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Even If She Falls


“I wonder what’s taking them so long.”

“I just got a text from Brooke; said that they had stopped off to get something to eat. They’re about an hour behind us.”

“Well, since they’re a ways away. I’ll go gather the boys to help you move everything.”

“Oh Billy, you really don’t have to. That’s what I have two kids for.”

“You all drove a long way, relax and let my boys help out. They won’t mind. Charlie, give me a lift to the reservation, will ya?”

Charlie laughed, “Sure thing chief. Nice seeing you again, Tom, Carol.” Charlie gave them a nod, and helped Billy into his cruiser.

It didn’t take long for Billy and Charlie to round up the boys and bring them back to Forks. When they arrived back at the house, Tom and Carol were still unpacking the U-Haul they drove to Forks.

“Welcome back” Tom said as he saw Billy and Charlie get out of the cruiser. A few more cars followed behind them, and 6 large men came out from the cars. Billy introduced the boys; Sam, Paul, Jared, Embry, Quil, and lastly his son Jacob.

Carols phone began to ring, “Hello? Hey honey, you almost here? Is your brother still behind you? Okay, drive safe. I’ll see you when you get here.”

“Alright, Brooke and Michael are almost here. Keep watch for a jeep and another U-Haul,” Carol alerted.
“Charlie,” Tom said “You have a daughter, don’t you?”

“Yeah-yeah, Bella. She lives with me, over at the boyfriends right now. How old is your daughter? I know Bella needs girlfriends, she’s with her damn boyfriend all the time.”

“Brooke just turned 22 last month. She hates the fact that she is having to move back in with us,” Tom said with a laugh.

“Oh yeah? She been out of the house for a while?”

“About two years” Carol said. “She just recently broke up with her boyfriend, who she was living with. And we convinced her to move out here with us. Granted she is determined to find a job and move out as soon as possible.”

“What kind of work is she looking for?” Billy asked.

“Well, I know she called the hospital up here to see if they had the position she wanted, but I don’t think they had any positions open. Anyways she’s a Radiation Therapist, and this is a small town so she might have to look elsewhere.”

“Bella’s boyfriends’ father is the head medical doctor down at Forks Hospital, I can tell him to put in a good word for her,” Charlie said.

“That would be wonderful! I know she would appreciate that.”

“Hey, I think I see them coming,” one of the boys said.

Sure enough you could see a white Jeep Compass come over the hill followed by a U-Haul. The jeep pulled into the drive way and came to a stop. And out tumbled the most beautiful creature Jacob Black had seen in his entire life.
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New Story. Hope you like :)