A Change

Introduction. :)

We were best friends in High School, and even dated our Junior and Senior year. But something in him changed. A few weeks before graduation, he dumped me, saying I wasn’t pretty enough for him to date.

After we graduated, and went our way, I changed my look a little. In high school, I had glasses, long hair, and didn’t like my clothes. Now, I have shorter hair, but not too short, I don’t have glasses anymore, and I have my own style, picking out for what I’d wear either the next day, or the whole week, maybe even a month, and colored my hair a little, as well.

Now, 5 years later, faith wanted to repay me for the years before, and somehow made me bump into him. When our eyes met, he smiled, and said “Wow.” Who is the “he” that I’m talking about? Kendall Schmidt. My ex boyfriend, who dumped me, saying that I wasn’t pretty enough.

Well, let me rewind back to 5 years ago, to a few weeks before he dumped me.

**5 Years Ago**

It was 4th period, our last class for the day, before our three day weekend for Memorial Day. Kendall and I made plans to go out tomorrow night, but the way he was looking at another girl, smiling and biting his lip making me want to puke, made me think he had other plans.

I ignored him, and paied attention to the teacher, hoping Kendall wouldn’t see a tear a fall down my cheek. Good thing he didn’t. Or he would’ve asked me what’s wrong, and I would’ve told him, nothing. But he wouldn’t believe it, so he’d keep asking, and I’d keep giving him the same answer as before.

When the bell rang, I gathered my stuff quickly, and ran straight to my car, not bothering to talk to Kendall afterwards, and went home.

But as I was pulling up to my house, and getting out of my car, I spot a familiar car come down the street and park in the same driveway and walk up to me. “Ashley.”

"What?" I snapped. He took a good look at me, before capturing my lips with his, catching me totally off guard. "I love you. I really hope you know that, Ash." I roll my eyes and continue inside my house, hearing his footsteps follow behind me.

I put my stuff down on the kitchen counter, and get a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and walk up to my room. And sure enough, he was 10 seconds behind me, following my every move. I got to my room, and it looked like he wanted to go in with me, but I wouldn’t let him. “Stay out of my room please.” I shut my door behind me, laying on my bed, watching TV, and getting my laptop getting on twitter.

Scrolling through Twitter, I see a tweet that Kendall had mentioned me in, saying,

@HeffronDrive “I love you @Ash_Dizzzzle. So much, that you don’t even realize it. I can’t stand seeing you like this. Please come downstairs so we can talk. =|”

I sigh, and obey, going downstairs to my boyfriend, hoping he’d take the easy way of talking this through.

He does, but the second I’m in front of him, he kisses me, attacking my lips, biting down hard. Of course I kissed back. I do love him, but not as much as he loves me. I pulled away, pushing his chest away from me, and walk to the kitchen. “What’s wrong with you? I just wanted to apologize for what happened in fourth period. I’m sorry, okay. It should’ve never happened.”

As I’m walking out of the kitchen, he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me to him, so my back was against his stomach, whispering in my ear “I love you.” Then turns me around, and captures my lips for a sweet kiss. He proceeds to kiss me, walking me backwards til my back hits the kitchen counter, and I smile through the kiss.

"So we’re still on for tomorrow night?" "I would never cancel a date on you Ashley, you know that." I smile, letting him know that he was forgiven. "I love you Kendall." He smiled back and said, "I love you too Ash." before going in for another kiss