Thoughts on Mother


Daryl laid on the cold wet ground next to his dead brother as tears flowed from his eyes. His whole life was a fucked up mess before and after the walkers. Everyone he ever knew was died. His alcoholic abusive mother die when he was only a child. Her ass burned in a house fire which she cause by lighting up in bed. Daryl really couldn’t care at that time. He still had his brother Merle and abusive dad but his father didn’t give a flying fuck about him. No, he didn’t even notice Daryl was missing for nine days. Soon his ass died too. That only left Merle, the family Daryl truly had left. Merle wasn’t always there for Daryl. He was more there than any of his other family.
As Daryl’s eyes landed on Merle, he realize he didn’t have a soul. At this very moment, he wanted any of his family back no matter who or what they done. Hell the group was like a family but Daryl felt like black sheep. He really didn’t belong with them. They were all honest people while Daryl was some back woods redneck. Daryl tried to slow his breathing to calm his self. Daryl knew he had to live. He had to kill every last motherfuckin walker. He had to kill the Governor. Daryl need to live on, to keep his name going. To let the family name survive. With one kiss to Merle cheek, Daryl rose to his feet. The kiss was a final goodbye to his family. Daryl swiped away the tears grabbing his crossbow from the ground. Daryl only train of thought was he had some ass kicking too do.