Kiss the Girl

One of One

Jess wasn’t sure why she was so nervous to see Jenna again, it’s like this every time to be fair. If she goes months without seeing the other female singer when they plan to meet again she becomes incredibly nervous and her nerves only dies down after about an hour of hanging out with the blonde girl. It’s just…Jenna is so talented and so kind and down to earth and so compassionate and smart and…well she’s hot. The only people to know about Jess’ sexuality is her family and band and she’ll like to keep it that way until she knows for sure she’s ready to tell the world. Jenna is definitely the one girl that Jess would like to just grab her face and kiss her endlessly. She keeps her feelings reigned in because she knows it would be a disaster if she ever did kiss Jenna. Although Jess holds in her feelings towards Jenna it doesn’t mean she doesn’t slip up once or twice or maybe like five times.

The girls already finished their sets and were just hanging out on The Summer Set’s bus while the guys of their respective bands either watched the headliner or went out to party. While the girls loved hanging out with the rest of the guys on the tour some nights they just wanted to hang out by themselves and this is one of them. They were sharing a bottle of wine, watching the Lion King (it’sJess’ favorite and Jenna picked out mainly because she knew it was Jess’ favorite but Jenna didn’t tell Jess that), and doing each other’s nails. Jess was waiting for her nails to dry but she really wanted a sip of wine so she asked Jenna to help her out by pouring it into her mouth. Jenna who was already tipsy did her best to put the wine bottle against Jess’ lips and tip it as gently as she could which ended up in pouring way too much causing Jess to squirm about and wine start spilling from her closed lips. Jenna couldn’t help but lose it, barely putting the wine down before she was quite literally rolling on the floor with laughter as Jess tried to swallow. Hearing and seeing Jenna lose it only made Jess laugh harder and she knew there was no way she could swallow the wine so she got up and stumbled to the kitchen in the bus, thankfully only being a few feet away and spit the wine out coughing and laughing at the same time.

Once Jess composed herself, for the most part she stumbled back to Jenna, tripping and falling onto Jenna’s legs who kept laughing, hardly breathing at this point.

“You did that on purpose!” Jess yelled at Jenna, hiccupping in between her words.

“No!” Jenna yelled tears filling her eyes.

“Yes!” Jess yelled.

“No I promise!” Jenna said giggling as she finally sat up, coming face to face with Jess.

Jenna knew she should have something but she was too mesmerized to do anything. Jenna kept giggling, often biting her lip as if that will stop her from laughing but of course it didn’t work. The action only made Jess want to kiss Jenna more and for a second Jess started to lean forward before she realized what she was doing. Trying to play it off, Jess pretended that her arm gave out which caused her to fall to the side, making Jenna laugh all over again.

“Jess, what’s wrong? Please you’re scaring me.”

When Jenna walked into the women’s bathroom of the venue they’re at she didn’t expect to see curled against the wall and crying into her hands. Jess is the strongest girl Jenna has ever known and she doesn’t remember ever seeing Jess anything but happy before so seeing her so upset is really unsettling for the Australian singer. Jenna sat next to Jess and wrapped her arm around Jess, bringing her into her chest and holding onto her tightly.

“Please Jess, what’s going on?”

Jess shook her head, obviously not wanting to talk about anything and Jenna didn’t want to press her. So Jenna simply held the older girl and rocked them back and forth trying to get Jess to stop crying. After some cuddling, and singing of lullabies Jess finally calmed down enough to get ready for the show. The girls didn’t speak about what happened and simply went their separate ways to get ready respectively but before Tonight Alive performed Jess pulled Jenna aside.

“I’m really sorry you had to see that and I just wanted to say thank you for helping me.”

Jenna smiled softly, “Jess you don’t need to apologize. You know I’m here for you if you need me.”

Jess nodded, “Yeah I know, I just really appreciate it. It’s just…” Jess took a deep breath but couldn’t actually say anything.

“Jess, it’s really okay. You don’t have to share if you’re not ready.

Jess smiled softly trying to ignore the fact that she was beginning to cry but Jenna noticed and started wiping away the few tears falling from Jess’ eyes. Jenna stepped closer to Jess only wanting to kiss away her tears, to kiss away the pain. Before she could however Jenna’s band mate, Jake, interrupted to tell Jenna they were due on stage. Jenna sighed and kissed the top of Jess’ head instead before leaving her to perform.

“Okay I think it’s Jenna’s turn.” John slurred. “Jenna, truth or dare!” John yelled.


