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Even If She Falls


Tomorrow couldn’t have come soon enough. It was quarter til’ noon and I only had 15 minutes to get ready and be there. I was running around trying to get ready and look decent when I heard my phone ringing. And of course I had no clue where that was; I rummaged through everything trying to find it before its last ring. Success!

“Hello?” I said a little out of breath.

“Miss Brooke Hathaway?”

“Yes, this is she.” Who on earth would be calling me?

“Hello Miss Hathaway, I’m Dr. Cullen from Forks Hospital.”

“Oh! Hi Dr. Cullen, is there anything I could do for you?” I know what you could do for me, give me a fucking job!

“Well, I was hoping that you could come down to the hospital for an interview. I understand that you’re looking for a position down here at the hospital.”

“Oh yes, that would be great. What time would you like me to stop by?”

“How does twelve o’ clock sound, right before my lunch break?” I turned and looked at the clock, I had eleven minutes to get there. Fuck.

“Twelve sounds great Mr. Cullen. See you soon.” With that, I ran around my room like a bat out of hell, trying to look as professional as I could in five minutes.

When I arrived at the front desk in the hospital, I looked at the clock and noticed that I was a minute late. Great… I had the receptionist upfront page the doctor. No more than five minutes later, I noticed a tall pale man, with bright blonde hair and honey colored eyes make his way over to me.

I stood up, “Doctor Cullen?”

He extended a hand, “And I presume the lovely Miss Hathaway.” I shook his hand it was like ice. I tried to hide the shiver that was currently running down my spine, and not the kind that totally turn me on. No this type of shiver was eerie, and left an unsettling feeling in my stomach. I tried to ignore it. I followed the Doctor down to his office, and he gestured me to take a seat. I sat, and crossed one leg over the other.

“Miss Hathaway, I’ve heard a lot of great things about you from Chief Swan. As I do recall him saying that you had talked to another Doctor about obtaining a job here?”

“Yes sir, I talked to Doctor Brown, but she said that staff was tight, and couldn’t really use someone in my field of expertise.”

Doctor Cullen smile, creepily might I add. “From what I know is that you attended the University of Florida for four years and got your Bachelor’s Degree in Radiation Therapy. How long did you work in the field after that?”

“Well after my second year into my major, I received an internship from the campus’ on site hospital. After my internship had ended, they offered me a part-time job. Then when I graduated, they wanted to put me full time, which I had to deny because I was moving here.”

“I see. How about I offer you a part time job? You won’t just be doing Radiation Therapy, but other tasks that may be needed throughout the Hospital. And if that goes well, we’ll talk about full time.”

“Thank you so much Doctor Cullen!” I was super excited to start my new job. Finally! Now I might actually find somewhere to live that wasn’t in my parents’ house.

“Not a problem Miss Hathaway. You start next Monday, which gives you about a week. Welcome to Forks, and please call me Carlisle.”

I thanked him again. When I got back inside my jeep I did a quick wardrobe change, hoping that no one would see, and headed straight to the beach. So I was only about an hour and a half late. I didn’t even know if they would still be there or not. Luck seemed to be on my side today, when I saw a group of very large shirtless boys playing football on the beach. I parked my car, and made my way down to where the boys were.

“Look who finally decided to show up!” I heard one of the boys yell towards me.

“Better late than never!”

As I got closer to the group, their facial expressions changed, they changed from all happy go-lucky to smelling like something rancid washed up on shore. I stopped.

“You guys alright?” I asked. Jake walked over to me, and put a hot hand on my shoulder. He seemed angry.

He looked into my eyes; he seemed to calm down a bit. “Where have you been Brooke? Everything okay?” his tone filled with worry.

“Sorry I’m late. I got a call from the Hospital. Doctor Cullen asked for an interview. So I went down there, and he offered me a job.” I said quietly.

Jake seemed to tense again, “He didn’t touch you did he?”

“He shook my hand. I don’t know why you’re freaking out.”

“He and I don’t really see eye to eye,” Jake said with tight lips. “Just, try to avoid him. Please.”

“Jake, he’s my boss. I can’t really do that.” Jakes grip on my shoulder tightened, and was really starting to hurt. I winced. One of Jakes friends came over and put a hand on his shoulder, I think it was Embry.

“C’mon Jake, loosen up. She’ll be fine.” Jake looked at Embry like he was about to kill him. I really didn’t get what the big deal was.

“Jake,” he looked back over at me, “I will try not to associate with him unless deemed necessary. Alright?”

He just kept looking at me, until he let out a large breath, which made me think he was holding it in for quite a while, and ran one of his large hands over his face.

“Just promise, if you notice anything funny going on, that you’ll tell me?”

I gave a slight chuckle, “I promise. Now can we quit being all weird and play some football?”

Jake smiled, “Yes, but first…” Jake grabbed me around the waist and I let out a very loud squeal.

“Don’t you dare Jacob Black!” I yelled. He didn’t seem to care. No matter how much I fought against his large frame, the ocean just kept getting closer and closer, until it finally engulfed my body.

“What the hell was that for?” I screamed as I breached the top of the water.

“To get rid of the smell!”

Smell? I didn’t smell. Something strange was going on, and you can bet that I’m going to figure out what the hell everyone isn’t telling me.