
The Carpal Tunnel Of Love

"DUDE! LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed to the stranger, hoping he would move before it was too late. I don't think he looked out fast enough though, because when he turned his head, the ball smacked him in the faice, and he fell, swearing at me. I rushed over to the guy, I felt horrible. I rushed over to him, and Zack, the guy I was playing catch with, ran home.

"Oh my god, I am soooo sorry! I didn't mean for it to hit you." I apologized, noticing how attractive this stranger was. The eyeliner, the tight jeans, the hair...oh my god. It was Peter Wentz. I decided not to tell him that though, I didn't want him more angry at me.

"So you threw that ball?" he asked, bleeding on his shirt.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry. Here, stop the bleeding with this," I told him, handing him a napkin from my pocket. "You need medical attention, I'll drive you to the emergency room," I offered, in hopes he would let me.

"Okay, thanks," Pete responded, blankly.

"I hope you're not too mad," I announced. "I really didn't mean to hit you. I was trying to throw it to my friend, and I suck at softball, and it kinda hit you" he stopped me.

"Listen, it's fine," he laughed. "Now, can we please just take me to the emergency room before I pass out?"

"Oh, right. Sorry."


"Well, Mr. Wentz, you seem to have broken your nose in two places. Did this hurt, when it hit you?" asked Dr. Z.

"Like hell," he joked, even getting a chuckle out of me.

"Oh, I bet. You have a broken blood vessel, too. The bleeding has stopped, for the most part. There is a small cut on the outside your nose, though. I'm going to have to stitch that up." Dr. Z. let him know.

"STITCHES???" I asked, quite loudly.

"Yes, I'm sorry to say."

Pete spoke up, "So, what? Am I gonna need surgery, or what?"

Pointing to the x-rays, Dr. Z. responded, "Well, the area around your nose is really swollen right now, too swollen to tell. Surgery is the best option though, you could experience breathing problems when you're older if you don't get it done, usually. Now, I'm going to go get what I need, and we'll have those stitches right on, okay?"

"Alright," Pete mumbled, sounding kind of nervous, as the doctor left the room.

"Pete, is there anything I can do to make this up to you?" I asked him, anxious to hear what he would come up with.

"You can tell me your name," he stated, with that signature Peter smile on his faice.

"It's Haley," I smiled, at the fact he wanted to know my name. "Don't worry, I know who you are."

"Yeah, lots of people do," he shrugged.

"Yeah, they do. Don't worry, I'm not a crazy fan girl," I lied.

"Well, that's good. The last thing I want is a psycho chick in here while my faice is being stitched up."

"Man, I feel so bad. You know what? Im going to be your nurse until you get better."

"Aww, you're sweet," he remarked, making me blush.

"THE DOCTOR IS IN!" Doctahhh Zee announced.

"Oh, I am so excited," expressed Pete.

"Oh, don't worry, you wont feel a thing. I'll just numb it a little, and then you'll be good to go!"


"So...what should we do?" Pete axed me.

"Well, we can't do anything physical," I replied.

He laughed, "Hah, I know. We could watch a movie or something,"

"Hmmm," I thought. "Does The Nightmare Before Christmas sound good to you?"

"You know it does," Pete smiled, as he moved onto the couch next to me. You know, it was awfully romantic, Pete and I, sitting on the couch, with the lights dimmed, watching a movie. Certainly was something you see on those stupid Duff movies. It really was quite romantic when he decided he was going to lay his head on my shoulder.

"Pete," I began, speaking kinda quietly, "Is there a reason you've got your head on my shoulder?"

"Oh, I don't know," he said. "Maybe it's 'cause I kinda maybe sorta like you?"

"Oh really?" I asked him, trying to cover up how shocked I was.

"Yep," were the words coming out of his mouth. "When we spent time weren't just another girl. You actually cared about me, you wanted to make sure I was okay. And I really like that about you. Plus, you're sweet, and cute, and funny...I don't know. I just really like you, Haley."

"Pete, I really like you too," I admitted.

"Haley, when I'm better, do you think maybe we could go out somewhere, you know, on a date?"

"Yeah Pete, I'd really like that,"

"Oh, that's good, because so would I," Pete told me, and then he kissed me.