
This Is How I Do

"BDSM!!!!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU???????" axed Haley Wentworth, as she frolicked about, looking for her boyfriend.

"I'm right here, sweetheart," yelled back BDSM Q. Buckler, her awesome boyfriend. "So, what do you want to do today? I'll take you wherever you want, because it is now 'Do Whatever The Hell Haley Wants Day,'"

"OOOOH! WE COULD GO TO THE BEACH!" squealed Haley.

"Ew, we can do anything but go there. You know how the beach is poisonous. THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL YO BRAINZ WITH THEIR STUPID VOLLEYBALLERZ AND GOOD-LOOKING SURFERZ,"

"Gawsh, BDSM, you're so hurtful," she told him, adding a dramatic tone to her voice.

"Okay, okay, we'll go to the beach. But I'm going to wear my trenchcoat, and I'm not getting in the water," he replied.

"Um, okay," Haley responded, sounding kind of suspicious. BDSM never went to any public place without an insanely large amount of clothing on. Not that he didn't look good with his tight pants hidden under his gangstahhh jeans, but it was just strange. BDSM also had long hair that he kept over his faice. It looked really amazing on him, but you could never see his eyes. People gave him looks all the time, but Haley never thought much of it.


"BDSM! LOOK AT ALL THOSE PEOPLE! THIS WILL BE SO MUCH FUN!" the girl screamed. She was twenty, although at times she seemed like she was seven and four and a half quarters.

"Yeah, lovely," BDSM told her, although he sounded like he was going to drop dead.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she asked,concerned.

"Oh, nothing."

"Are you sure?"


"Um, okay. Oh hey, there's Alex! HEY ALEX!"

"Hey," the young man of about twenty shouted. "Hey, we're just about to play some volleyball. Do you and, uh, BDSM want to join?"

Haley looked at BDSM, with a look on his faice that could beexpressed through a smiley: D: . "Sure, I'll play, but BDSM is just gonna watch."

"Oh, okay. Haley, you're on my team. You can play in the back with me," he related the information to her, as he slightly blush.

"Okay, that would be fun," she informed him, smiling.

They got about half-way through the game when she glanced over at the seat BDSM was sitting in. When he wasn't there, she was kind ofworried. That 'kind of' changed to 'a lot' when she turned around and he had his arms around Haley's neck with a knife in his hands.

"What the fu-" she attempted to scream, but she couldn't breathe. She began kicking at him.He was about to slit her throat when Alex turned around and punched BDSM in the temples of his head, knocking him out. When he fell, he ran over and picked Haley off the ground.

"SOMEBODY CALL THE POLICE!" Alex shouted, rushing Haley over to his friend Jack. "RIAN, DIAL 911 NOW!"

BDSM got up and tried fighting Alex. He threw the knife at Alex, but he ducked and it hit a nearby sand castle. Zack, Alex's other friend immediately rushed over to him and helped pin BDSM to the ground until the cops arrived.

"BDSM, what the hell!?!?!" Haley demanded.

"Haley, I love you, and I have to kill you. I hope you understand."

"The cops are on their way!" shouted Rian. "Haley, BDSM is asuspected serial killer. Have you ever wondered what BDSM stands for? Yeah, it stands for Big Dark Strange Man."

"Oh my god, BDSM, is this true?" she shouted.

"I LOVE YOU, AND I HAVE TO KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!" he announced.


The cops arrived, and BDSM was sent to jail, where he will forevahh remain.

"Um, Haley, can I ask you something?" asked Alex nervously.

"Sure, what is it?" responded Haley, now in Alex's car. (Haley was spending the night at Alex's that night.)

"You may think I'm kinda dumb for asking this, but, is it okay if we, you know, maybe do something tonight? We could go see that movie you wanted to see, Hannah Montana On Ice. And maybe later we could go to your favorite restaurant."

"You mean on a date?"

"Yeah, I guess, if you want to call it that. But if you don't want to, that's fine," he told her, with a hint of doubt in his voice.

"Alex, I'd really like that," she admitted.