You've Got Time



My legs were on fire and all I could think of was recess in Elementary school. Before we could play whatever we wanted to we all had to run so many laps around the track and one day a week or if we were particularly disruptive that day we had to run or walk the whole time. I always made myself run as fast as I could. My legs would cramp up and my chest would start to hurt and the feeling replicated itself in me for the first time in fifteen years. The familiarity was nice. I guess it's good I had done that then so I could be used to pushing myself now. I thought back to the few hours I made it to the gym a month and the running I did on the track, still pushing myself, but not nearly with enough frequency for all this.

I scoffed at myself. It would be nice if my lungs were on fire for fun rather than to survive. "Fuck!" I threw my body to the ground and reached out for anything to grab onto as I headed towards the edge of the hill. I dragged my hands and knife through the dirt to no avail. Dirt built up underneath my fingernails, but I resigned myself to the fall and the idea that I might not survive it just as I went over the edge.

"Oh shit!"


I screamed as something pierced into my left arm. I didn't get to focus on that pain very long.

The ground came more quickly than I expected. I sat up immediately, spitting the creek water from my mouth. I rolled to my back and groaned, trying to sit up. I have to get up, I know I heard voices. I wasn't able to get far before a sharp pain brought itself to my attention. My knife was plunged in my thigh directly beneath my hip.

"Are you alright?"

Shocked, I jumped up despite the knife. I guess the people were much closer than I thought. Without giving it a second thought I ripped the knife from my flesh and wiped it on my pants legs, slowly and deliberately until each side was spotless. I looked up to see three men staring at me with wide eyes. We each were trying to size up the situation. Escape routes were running through my head as I tried to figure out if these were good guys or not... The rocks behind me meant I could lean on them but I don't know how fast I'll be moving with my leg bleeding so much

"My name is Rick Grimes... We have no ill intent, just in the woods hunting." He stepped forward and extended his hand.

"I'm fine thank you. I'll just be on my way."

The man standing behind Rick with a crossbow scoffed. "You've got an arrow in your shoulder and you just pulled your knife from your leg. You aren't gonna get too far before one or the other bleeds out or gets infected girl."

I glared at him while he just smirked at my attitude. "I think I'll be just fine, just like I have been. Thanks for your concern."

"That's Daryl Dixon and Shane Walsh. We have a camp with other people. Women, a child... Please come back with us and at least get those wounds cleaned up. Dary's right, they'll get infected."

My leg was throbbing and for the first time I noticed the arrow poking through my arm. It made me anxious to see it piercing through my skin like that and I'm sure they noticed my breathing pick up. I closed my eyes tight for a second, giving myself a second to relax and get my wits about me.

"Hey, you alright? Are you bout to pass out girl?"

"No, I'm alright."

"Listen I can't leave you out here in good conscious. Let us help you," Rick implored me.

"It would be in your best interest lady," Shane added.

"Shit, move!" Before I could really understand what was going on Crossbow was in front of me and dragging me roughly back. I stumbled into his chest and he threw me behind him all of a sudden and pulled his crossbow to the front. He put the arrow straight through the walker's head.


I shook my head. "Asshole. Do you want me to take that out? Sorry I shot ya, just figured you were one of them."

She shrugged. "Understandable." Just like that she had shrugged off the fact that I had shot her before the arrow was ever out of her arm. "Will it hurt?"

"Yes. But we need to do it."

"Alright," she nodded. "You take it out."

Our eyes met and I knew she meant me. I nodded and took hold of the end of the bolt. "Don't scream."

Rick came forward and stuck his hand out. We both looked at him appreciatively. Once she had ahold of Rick's hand I broke the ends off as easily as I could. I sighed and looked into her brown eyes.

"This is gonna hurt."

She nodded. "Go ahead."

Without hesitating I pulled the arrow out as quickly as I could do it and still be careful. Rick poured water from his bottle over her arm and then we tied it up tight. "The one on her leg is probably worse," I muttered honestly. Her pants were soaked.

"We need to tie that one up too..."

"Go ahead and wash it, I'm not shy enough to die over it or anything." I smirked, I almost laughed. She had a good disposition about everything if nothing else. Shane came forward and pulled down her pants. It made me sort of comfortable and I think Rick was thinking along the same lines. As soon as they were down just enough Rick jumped up and began cleaning the wound. I ripped part of my shirt and tied it up.

"This will do until we get back to camp. When we get there we can clean it good and get some antibiotics in you." She looked a little confused at Rick, like she didn't quite understand what we wanted from her.

