Status: Do not judge my writing by this story. I'm just doing this for fun!

Real Zombie Shit

This Box Is Making Me Feel Claustrophobic

12:27 PM - (Entrance Plaza)

Om walked out of the bookstore, carrying a shovel that he found in a cardboard box that happened to be around..

“Too bad no books in there could help me through this game,” he mumbled to himself. “The good thing is, I found this shovel.”

He looked up to see that zombies already turned his way and began to stagger over to him. Once they were close enough, he swung at them and cringed a little at the blood that got on his face.

“Hey, I’m getting the hang of this,” Om said and looked to his left, then his right. “Hmm, where to go next...”

It felt weird to be fighting zombies since Om really wasn’t one for violence, but he had no choice. These things were dangerous and if fighting them off was the only way, then he was gonna do exactly that.

Moving swiftly through the zombies and hitting each one that came near him, Om started to feel more confident about what he was doing. He had a shovel and he was moving with little trouble from the zombies that were nearby.

Unknown to him, however, there were others creeping up behind him. Three green-masked figures in yellow raincoats, yellow wellington boots, and blue jeans were slowly coming toward him. Om didn’t bother to watch his back and only had his focus on the zombies in front of him when suddenly, he was struck down to the ground.

“What the-” Om turned his head and looked up to see that he wasn’t hit by zombies. Instead he was facing three men with concealed faces and hunter knives pointed at Om’s neck.


Sweat was dripping down his forehead as he stared at the knives with wide eyes and gulped. Not a single muscle wanted to move and two things were going through his mind: 1) He was very confused at what was happening because nobody told him this was what he could encounter in the game and 2) He didn’t want to get stabbed.

Two of them grabbed Om by the arms and forced him into a wooden crate. He could hear one of them say something to the others about a “sacrifice” and this brought up more questions.

Next thing he knew, he heard running and a few clangs and shouts. One voice sounded like a female voice and he instantly recognized it. Eventually, the noise stopped and the crate was opened to reveal Ciara’s face looking down into the box and smiling at the sight of Om.

“You okay, Om?” she asked as she helped him get out of the crate. As he stepped out of the crate, he saw that with Ciara was Paige, holding a hockey stick. On the ground were the three men that tried to capture him. He looked at their bodies for a moment before they dissolved and disappeared.

“Yeah, thanks,” he finally spoke. “Where’d you come from?”

“I was upstairs and ran into Paige,” Ciara said and held up her weapon. “Then we saw those guys put you in that box. Luckily, I took care of them with this lead pipe.”

“By the way, what was that about?” Paige asked Om.

He shrugged. “Honestly? I have no idea.”

“Maybe Justyn knows,” Ciara suggested. “Hey, Justyn, who were those guys?”

After a moment, his voice came in. "Funny thing about that..."

Zombies started moaning and grabbing for them again, interfering with the three trying to listen to what Justyn was going to say.

"No time!" Om yelled out and went back to swinging his shovel. "Quick, run!"

Ciara and Paige followed him and swung their weapons around to kill the numerous zombies that got a little too close. They didn't get an answer from Justyn, but that could be answered later on. It was back to focusing on zombies.

"What do you think he was trying to say?" Om said as they ran.

"I don't know," Paige said. "I just hope we don't have to deal with whoever those guys were again."

"If we do," Ciara nodded. "We'll be ready."
♠ ♠ ♠
Apparently, zombies aren't the only things they have to worry about.

Tell me what you think? Sorry this one's shorter than the others, but I really do promise they'll get longer.
And if you're wondering, Om's name is pronounced Ohm.