Status: It is now completed :)


The secrets begin to unfold

the next thing that I saw was the inside of a car and a familiar face. "Fernando? What am I doing in your car? Where are we going?" Rose asked unaware of what was going on.
"You were attacked by a guy. You look really pale and sick so we're going to the hospital." Fernando replied.
"How did you know where I was?" Rose asked.
"After a while you still hadn't returned so I went out looking for you, and saw you with that guy being attacked. The words he said... The words that you said!" Fernando answered in a shocked kind of voice.
"What did I say?" Rose pondered genuinely intrigued.
"I don't want to be beaten up again Connor" Fernando repeated. "what does Connor do to you?"
"I'm tired. My head feels like I just walked into a wall, never mind the fact that my stomach will not keep crying out to me in pain. I really don't feel like talking maybe later Scarlett." Rose replied un-aware that she was talking to Fernando.
"No, it's Fernando" Fernando pointed out giggling a bit.
"Fernando is amazing; he could never hurt me. I trust him with my life!" Rose answered. Rose fell asleep for the rest of the journey. Fernando kept looking over his shoulder and at Rose for the journey.
When they arrived at the hospital and Rose had been admitted with a doctor Fernando called Scarlett to let her know that Rose was at the hospital; Scarlett asked for him to call when Rose was stable. He also called Olalla to let her know where he would be for the rest of the night. He purposefully didn't call Connor because he didn't trust Connor.

A few hours later the doctor turned into the waiting room and came up to Fernando. "Are you a friend of miss Wood?" The doctor began.
"Yes; how is she?" Fernando eagerly inquired.
"She's stable and can have visitors. However Miss Wood's drink had been drugged so we had to pump her stomach- so that might be a bit uncomfortable for her." The Doctor informed Fernando.
"That thug. I can't believe that people are capable of doing that!" Fernando uttered.
"Ah yes- also about your statement. You said that she was slapped once and punched once... Is that correct?" The Doctor urged.
"Yes; that's what happened." Fernando confidently stated.
"Well we saw quite a few bruises and scars around her body that looked quite old, which gives us the feeling that this isn't the first attack that Miss Wood has had..." The Doctor muttered under his breath to Fernando.
"You said that I can see her?"
"Yes sure, she's in the second room on the right." The Doctor told Fernando who began to make his way to Rose's room. When he walked in he could see that Rose was in pain. Rose didn't have to say a word - Fernando could see it in her eyes.
"Rose" Fernando murmured.
"Yes?" Rose quietly replied.
"Thank God you're ok" Fernando whispered to himself so that Rose couldn't hear, he then spoke up to ensure that Rose could hear what he had next to say. "Rose last night you said 'don't beat me up again Connor.' What does that mean?"
"Nothing... I...I can't tell you." Rose replied trying hard to avoid eye contact with Fernando.
"You can be honest with me." Fernando said in a soothing tone.
"why? you don't want to tell me that you and Olalla don't love each other anymore!" Rose blurted out.
"What? Who told you that?" Fernando asked; his tone was now slightly sharper.
"No-one had to. At the party the two of you looked so uninterested in each other."
"You want to know the truth?" Fernando began. He took a deep breath before he unveiled a secret that he hadn't told anyone before, "Olalla cheated on me."
"What? I mean I can usually figure out a person through their looks and body language, it's one of my talents; but I didn't read Olalla as a cheater!" Rose said offering Fernando a sympathizing look.
"Yeah, me neither until i borrowed her phone to look for a contact and I saw a man's number with a heart next to it. Not even my name had a heart on it. And on the picture it had Olalla and him kissing..."Fernando teared up.
"why didn't you break up with her?"Rose softly questioned.
"I loved her. I couldn't let her go. Is that crazy?" Fernando asked. Rose took a deep breath as she knew that Fernando had just told her a very person secret and that she had to finally tell someone about what she was doing. Rose didn't want to; but her heart gave into the looks of vulnerability that Fernando was sending her way.
"It's human; I mean you're looking at someone who gets beaten up by her own boyfriend!" Rose replied refusing to look at Fernando.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Olalla cheated on Fernando and Connor beats up Rose! How will Fernando react? Is this the end of Fernando's relationship with Olalla? Is this the end of Rose's relationship with Connor?