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The Music Box Men

"You'll have to hide again... I'm sorry...." The raven-haired young woman said, with a slight smile. It was the same look as before. The small, oddly clad man looked up at Sachi in stark confusion, not understanding why she would always say they had to hide, and to get out of sight at the drop of a hat.

There were four of them, the strange little men that lived in the music box she had been given by her grandmother. Their purpose was to act as a child's music box, to lull the girl to sleep, but Sachi was getting older. They all feared at some point, that she would finally throw them out or they might be locked away in an attic for an undetermined amount of time.

"Taicchan!" the small man cried, running off toward their home, a dark, laquered 'room' that resembled an offering box.

"What now? do we have to 'disappear' again..?" The dark brown haired man sighed. "It's been days since the box has even been wound..", a nearby voice chided in. The taller man looked up on the music box to see a blond man with pink streaks through his hair. His 'costume' resembled a pumpkin, though a stylish pumpkin with a flair all its own.

"You're-- nevermind that, where did Yura go??", the smaller man asked frantically. The least little thing seemingly set him off into worrying mode, which as funny as it was to watch him flail, his voice would become more and more high pitched when he would try to talk and worry at the same time. In other words, it was headache-inducing.

"He's around here somewhere. Probably practicing for the next time, Keitan.", the man on top of the music box reasoned.

The smallest man looked deep in contemplation, and the other two looked at each other, knowing just what his next move would be.

"Next time?? What if there isn't a next time, Notti? What if we're locked up in the box again?? Do you really want to go through that... again?!! Being locked up in some dark, dusty crawlspace?!!" his voice raised an octave after each sentence. Finally, a deeper voice cut his worrying ramble short.

"I'm over here, look what I found."


Since she was about three years old, Sachi remembered having the strange little men and the music box in her room. The box had never moved from its place until she had become a little older. It was surprisingly heavy... Her favorite 'muse' as she called them was the only one that actually sang to her. Sometimes in her dreams, while she was much younger, he acted as her much smaller, older brother. His name was Keitan, or at least that was what she always called him.

"Sachi...", she was startled to hear a tiny voice calling her name. Looking over her shoulder, she noticed the small man with the tiny witch's hat, looking down at his own miniscule boots. He seemed nervous as he stood on the table, not looking up at the girl as he usually did. Without that huge-for-his-size smile on his face... Sachi tilted her head and asked what was wrong.

"Are you...", he choked on his words, slightly. "Are you... outgrowing us...?", he finally looked up with concern and slight fright. She smiled down at him reassuringly, and shook her head. "I don't think I could outgrow music, now, could I...?"

The young woman's words calmed the small man down a little, but worry crossed his face once more as he remembered what Yura had shown him earlier on.

Sachi spoke to Keiyuu much more than the other three. She talked about mostly adventures that they could have when she was much, much younger, but he didn't want to risk going too far from home. When she was even older, it seemed like she looked up to him a bit for guidance. As she turned ten, she withdrew a bit from their talks, as he suspected that a slight adoration had developed. Now, she was around fourteen, almost fifteen. Their talks had resumed a few months before, and as bright as she was, sometimes the subjects became somewhat uncomfortable for the small muse.

Opinions on people, usually the character of other humans. Men, young men around Sachi's age. He felt a tinge of jealousy sometimes when she talked about one in particular.

"Sachi...", he began to say, not knowing what he wanted to ask, or if he should have asked. A photo. Framed, but placed away from the music box. As if she didn't want them to know what was going on in her outside life, away from her room; Their safehaven.

A photo of herself with a young man a few years older than she was... Keiyuu clutched at his chest when he first laid his eyes on the evidence... It was almost too much for him to bear.

His little Sachi was growing up too fast, and he knew that they would have to disappear completely soon enough.
