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Even If She Falls


“Yeah mom? What is it?” I asked.

“Let us take a walk.” I followed her out the door, down the steps, and we made a B line to my jeep. Shit. I knew just what she was angry about. She found out what I was hiding.

“Look what I found in the back of your jeep,” she said with a not-so-amused expression.

“Mom I couldn’t just leave him!”

“Brooke, honestly? We don’t need any more animals in this house!”

“I found him on the side of the road; he must have gotten separated from his mother.” I said looking at the wolf pup that was wagging his tail as I scratched his head.

“Brooke, he’s a wild animal, he’s dangerous,” Mom said, trying to change my mind about keeping him.

“He’s just a puppy, he’ll be fine!”

“What about our other dogs?” She countered. “What happens when he grows up, and decides to attack one of them?”

“Mom he’s not going to! They got along just fine on the way here.”

“I don’t mind taking him to my house,” Jacob interrupted. “I live out in the woods, so there’s lots of room for him to run around, plus it’ll be like he never left the wild.”

“I don’t want to have to dump him on you Jacob. I was the one who found him, he’s my responsibility.” I was surprised by Jacobs’ generosity, and I knew that the pup needed to roam around and be in his natural element.

“Really, it isn’t a problem Brooke. Since he is your responsibility, you’re just going to have to come down to the reservation and help me take care of him.”

My mother nodded, I guess she liked the idea. Plus it wouldn’t hurt seeing Jacob every day, I mean the wolf puppy. Jacob would just be a plus.

“Jacob, I don’t know how I could ever thank you.”

“Well, first you can start by calling me Jake. Second, how about tomorrow you come down to First beach and hang out with me and the guys,” Jacob, excuse me Jake, said with a smile a mile wide.

I laughed, “Alright Jake, I think you got yourself a deal.” I extended my hand out, and we shook on it. When our hands touched, it felt like a wave of electricity was shot throughout my body. I could feel how immensely warm and large his hands were, it was actually quite comforting.

“So, does the little guy have a name?” Jake asked me.

“Well I was thinking about that on the drive over, and I came up with the name Kota,” I told him looking at the puppy that was rolling around in the grass in front of us.

“Hm. Why Kota?” He asked.

I huffed, and gave him an annoyed look. “Why must you question my naming skills?” “I chose the name Kota, because it kind of sounds like some sort of Indian warrior name, or something.”
Jake looked at me with an amused expression.

“Oh shut up, it’s cute, and it fits him,” I told him with a pout.

“Whatever you say Brooke,” he laughed at me. I still had a pout on my face, until I looked at him. Then I couldn’t help the smile the broke out across my face.

“I guess I better get back to helping. And you may continue to do nothing.” He told me, swiping a gentle fist against my chin.

I shoved his hand away, “Hey I was supervising, making sure you or your ‘boys’ didn’t break anything.”

He smiled and shook his head as he made his way back to the truck. I grabbed a hold of Kota and hoisted him up into my arms. This little guy was heavy! I put Kota in the back lawn with my parents other two dogs, and closed the gate behind me. I made my way back into the house from the back door, and up into my bedroom.

I checked all the boxes that were stacked in the room; it seemed that only a few had yet to be brought up here. All my bedroom furniture was in here, placed in various place. I threw my long unruly blonde hair into a messy bun. Looks like it was time for me to actually do something.

I had been in my room pushing furniture around for about a good twenty minutes before I heard a knock on my open door. None other than Jacob Black was leaning on my door frame watching me. I blushed. Did he really need to be that attractive all the time? The way he was looking at me was intense. Like so intense, I wanted to melt into a puddle and drown myself. It wasn’t a bad feeling, but it was a feeling I shouldn’t feel when I had just met someone.

“So uhh… How long have you been standing there?” I asked as I scratched the back of my neck nervously.
“Not long don’t worry. Just long enough to watch you push your dresser in seven different spots.” He laughed at me, again.

“You know, I’m really not that funny.” I pursed my lips.

“And I must say, that you really are Miss Brooke.”

“Uhuh, quit making fun of me and be useful. Help me move this back near the window.”

Jake quit teasing me for a whole five minutes. I just couldn’t decide where I wanted anything.

“You know, we aren’t getting anything accomplished here.” Jake said, like I didn’t already know that.

I huffed, “I guess we’ll just put the bedframe back against that wall, and put the bookcase in that corner near the window.”

Just as Jake and I were finishing moving the furniture, he heard one of the guys call for him, saying that they were finished and going to head home.

“Do you need me to stay and help you unpack?”

I smiled, he was just too damn sweet.

“I think I should be the one asking if you need any favors done. I really don’t know how to thank you Jake.”

“Trust me, it was no trouble at all. Wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.”

“I’m sure there are a million things that you would rather be doing than helping me.”

“I’ll be honest, I really wasn’t planning on coming today. But, dad convinced me to come. Said that there was someone worth meeting. And I’m really glad he did get me to come.”

My face must be bright red at this point. He was honestly perfect.

“I’m glad you came.”

“Guess I’m gonna head down stairs, and grab Kota and get going.”

“I’ll walk you out.”

I followed Jake down the stairs. I wondered how tall he was. He was a few steps below me, and was still maybe an inch taller. Granted I was short, a staggering five foot four. Kota was in the living room lying on the rug in front of the television. Jake made his way over to him and picked up the large pup with ease.

I opened the door for the boys. When Jake walked out, he turned around to let me say goodbye to Kota. I ruffled his fur and smothered him with kisses.

“I’ll see you tomorrow sweet boy.” I told him, he liked my face. “Thank you again Jake.” I gave him a half-hearted smile. Not wanting to separate from the puppy.

“Hey, smile. You can see him all you want tomorrow. And you know, I’ll kind of be there too.” He winked.

I laughed, “I’ll see the both of you tomorrow then.” Jake walked down the steps and got into one of his friends cars. I gave each passing car a wave. I missed my lil’ wolf pup already, and a certain someone.
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