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Even If She Falls


I felt like I had been driving for an eternity. Everything ached. I couldn’t tell you how many times the dog threw up in the back of my jeep. My brand spanking new jeep, the one that I worked very, very damn hard to get. Good thing I put down blankets.

So I drove for an eternity, with the smell of vomit all the way to friggin’ Forks, Washington. Why the hell would my parents want to move all the way out here? Granted, I am very thankful that they are allowing me to move with them, but still, we go from beautiful Florida, to a town whose forecast is the same every damn day; Cloudy with a chance of rain.

The house finally came into view, and I couldn’t be any more ecstatic to get out of this stupid jeep. There were quite a few people outside the house. I wondered if my parents had rallied the whole town to help us get everything into the house. Which would be wonderful, because I don’t plan on helping with any of it; I just want to get out of this damn car and fall on the ground.

I parked the car, and literally fell to the ground from stiff leg syndrome.

I heard my dad start to laugh.

“Thanks for the help dad, I really appreciate it,” I said in the most sarcastic tone I could whip up.

Finally deciding to be helpful, dad walked over and helped my limp body off the cold ground. I muttered thanks, and attempted to wipe any dirt off of the shorts I was wearing.

My brother parked the U-Haul alongside the curb in front of the house.

“Hey Mike! Get on over here, I want to introduce you and your sister to a few friends of ours,” Dad yelled to my brother.

When Michael finally joined us, dad stared, “Brooke, Michael, these are my old friends Charlie Swan, and Billy Black.”

“Who you callin’ old,” Charlie scoffed. “Good to meet you. Ya know, I’ve got a daughter around your age, I was hoping you could meet her today, but she ran off doing god knows what.”

I smiled, “Guess I’ll just have to catch her another time.”

“There are a few more people I’d like you to meet Miss Brooke,” I heard Billy say. I turned to him and smiled as he introduced the very tall handsome men that were standing in my lawn.

“Alright, this would be Sam, Paul, Jared, Quil, Embry, and lastly my son, Jacob.” I gave them all a wave, but when he got to Jacob, all I could do was pull my bottom lip between my teeth and blush. He was drop dead gorgeous. Seriously, I had never seen another man look this impeccable, ever.

The group looked back and forth between the both of us, some grinning, and the rest with shocked expressions. I heard someone cough. I guess it was getting somewhat awkward.

“It’s nice meeting everyone,” I managed to spew out.

Billy spoke up, “Well all those boxes aren’t going to move themselves. Get to it boys.”

They obeyed and started to bring the boxes into the house, one by one. As for me I was in charge of getting all the pets out of my jeep. Two cats, two dogs, and another addition that my parents didn’t know about yet. I grabbed the two cat carriers and headed up to what would be my room.

Walking into the house I bumped into Jacob. I looked up and started staring, again… He said something to me, but it didn’t register, I was too focused on how beautiful his eyes were, and how chiseled his face was.

“Do you need any help?” He said again with a chuckle. Finally my brain decided to process what he was saying. I blushed.

“I think I got it,” I said with a nervous laugh.

“Cats huh?”

“Don’t like cats?”

“Think I’m more of a dog person,” He said with another brain melting smile.

“Here,” I said thrusting a carrier into his arms, “You can help me with that one.”

As he followed me up the stairs, I could almost feel his eyes checking me out; Score.

I turned around, “Enjoying the view?” I laughed.

He looked down, embarrassed with a blush across his cheeks.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” He looked up at me and winked. I shook my head and made my way to the top of the stairs.

I shut the door behind Jacob, and let the cats out of their carriers.

“What are their names?”

“The little girl’s name is Milly, and the other is Vader.”


“As in Darth Vader… Don’t judge, Star Wars is amazing.”

Jacob laughed, “No judgment, I think it’s a pretty awesome name.”

I pursed my lips, “Good you didn’t have a choice to think otherwise.”

I heard my melted at the sound of his laugh and at the sight of his smile. Every time I look into his smile I can’t help but bite my lip and blush. I wasn’t ugly, but I didn’t think I was even attractive enough to be in his presence. I heard my mother yell my name up the stairs, breaking me from my train of thought.

“I better go see what she wants.” I turned away from Jacob, I could still feel his stare on my back. He followed me back down the stairs, and I came face to face with an angry mother.
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