Status: one-shot complete

The Sunshine Rainbow Glory

One of One

I was only fifteen when the British took me from London to America.

Two years later…I have escaped from the British. I’ve been fightin’ for Mr. Washington for the past nine months now. Its December year of 1777. Mr. Washington has just moved us all to his winter camp in Philadelphia at Valley Forge. We stay only eighteen miles from British camp. Everyone’s been worried about how close we are to them, but I’m not afraid. There are some men though who don’t worry either they only talk about one thing, “Should we stay at Valley Forge?” I’ve been thinking about it to, since my time is finished and all, but I’ve come to realize it’s probably best if I just stay here. I mean Washington and some of the other leaders are very nice and I can’t leave with all of these men dying and leaving, plus other men are staying to so why shouldn’t I?

All of my friends are staying here, why should I be the gent who left? Dr. Waldo, the surgeon at the camp, always talks about the nasty food, clothes and diseases, but he stays here at Valley Forge. Other men complain about the smokey rooms and cold weather. Recently small pox has made its way to Valley Forge. Most men already have it, and the others are doomed to get it soon. Dr. Waldo is testing some theories to help prevent more men from getting it. There are a ton of soldiers staying though, even with the horrid conditions. After all these soldier’s hard, troubling times they still stay here with their loyal mates.

But my friends aren’t the only reason why I want to stay. Another is for the friendly leaders. For an example, the other day the Congressional Committee came by here. Mr. Washington introduced them to us and they made an effort to look like they cared. Even though they probably would have rather been in their cozy homes, they still came. Mr. Washington is just like all of us. He is very, very different from the British Generals. Mr. Washington doesn’t beat us if we get something wrong. No, Mr. Washington is very much respected ‘round here.

With many soldiers dying I can’t leave now. The more men that die and leave, the less there are to fight. If nobody fights with the Americans then they’ll lose for sure and Britain will take over everyone here in America. I’ll be hung for sure if Britain wins, along with many others. Personally I think that it would be better if I died at Valley Forge or fighting than being hung full of shame and regret. It’s a man’s job to protect his family, friends, neighbors and country to be. Especially when their all in need.

Today is my last day for my final decision. “Should I stay?” That’s the question. Well my answer is simple, yes. Yes I am staying here in Valley Forge; Washington’s winter camp, here in Philadelphia. I got me many reasons to stay. I’ve also got many reasons to leave, but I don’t really want to worry about the negatives. Friendly leaders, loyal soldiers, love for my new home, America. There isn’t much more to say than that. That’s why I’m staying here at Valley Forge.
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I wrote this about 2 years ago for a History project. I can't remember the grade I got on it but I've always really liked it.