The Art Of Getting By.


As I jammed the key into the door and opened it wearily, I decided to get some cereal and straight away went into the cupboard and got out the Cheerios, milk, bowl and a spoon.
I sigh as my mother comes in and decides to talk to me. No doubt to moan and bitch at me.
"I got an email from your school"
"Oh Jesus" she's starting already?
"Some kind of academic probation?
Can I help you?
Can I get you... A tutor or a, a private college advisor or..?
If you don't get into a decent school the I don't know how you're going to get a job"
As I pour the milk into the cereal I sigh again, "I have it all under control"
"Honey, if you don't get into a decent college-"
I interrupt her with "I'm gonna go watch TV"
She tries to stop me, can't she see that i just want to relax for a bit?
"NO, you will not watch TV, you will stay here until we can come up with a plan with getting you into college gerard."
I sigh yet again and pace the room a bit before settling with having a mouthful of Cheerios.
"I had a hard day at school, I'm tired and I'm gonna go relax now for half an hour..." She looks at me sadly, no believing but she's never really been very good at getting me to do what she wants so I just walk off to watch TV.