“Oh we’ve got a wild one on our hands boys.” Brian said in an Australian accent making the members of Tonight Alive to yell at him for how horrible a job he did.

“Okay, okay I got it!” John yelled yet again. “I dare you to kiss Jess!”

Jess’ eyes went wide as she glanced at her band mate then to Jenna who smiled at her.

“Okay no problem.” Jenna shrugged making Jess’ eyes go even wider.

“Wait, what?” Cam questioned.

“That’s hardly a dare.” Jenna said starting to move towards Jess.

“It’s no fun if you’re okay with it.” Jess said pouting. “Alright let me think of something else. This could take me a while.”

“What are you even doing?” Jess asked Jenna who was playing with her iPad.

“I’m just taking weird pictures, like you’ve never done that before.” Jenna teased.

Jess shrugged, “Maybe.”

“Come over here and take pictures with me!” Jenna demanded moving over on the small couch to allow Jess to sit.

Once they were situated they started taking pictures, some normal but either way both of them were having more fun than they thought they would. Despite all the silly faces Jenna was pulling Jess still thought she was the cutest person Jess has ever seen. Jess’ convinced nothing Jenna could do, would ever be considered ugly. Jenna is just one of those people that can do everything and pull off anything and still be unbelievably cute. Jess found herself starring at Jenna more and more and at one point Jenna actually caught Jess starring. Instead of making a joke about it however Jenna just stared back. Jess could feel herself leaning in to just finally kiss Jenna, Jenna pulled a funny face and took a picture.

“I don’t wanna go.” Jess pouted.

Jenna laughed, “Jess you have to go. It’s an acoustic performance. They kind of need you.”

“Stephen can sing my parts.”

Jenna rolled her eyes, “Not as well as you. Come on cupcake.” Jenna said getting up, “You’ll be back before you know it and we can finish this marathon then.”

“But I wanna finish it now!” Jess pouted yet again.

Jenna couldn’t help but laugh, standing in front of Jess and grabbing onto Jess’ hands, “Hold on Simba!” Jenna yelled just to make Jess laugh. “No but really up and atem, they really need you.”

“You’ll have to make me.” Jess warned.

Jenna rolled her eyes, a habit she has when she’s around Jess and pulled her to her feet. They lost balance a little and Jess crashed into Jenna making Jenna hold onto Jess’ forearms so neither of them would fall. When they finally got their footing they were mere inches away from each other and the urge to kiss Jenna was so strong Jess wasn’t sure she could walk away this time.

“JESS!” Josh yelled from outside. “For the love of God come on!”

“Go.” Jenna whispered. “I’ll be here when you get back.”


“Absolutely, now go.”

“I don’t want this tour to end.” Jenna mumbled, glancing at Jess.

“I know, I don’t want it to either.”

“I feel like I’m losing my best friend.” Jenna spoke honestly.

“Hey, you’re not losing me. You’re never going to lose me.”

“Promise? Promise we’ll keep in touch and see each other when we can?”

“Absolutely. I’ll be talking to you all the time. You’ll probably get sick of me.”

“No way that could happen, don’t be silly.” Jess smiled and shrugged, looking at the ground. “Hey don’t look so sad.”

“I’m sorry, I just…” Jess trailed off. “What am I supposed to do without you?”

“What am I supposed to do without you?” Jenna repeated, emphasizing the you.

Jess sighed and was going to say something when Brian yelled at them to hurry up. Jess told them to give her a minute and tried not to cry knowing she’ll have to leave Jenna for god knows how long. When Jess finally looked at Jenna she couldn’t hold back her tears now matter how hard she tries, especially since she knows Jenna hates it when she cries.

“Baby please…” Jenna whispered.

“I’m sorry, I’ll just go okay? I’ll text you later.”

Jess went to walk away but Jenna grabbed her arm to stop her next cradling Jess’ face in her arms and finally just kissing her like how she’s wanted to since the moment she saw Jess. Jess immediately melted into the kiss, pushing herself against Jenna and wrapping her arms around Jenna’s waist.

“No, more.” Jess pouted when Jenna pulled away.

Jenna let out a laugh but complied more than happy to kiss the girl of her dreams as long as she could.
♠ ♠ ♠
In case you didn't read this in the summary, I wrote this entire thing as Jenna + Tay but changed my mind when I almost finished. I reread and fixed it all but I might have missed a few references. So I'm sorry about that but I'm not rewriting this whole thing.