‹ Prequel: Intensity
Status: Woooooo!



I sighed as I lay in the middle of a field. It had been years since I had been to the surface, drowning in a world that I used to consider just a fairy tale. The clouds were slowly floating across the too blue sky, I couldn’t get enough of this. Laying here and watching the shapeless clouds outrun the next. I had been watched and guarded for too long and I was getting sick and tired of it and because of that I ran the first chance that I could. I was an opportunist. I always have been or at least that is what my father had always said about me. Even when I was younger, or at least that’s what he told me. I don’t remember my childhood, or any of my high school years. They told me that I had got into a really bad accident and that I had all my memory, the doctors said that I would regain it with time. But so far it had been years and still I could remember nothing. It didn’t help that my kept me on such a tight leash. But staring up at the clouds I could feel a feathery tingle in my skull, trying to break through my conscious. This place was familiar, so familiar that I couldn’t seem to move away from the spot that I had placed myself at.

“Em!” A deep memorable voice called.

I knew that voice. No matter where I would be at he would know where to find me the only guy that could seem to make me weak at my knees. The only person that I couldn’t seem to get enough, yet hate with every fiber of my being. There was something about him that I couldn’t stand. But it seemed every time that I looked at him only graphic images of our bodies intertwined filled my conscious. Already I could feel them coming, I could already see his shirtless Adonis looking body and his lips and the tattoos that swirled around his biceps.

Willing the images out of my mind I inhaled deeply and sat up looking around the field. I swear there used to be something here. A house or something to that extent, perhaps a mansion. The area was expansive, and in the distance I could see the remains of an extravagant garden, probably all covered in vines, the wood rotting. The urge to go explore it seemed to run rampant through my body. Standing, I wiped the dirt away from my ripped jeans. The breeze whispered through my chest length blonde hair that was in need of a dye job. I had let it go far too long. Taking a lingering step toward the ruins in the distance I knew I wouldn’t get that far. He was behind me, very close behind me.

Dante. His name made you want to sigh. His body made you want to strip amazingly enough. His personality though made you want to take a sledgehammer and bash it repeatedly against his head. It wasn’t like he would die though, not unless you completely decapitated his head. The thought had already crossed my mind countless times. The only thing that saved him was his eyes. His gorgeous, gorgeous eyes. They reminded me of someone, but for the life of me I couldn’t seem to remember. And for some reason I had a feeling that the person that I was thinking of didn’t have as dark of eyes as Dante had. I dreamt that he had lighter, green eyes. Eyes that could take my breath away with just a glance. He was just a dream though, a figment of my imagination. My very over active imagination.

“Emmbla we need to go.”

His voice was closer now. I knew it wouldn’t take him long to see my blonde hair and dingy clothes. My sense of style always seemed to bother him. The way that I tended to dress more human than demon like him. He always wore designer clothes, clothes that humans wouldn’t even be able to comprehend when it came to the price. Suits and armor is what he always wore. And even sometimes he decided that he didn’t need them, sometimes he would just wear his armor bottoms and no top. Showing off all his glowing tattoos. Making my mouth water. Blast his Nymph blood. Always making females drool at his perfection. I couldn’t really say much about his blood though; I had the same blood as him. I was Nymph too. But I tried to hide it, I didn’t do things that made the perfection stand out. I didn’t fix my flaws, I embraced them. For some reason I had a feeling that that was how I was before I lost my memory.

Closing my eyes I could feel him approach me. I could feel his body heat, my body sensitive to his for reasons that were unknown to me.

“Emmbla.” He said his voice tight.

I let a slight smile pull at my lips, he hated being around me even more than I hated being around him. He always had to baby sit me and it was something that we both despised.

“My father promised.” I cooed softly. I could feel his body stiffen. I rarely talked to him, only ever did so if I absolutely had too.

“Well the school isn’t here.” He bit out. He knew what I was talking about. The new school that my father had let me enroll in. It was massive and resembled a castle with the way that it was built. Something about it made me feel strangely at home. I hadn’t been in school for years mostly because of my memory loss or so that’s what my father said. I vaguely remember arguing with him about any of it. And up until recently I hadn’t bothered him about the surface world. I had asked him questions in the past about it but I never voiced the urge to explore it. It was something that frightened him, and I only knew because of how he shot down the idea the moment it passed through my lips.

“I know where the school is Dante.” I whispered, still staring at the distance ruins. There was something just so familiar about the place, but I wasn’t going to bother with asking him pointless questions that would only annoy him. He didn’t like the surface world, he didn’t like humans they were weak compared to him. But he was weak compared to some of the guards that protected him. The High Lords for example. The most powerful. Dante could defeat them if he so wished, but he seemed to be more interested in politics and fashion. Walking through this field to find me was probably ruining his well-polished shoes. And I couldn’t help but let a feeling of pride flow through me. Anything to piss him off.

“Well, you have to meet up with your guard.”

I could hear the annoyance in his voice, but if I opened my mouth to reply there would be more than annoyance in mine. Having to have a guard in the world full of humans who would be crushed with my hand was annoying. I could very well take care of myself; I wasn’t a damsel in distress. God forsake those types of people. I hated those types of people; ultimately those were the type of girls that Dante always went for. The girls that couldn’t handle themselves. Pathetic, unadventurous, boring girls.

Nodding my head I turned away from the ruins and walked toward where I knew his car was waiting. Not bothering to wait for him, but I knew that he was following close behind. He wanted nothing more than to drop me off to the next available person; he most likely had a date with yet another pathetic creature.
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It's finally up! :D
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