
Last Night I Had The Weirdest Dream

Dude, last night I had the weirdest dream. It was quite intense. Wanna hear it? Here I go.

Okay, so I dreamt I got up, and I went to the closet to pick out some clothes. When I did, freaking Michael Jackson jumps out. "OFF WE GO, MY PRETTY!" he shouts. And he picks me up and takes me somewhere. He throws me in his child-and-buggy (it's a horse-and-buggy with a bunch of little boys pulling it instead of horses) and blindfolds me. When I can finally see again, I appear to be at his BFF Czarzan's house. Czarzan fed us this wonderful kid sandwich (it was goat meat). Czarzan has a great movie collection. We watched Wolf Creek (Jeffery Dahmer's FAVORITE) and we had fingers. Like, finger foods. I guess. He said they were fingers. I assumed he meant finger foods. They were really good. It was something fried that we ate with ketchup. The ketchup tasted a little odd though. A little bit like blood, actually. I dunno. Maybe it was just a little still. After the movie, we left Czarzan's. Michael drove me home. We got to talking, and one thing led to another, which led to Michael and I making out. The only thing is, he was still driving while we were, so I was a little nervous that we'd crash. We didn't, though, thankfully. When we got back to my place, some things happened, and it got a little intense. We'll keep it was that, though. Michael slept over. He wasn't next to me when I got up though. I hate being used. Although, when I went to the kitchen, he was there making breakfast. He made breakfast. He made a dish that looked like this:


It was awesome. After that, we sat and discussed life plans. We both decided that we are in love and want to get married. We're gonna live in Bremerton and have 15.3 kids. He admitted to being a girl, though, so we'll have to adopt. (Apparently my neighbor Dingo was over and that was him in my bed. Intense. I know. If I'm pregnant, I won't be surprised if a have a vicious four-legged dog like creature for a child. And if I'm pregnant, I will make sure Dingo doesn't have kids anymore.) Michael and I went out looking for wedding clothes. We found him this cute tuxedo. It was the same one Martin Johnson (that sexy beast) was wearing in the AP photo shoot. I stole the dress Hayley Williams wore in the Emergency video from TRARHOF. We planned on getting Czarzan's brother Dorian Gray to marry us next weekend at the place The Guess Who is standing at on the cover of The Best Of The Guess Who album. Music would be provided by Bring Me The Horizon, they had the best romance songs. Michael said we were gonna have all sorts of little kids for food. It would've been lovely.

Then I woke up. But then I realize. It wasn't all a dream. It was real. Okay, not all of it. But I WAS getting married. Just not to Jacko. Not just JACKO. JACKO AND DINGO. Not really though. Can you say "ALEX SUAREZ?" YEAH BETCH. :D

It was a theraputic chain of events. But no it wasn't. See, the other day, I mailordered a husband from Russia, and I got Alex Suarez. Vicious. I know.

And we lived happily ever after. The end. <3