Status: Drabble

Screaming Slience

I loved you

"I can't believe you.
No, wait, I can.
You selfish brat,
why did you do it?
I hate you.
You left me fucked over
and broken
and it's not like you give a damn."

There's no reply.

"You son of a bitch,
I bet you're laughing
from your throne
in hell.
Send my regards to Satan."

The dead probably turn
in their graves
from my profanities and curses.

"I loved you, you know.
Wait, no, you didn't.
I regret not telling you.
But you probably
wouldn't care either.
Fuck you, you stupid boy.
I'll love you forever
but don't think
I'll ever forgive you."

The grave stone doesn't respond.
There's only a screaming
♠ ♠ ♠
Reviewed here.