walked through the doors of the gym. Unfortunately Scarlett was on the same team as Rose. Gymnastics and football was a hobby that they both shared, and was what bought them together.
"Hey!" Rose sarcastically commented as she brushed past Scarlett. "Ok team, follow me to the changing rooms... TTT (Team Talk Time)!" Rose shouted as she lead her team to the changing rooms. "Who here's nervous? Because I sure as hell am. But then I realized that nerves are a good thing... It means that you have passion. And a famous quote of nerves is nerves are a lot like people - they grow bigger if you nurse them. Don't allow your fears to get the best of you - otherwise you're giving into to it. You need to face it, put a name on your fear and conquer it. This team that we're facing is very talented. They have beaten us in the last 5 meets, but today they're facing a different team, a team that have a structure of a boomerang, the harder out the harder back around. So don't hide behind the routine, allow your passion and determination to get one over our bitter rival shine through! We can do this, so long as we have each other." Rose encouraged as she led the team out of the changing rooms. She looked around the stands and found Fernando sitting down, with Juan (who had grown very close with Fernando and Rose) sitting next to him. Rose continued to look around the stands as her eyes met with another man's. "Connor" She bitterly said. Rose stormed towards Connor. "What do you think that you're doing here. You can't follow me everywhere. You weren't invited so please leave." Rose warned.
"Actually he's my date type thing." Scarlett interrupted as she grabbed Connor's arm, stopping him from leaving. "I invited him."
"Of course you did." Rose replied making it obvious that the smile she sent towards them was fake, before walking off to the rest of the team.

Rose was the last person to go on vault. She needed a score of 15.3 to give her team the lead, which she was very much capable of. She raised her arms in the air signalling she was ready to go. She ran up to the horse with the eyes of everyone in the room intently watching her. Rose did a 2½ twisting Yurchenko (Round-off, back handspring entry; two and a half twisting layout.) This had a difficulty of 6.500. She had the instincts of a cat. Her feet landed on the ground as she nailed the landing. A smile crept over her face as she had just nailed the hardest vault anyone had done today. The score came up on the score board and Rose had a execration of 9.675, which was incredibly good, higher than most Olympians get! her total score was 16.175. And sure enough Rose moved to the top of the score board clear of any one by a whole point!

By the end of the day Rose had gotten 3 first places in vault, beam and floor and a second place in bars. But even better was the fact that Rose's team had thrived and beaten their rivals 144.65-103.775. The opposition weren't too bad at vault, however as soon as Rose's team took the lead the opposition made stupid errors like flexed feet, sloppy landings... Things that the judges could pick away at! "We did it!!!" rose's team mate Dianna screamed as she hugged Rose tightly.
"I know!" Rose excitedly replied.
"You know the team's going to celebrate the victory tonight at the bar, do you wanna come?"
"Yeah, you could bring Fernando and Juan!!" Scarlett excitedly interrupted.
"You know you need to stop interrupting people Scarlett!" Rose shouted.
"Um, I'm going to leave you two... I might see you later Rose." Dianna mentioned walking towards her boyfriend.
"That's not what I wanted to say, what I wanted to say is that I'm really happy that you got over this thing that happened between Connor and I and that you've forgiven me; It was really good of you." Scarlett thanked.
"What makes you think that I've forgiven you?" Rose asked.
"Well you were being friendly to me earlier so I assumed that we were friends again..."
"I was being friendly because I don't want to fight in front the team. I took the higher road because I wouldn't let your petty fling with Connor effect my performance. You were supposed to be my best friend Scarlett, but now I honestly don't care if you drop dead." Rose sternly stated as she turned to walk off.
"Wait," Scarlett started as she grabbed Rose's arm, "I've always been there for you. When your dad walked out on you. When your mum turned into your enemy."
"Don't try to use our past as a bargaining." Rose warned.
"You know what, I'm trying, but you keep on pushing me away and being so difficult. You know what? I think that the smartest decision your dad ever made was leaving the mistake he admitted to making... you!" Scarlett maliciously argued.
"How can you say that? You were there with me as I cried over this letter. You knew how much pain that letter and confession put me through. And now, and now you use that as a punch line to a low joke you use to pick away and destroy me. I'm done with you. Burn in hell for I care. Connor's all yours... You can have the lying, cheating and abusive b*stard all to yourself. Next time your hurt find someone who gives a damn about you, because I no longer have anything left in my heart to sympathize with you." Rose bickered before storming off to Fernando.
"Well done out there, you were amazing!" Fernando stated pecking Rose on the lips "You ready to go?"
"Yep, I'm done here." Rose coldly replied glaring at Scarlett who was staring back at her before turning back to Fernando. "Let's go." Rose answered as she walked hand in hand with Fernando to the exit. She turned back to Scarlett who was watching her leave as she let out a smug smile before turning her head back to the doors.
♠ ♠ ♠
Scarlett and Connor are dating, Rose's team won the meet and Rose ends her friendship with Scarlett.