Beauty and the Bastard

I want pizza!

I groaned loudly as my alarm blared early Tuesday morning. I shut the alarm before easing myself out of bed carefully, trying not to awake the man sleeping. I creep into bathroom and turn on the shower. I step under the hot water and sigh as it splashed onto my aching body.

Me and Merle had our talk Thursday. He spent weekend and Monday at my house, leaving once or twice to check if Daryl was still alive. Of course me and Merle had plenty of sex but we did talk about each other and our lives. It was weird that Merle started that convocation but it was refreshing to talk instead of having sex.

I sigh as I finished my shower. I wrap a towel around my small body. I dried my hair and let it fall down my back. I walk out of the bathroom, happy to see that Merle was still asleep. I don’t know how he is going to react to me leaving and I wanted to be gone before he wakes. I get dressed in an old Ramones tank, ripped jeans and my old low-rise Converse. I put on soft makeup and grab everything im going to need for the next 4 hours.

“Where are ya going?”

I let out a squeal as I jumped in the doorway of my bedroom. I look to see Merle sitting up in my bed. The soft fur black blanket covered his lower half as he sat. One rubbed over his face as his over scratched his stomach. I walk over and kiss Merle’s lips before sitting on the edge of the bed.

“I got school today. Im gonna be gone till 12.” I said as I looked down at my hands. I never told Merle that I still have two classes left until I get my bachelor’s degree. I graduated high school when I was 16 years old; I skipped two grades in high school cause of my credits. Ive been in college for 3 years and I have all my credits from all the classes I need to get my bachelors a year earlier. I never told Merle any of this because I believe if he knew how smart I really am he would think Im still with him cause I pity him or something like that.

“Ok, bye. Im going back to sleep.” I smile and kiss his cheek as he laid back down and covered himself with the blanket.

“I will see you when I get back.”


I walked out of the apartment once I fed Bullet. I got into my car that was parked right next to Merle’s motorcycle. I smile thinking about the future I want to have him the redneck sleeping in my bed but I cut off my thoughts and made myself stop thinking like that. Thinking like that would only make his leaving hurt me even more.


“Can you even believe that she said that I wasn’t a true friend? Me? Not a true friend? Who the hell was sitting by her side when her parents with through their divorce? Or how about every time a guy dumps her? Oh that’s right, ME!” I vented to Lilly as we walked towards my apartment.

We just got out of school when one of our close friends, Amanda, walked up to us crying. We asked her what was wrong and she flipped out on me saying how I wasn’t a real friend. That I only care about myself. When in reality I was always there for her and she was never there for me.

“I know. How can she just bitch at you like that? You are always there for her. Just like for everyone else. Bitch needs to get her head checked.” Lilly said as we walked into my apartment. “Hey, where’s Bullet? He didn’t come to greet us like he always does.”

Throwing my bag and keys onto the island, I shrugged. “Maybe he’s not feeling to good.” I reached into the fridge and took out to water bottles. “I just want to know why she flipped on me like that. What did I ever do to her?”

“Nothing, Sweetie, you did nothing bad to her. She just needs to get over herself and see that her true friends are the ones she just screamed at.” Lilly said as she threw an arm around my shoulders. “She also is going to know that she just lost her two true friends because she aint coming back to us after what she said to you.” Lilly bumped hips with me, making me laugh. “And there is that beautiful smile!” Lilly screamed and making me laugh as she sang out beautiful.

“You’re crazy.”

“Ya both are fucking crazy.”

Me and Lilly both scream as Merle stood, leaning against the wall, watching us with a smirk on his face.

“Holy shit, man, don’t do that.” Lilly placed a hand over her heart that was probably beating fast just like mine. I shake my head and jump once more when I felt something wet hit my hand. I look down to see Bullet sitting at my feet with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. “Oh hey! There’s my Bullet Boy!” Lilly yelled before falling to the floor next to Bullet and began to play with him.

I walk over to Merle and placed my hands on his hips. I stood on my toes and placed a kiss on his lips. Merle wraps his large arms around me, making me crash into his chest. Laughing, I cuddle up to him, enjoying the rare moment of intimacy.

“Im hungry! Chlo make me food, woman!” Lilly yelled from the floor. I turn my head and look down at her.

“What do you want?”

“Food.” She said in a duh tone. I kick her in the leg and smile when she cries out. “Hey smartass, I need a real answer.”

“Pizza, I want pizza.” She stands and runs for the door. “Come on! I want pizza!” Lilly runs into the door, forgetting its close. I sigh and slowly step out of Merle’s embrace. I walk over to Lilly, who was clutching her face and take her hands away. I look to see the damage and once a big red spot was on her forehead. “Well, Miss. I forgot how to open a door; you are going to have a nasty bruise now.”

