Status: hope you enjoy it, or that it at least means something to have written it

A Man Falls

Waking up

I woke up to my alarm, blaring some medley of pseudo-rock songs which had come pre-programmed into my phone. The same nameless riffs, solo's and rhythms which had come to define my mornings over the past year. And though they're nothing spectacular in their composition, they had begun to imbue themselves with the familiarity that time granted them. I roll over, and see the red, segmented lines on my clock, advising me, warning me that it was 6:50 in the morning, and like clockwork I hit the snooze button on my phone, not so much to get the extra 10 minutes of sleep it would grant me, but rather for the time to lay and reflect on the world I had created last night in my dreams. These dreams of grandeur, and infinity, laid so simply in front of me that the meaning of it all got lost throughout the night.
That particular night I had dreamt of a graveyard, one full of people I had once known, running away, away from me, taking cover behind stones scrawled with names born of my subconscious, of those who had never, and could never truly exist outside of this world. But as my old friends ran, I was left. I sat behind a wrought iron fence, left to watch as the phantoms of my past ran from me, taking their own solace above the bodies of men, women, and children whom had once been the familiars of others lost in the plains of my subconscious, those without names, who existed for a night, and then were no more.
As I lay there, contemplating the meaning this held for me, the second alarm went off, the heavy progressions, loud and fast, created for the soul purpose of making the act of waking up just slightly more bearable for the people who heard the melody. I don't need to look at the clock at this point, it is 7:00, and the day has started.
With the promise of comfortable living in my head I begin my day. I step to the floor, made of faux hardwood, laminate with a pattern, covering the always present layer of cold concrete, and begin the preparations for another day of the soul corroding days which will invariably lead to what will be an uneventful, meaningless conclusion to everything I am, ever was, or will ever be. Nothing.
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This is the first chapter of what will end up being a short story, about what I think life means, or rather what it means to me. The dream mentioned is a complete transcription of a dream I have had, when I first moved away from my home town, only a few years ago. But it has obviously stuck with me, and I thought this an effective way to get it down in a physical way. I'm going to begin working on the second chapter soon, I had already written this section, a month or so ago, and have started the second section, which will be released to you soon.