Talk With a Thestral

Draco and Luna

Draco was wandering the forest, like he often did when he felt extremely stressed, when he found a dirty blonde girl with no shoes alone in the forest. Draco hid behind a tree and watched as she took a hunk if raw meat out of her satchel and threw it a little ways away from her. A skeleton thin, black, winged creature came out from hiding and slowly approached it. She pet its snout gently and started talking to it. Her voice, like her eyes he noticed, had a dreamy quality. She said, "Those nargles are really getting out of hand lately. I can't find my shoes or my socks now. I really should tell Hagrid. He'd know what to do. Have I told you how wonderful it is to have friends? Of course, they still think I'm strange but they have been very polite about it, which is nice of them." She continued to blabber on about her friends and strangely, her voice soothed him. He sat with his back against the tree, just listening to her talk. Later, when he went back to the castle, he felt almost...hopeful.