"We need to get going. What's your name girl?"

She looked at me for a moment then stuck her hand out. "You can help me walk since you shot me."

"I shot your arm!"

"Shot me all the same," she replied dryly. "May."

"What?" all three of us asked, kind of looking at her. I wasn't completely sure or anything, but I don't think it's May. It should be nearin' autumn.

"My name is May."

I took her hand and pulled her up. I supported part of her weight. We walked mostly in silence. About halfway there I was fed up. She was resisting slightly, there was still hesitation in her. Right now she knew she could probably still get away from us. I know I wouldn't go looking for her, it's her loss. We don't know that she'll be useful to the group at all. We're for damn sure useful to her though.

At the same time I could understand why she might be hesitant. I slowed down considerably and let Rick and Shane get a good ways ahead of us.

"Pick up your feet," Shane shouted back.

"I know the way pretty well Shane," I called back. He and Rick went back to talking and I kept my voice level and eyes ahead of me as we walked. "You wanna leave?"

"What?" She was surprised. From my peripheral I could see her looking at me.

"You're pulling on me girl. You're tense and nerves are coming off you."

"I mean how fucking smart is it of me to go off with three men I don't know?"

I nodded. "Not very, you are in good hands though. If anyone was gonna find you, you're lucky it was us. We take in every stray and treat 'em good. You ain't got nothing to worry 'bout there May."

"I've met other groups," she mumbled darkly. I didn't press her any further, understanding what she was saying to me. 'I'll believe it when I see it.'

She was so quiet I didn't notice until she was pulling me to the ground with her that she had passed out. I threw her over my shoulder and quickly caught up with Rick and Shane.

"She alright?"

"She just passed out."

"Tiny as she is I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner," Rick said.

"She seems pretty tough for her size though," Shane said.

"Hell yeah she is! Did you see her just pull that knife out of her leg like it was nothing?"

"That was kind of scary... You don't think she seems like she might be dangerous?"

"She's a buck twenty five soaking wet. I think we have a good chance of eliminating any threats before they're a problem." I rolled my eyes at Shane. We walked in silence the rest of the way and when we got to the edge of the woods I stopped.

"Why don't one of you go ahead and tell the others we got someone with us. I don't want Carol seeing her and thinking we have Sophia."

Shane walked forward to let the rest of the group know. "Good thinking," Rick complimented me. We stood in the woods a few more minutes before walking to meet the rest of the group. Dale immediately had the RV door open and was getting her set up on a bed. Lori and Carol wasted no time in getting us out of there so they could begin disinfecting the wounds with alcohol.


When I came to a little boy was staring at me. My scream made him jump up and scream, fueling our screams. Lori and Rick rushed in, bringing silence with them.

"You scared the shit out of me kid," I groaned, running my hands through my hair and wincing when my arm hurt from raising it too high. I looked at it to see a small row of stitches.

"Sorry. I'm Carl."

"I'm May."

"This is my son. And this is Lori, my wife."

I nodded at her and Rick. I gave him a slight smile. I'm glad he did make me come, even if the wounds wouldn't have gotten infected I'm sore and so tired.

"Do you need anything hun?"

I shook my head. "No thank you. Just some rest." They fervently agreed that I should get rest and left. I rolled around in bed, as much as I could anyway, but never found a position that was comfortable enough for me to get back to sleep.

I began thinking things over again when I realized they took my weapons. I slid off the bed and searched the room, every nook and cranny, but still couldn't find my weapons. Immediately my defenses were up. I pulled my jeans back on and slipped on my boots. I walked out of the room and found no one else in the RV. I snuck out and around the camper. The group was sitting around the fire and I figured I could creep back into the woods. I need my shit back though!

"What the hell are you doin' outta bed girl?"

I rolled my eyes, standing up straight and glaring at Crossbow. "Where are my weapons?"

"We don't let everyone just run around ready to pop off a round."

I glared at Shane. "I never said I would be a permanent resident."

"You've got quite the temper," Crossbow smirked, only loud enough for me to hear. I smirked back.

"I want my shit."

"You come to my tent tonight and I'll get it to you." I raised my brows. His faced flushed. "I don't- You- I wasn't implying you ad to uh.. give me any favors for them. Just meant I'd sneak 'em to ya."

I laughed a real laugh. I guess maybe Daryl is okay. Rick seems to be alright too and Carl... I guess I could just see how it goes here for a few days... Just until I'm healed up.