Status: In the works

Someday is Today

Not Like the Movies

Chapter One: Not Like the Movies


“So,” I said, leaning back in the swivel chair and popping a Dorito in my mouth. “You’re going to see Rob tomorrow?”

Karissa just continued to stare into the recording booth where Ana was singing the new background vocals for our track, but I could see pink stain her cheeks.

“Mhmm.” I commented, grinning.

“What?”Karissa demanded, “I didn’t say yes!”

“You’ve got the look.” I told my best friend. “So, you are then?”

She turned back to the booth, her eyes back on Ana, but she nodded.

I smiled, popping another chip into my mouth. “So our first day back in LA and you’re going straight to see him?” I asked, and she just shrugged. “It’s okay Kar, you can admit it. You like him.”

She sighed, swiveling around to look at me. “Yeah, I do. But you know things never seem to work out timing wise. When we first met, he was already dating someone else.”

I rolled my eyes. Rob’s ex girlfriend had turned out to be super shady, which had come to light and finally ended their relationship for good. But when he and Karissa had first met he was dating her, or in the middle of some of their drama, and hadn’t been free for Karissa to pursue. The relationship had been a disaster, and had caused Rob to kind of go off the deep end when it was over.

“And after that, he was kind of dating everyone.” Karissa continued, making a face. “The last time we saw each other, I kind of put it all on the table. I told him that I liked him and wanted to be with him, but that he kind of needs to get his life together before we can be together.”

“You told him he had to get his shit together.” I corrected.

She grinned, rolling her eyes. “I just told him that I didn’t want to be with someone who was out every night with different girls. I want a relationship, not a hookup. And if he’s out with random girls all the time, then he can’t be with me…”She shook her head.

“But that was like two months ago.” I reminded. “And you guys text each other all the time. I doubt he’s been out trolling for girls but he has time to call you every night to say good night.”

She sort of shrugged, sticking her thumbnail in her mouth, a nervous habit that she’s had since we were in kindergarten. “You never know.”

I kicked her chair. “Quit that. You’re ruining your manicure.” She rolled her eyes at me but took her thumb away from her mouth. “Besides,” I reminded, “We’ve been stalking him on TMZ and twitter and we haven’t seen anything about him out with girls. We haven’t seen much of anything, to be honest. It looks like Rob hasn’t gone out much at all since you’ve been gone, except to the gym.”

“That’s true.” Karissa admitted. “Well, I guess we’ll see tomorrow.” She rubbed her fingers together and I knew she was fighting the urge to put her thumbnail back in her mouth.

“Well keep me updated. I’m doing nothing all day except laying by the pool working on my tan.” I told her, reaching into my chip bag.

“How can you eat those?” She asked, making a grab for the bag, which I held out of her reach. “Do you know how many calories are in there?”

I popped another chip into my mouth, crunching loudly. “I ran 3 miles this morning. I think I deserve it.”

Karissa shook her head, smiling. “Bailey, you are a freak of nature.”

“And you love me.” I reminded.

“God knows why.” She muttered, turning back towards the recording booth, but she winked at me over her shoulder.