Status: It's comin' along, I guess.

I'm Complete

Carson Amelia Canter, was adopted at the age of six when her birth parents died in a car accident. Her adoptive parents hated her, as did her two older brothers, all she had was her best friends, Lindsay and Aubrey. Later on in her life, she moved to L.A. to be a character on a hit FOX show, Glee, there she meets some of her best friends, while on the way gets some haters and fans. She, also, met Darren, one person who she has the tiniest crush on.
  1. Moving in!
  2. Metting the Cast!
  3. Fan Hate?
  4. Something's coming!
  5. Frozen Pizza and Cooking Skills
  6. First Dates and Families Pt. 1
  7. First Dates and Families Pt. 2: Three Words
  8. You're Never Really Gone
    It's a little late but I'm making a tribute Cory Monteith. R.I.P. </3
  9. This Is Your Chance...Don't Blow It
    (A/N Just so you know the normal P.O.V. is now going to be Carson's)
  10. Flaming eyes