Status: Writing

They Don't Know About Us

We'll be doing what we do.

Ryan's POV-

I woke up to the sound of roaring laughter. I removed the blankets and let my feet find the floor. I rubbed my eyes and stood up. I walked towards the laughter, ending up in the kitchen.

The laughter cut when the four boys laid eyes on me.

"Who is this?" A blonde haired boy who spoke fast asked.

"That's Ryan. She's a friend of Harry's." Louis informed.

"Oh, she's Harry's girl?"

"I'm not Harry's anything." I chimed in.

"She's more respectable than That." Liam chucked.

"Um, speaking Harry." I began. "Where is he?"

"Harry is still asleep. He's usually that last one up." A tall dark haired boy laughed.

"Want anything to eat?" Liam asked. "We ordered a bunch for breakfast."

"No, I'm fine... Uh, actually coffee would be nice."

"Easy." Louis proclaimed sliding me a mug.

"Thanks you."

"There is creamers and such in the fridge. Help yourself."

"I'll go see if Harry is up yet." The blonde one said as he exited the kitchen.
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