“Is it going to make me look hot?”

“Not at all.” I shake my head and help my crazy best friend off the floor.

“Dammit! You gotta help me!” Lilly hugged me too her. And unlike Merle’s, Lilly is trying to take all the air out of my body.

“I can’t do that… if im… DEAD!” I choke out while trying to get air into my lungs. Lilly automatically lets me go once the word dead is screamed in her ear.

“Im soooooooooo sorry, Chlo. I didn’t mean to kill you.” Lilly pouted while looking down at her pink converse.

I sigh, finally able to breathe right. “It’s fine, Lils, you didn’t mean it.”

“Al’ight, im putting a stop to this lovey dovey shit right now.” Merle drawls out as he opened the door and walked out of my apartment. Me and Lilly stare at his retreating figure, confused. “Well, ya’ll coming to get ya pizza or not?”

Once the word pizza came out of Merle’s mouth, we ran after him. Lilly made sure to shut the door behind her as I jumped into the elevator with Merle. Me and Lilly were bouncing in our spots, excited to get food in our empty stomachs.


“We should go to Tony’s.”

“No we went to Tony’s last time. Let’s go to Barney’s.”

“No, Barney’s is so far.”

“No its not. It’s like a 20 minute walk from here.”

“I know and that’s too far. Im lazy and Tony’s is closer.”

“I want Barney’s.”

“Well I want Tony’s.”

Lilly and I have been going back and forth about where to eat for the past half hour. First it was Dominos, then pizza hut but then Lilly didn’t want to go to a chain restaurant so I said Tony’s. Also I think Merle left like 5 minutes into this little fight. I can’t find him.

“Here, now shut up.” Merle popped up out of nowhere with two pizza boxes in his hands. He shoved them both in Lilly’s hands before walking into the building.

“Your man sure does know how to deal with the two of us.” Lilly commented as me and her walk after Merle.

“No he doesn’t. He just has no patience.” Lilly’s mouth turns into a ‘O’ as we stopped to wait for the elevator. I pointed out Merle to her and she finally got what I was saying. Merle was pressing the button for the elevator after not waiting for 10 seconds. “Told you, no patience.”

“Shut up” Merle drawled out, realizing that we were talking about him. I smile and kiss his cheek before leaning on his arm.

Once the doors open, Merle gently pushes me in before walking in himself. I guess that’s his version of chivalry. I giggle at the thought of Merle holding open doors for me and pulling out my chair.

“What ya laughing at?” I look up at Merle through my lashes and shake my head. “You don’t wanna know.”

“Probably picturing you being all gentleman-like. Holding open doors and pulling out chairs for her.” Lilly said smirking at me.

“Shut up!” I squeal out as I slap her arm. Lilly laughs as Merle shakes his head at me. Once the door opens Merle was the first one out. I frown as he stomps to my apartment. “You shouldn’t have said that.” I whispered to Lilly. “He thinks his not good enough for me as it is.”

“I didn’t know that.” Lilly said frown also as Merle slams my front door open.

“I know you didn’t. Don’t worry; I will talk to him later. Just let him brood some.” I whisper as I lead Lilly into the kitchen. Merle wasn’t anywhere to be seen, so im guessing he is one of the back rooms.


Me and Lilly eat in silence and she left right after. She apologized once more for upsetting Merle but I waved her off, telling her it was going to happen soon. No way a man like Merle can go almost a week without a fight. So I knew it was going to happen. I take a deep breath before letting it out as I stepped into my bedroom. Merle laid on the bed flipping through one of the many books I have laying around. I sit on my side of the bed, in pretzel position and stared at Merle. I guess he finally felt my stare or that he was tired of it since he placed the book down and turned his head to look at me.

“What ya staring at?” Merle didn’t sound pissed but I knew better.

“Downstairs, I didn’t think that because I want to change you or anything. It’s just when you pushed me into the elevator I thought that was your way of being chivalrous. That’s all but she was right. I can’t picture you pulling out my chair for me or holding open a door because that’s not you. If I wanted to be with a gentle clean cut gentleman I would. But I never wanted that, ever. Merle, I told ya that ya are what I want.” I lay down next to him and place my head on his chest. I wrap my arm around his waist and hug myself closer to his body. “When are you going realize this?” I mutter this quietly, trying not to upset him even more.

Merle says nothing as he placed the book on my nightstand. He wraps an arm around me before placing his other arm over mine on his waist. I slowly fall into the comforting darkness that is sleep. What I didn’t know that once I waken from the comforting darkness that I wouldn’t be in Merle’s comforting embrace. Since he would be gone by the time I awake from my nap.
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Chloe's outfit