Status: Please. . . Help me understand this!

On Mute

Chapter 10: Kyoya Is An Idiot And Always Will Be An Idiot

Chapter 10: Kyoya Is An Idiot And Always Will Be An Idiot

After I was sent to the hospital, the nurse has stated that one of my ribs was broken and I had to be extra careful not to do anything physical. I'm just glad that Nekozawa was there for me to help me unlike the Host Club. I just don't understand them at all anymore.

After I left, I was walking down the streets just thinking on how my life sucks thanks to those idiots. I thought that Haruhi was actually my friend? Why was I so oblivious to not see this or run away when I knew things would turn up badly? No, of course not!

I felt something drop on my head and I looked up, seeing rain starting to drizzle down slowly.

Well isn't this just my day?

I sighed, ignoring the cold rain as it was soaking me in the uniform. This was just terrible! How was I supposed to live like this when those idiots could be anywhere?! I continued to walk like if I haven't even noticed it, and ended up at a coffee shop sitting on the stairs.

I sighed once again, so gloomy and depressed on what has been happening lately since those idiots forced me to go to school. And was I going back to that frilly pink school to get pounded tomorrow? Heck to the no!

Can I just die, already?!

My life technically, already sucked and the Host Club just had to make it worse by dragging me in this mess. And about that stupid brunette? What could I say, the only thing I know about her is that she is jealous and is putting loads of crap on me!

Heck, I didn't even do anything mean to her in the first place! She's the one that's been pounding me and throwing me out of windows like a crazy, psychopath! Why would they have those people at that kind of school?!

"Mother, what can I do now?" I asked myself, looking at the cloudy sky. My life was completely apart thanks to Kyoya.

"Talking to yourself, eh?" I heard from behind me. I instantly flipped myself around in shock and rage. Well, speak of the devil!

I only ignored him, not wanting to speak to that idiotic imbecile. He's ruined my life and has been going through it like it was life to just stalk random people. I bet that's what he does for a living anyways. I hate him so freaking much that I'd put-

"You'll catch a cold like that in the rain, you know," he said in an uncaring fashion. Pfft, like I care! He was holding up a red umbrella over himself and was smirking like he was up to something that obviously wasn't good."I wanted to-"

"What do you want, robot?" I spat, obviously because he wasn't going to leave me alone if I didn't speak of any sorts. His eyes widened for a short period of time then relaxed.

"Robot, eh? I've heard worse insults than that," he muttered, not wiping that stupid smirk off his stupid face, probably knowing that was annoying the crap out of me.

Well, it's working.

"Leave me alone. Why don't you just go 'stalky stalky' on your lap top, since it's like your hobby or something!" I bellowed, pointing a finger to his case in his right hand. If I knew one thing for sure, he would never leave his prize possessions unattended.

"I figured we could have a chat, just the two of us." he muttered, taking a step closer to me. I only backed away from him though. No way would I ever have one of his 'chats' with him! He would probably try to get some valuable information out of me.

"Stay away from me, you cyborg!" I yelled, running away from him in the streets, trying to get as farthest away from him as soon as possible.


"Yeah, a freaking cyborg!" I shouted back. After hating me so much why would he just randomly want to talk to me?!

"Shitome, you get back here! We have much to discuss!" he called back, chasing after me.

"Go discuss something with a truck over your body!" I shouted, running even faster. The ground was becoming slippery as it rained harder, but that made no excuse for me to slow down. I didn't care right now, I just had to get away from him. That's when my rib started to play tricks on me.

Oh no, the doctor said to not do anything physical! I hope this doesn't do any permanent damage! My rib was causing me to become slower as I hissed from the pain it was creating and it wouldn't subside. What could I do?!

I ran across from a street and slipped into an alley without him noticing as he ran past that building I was hiding in. I took a breath of relief as he was finally gone.

"You can't fool me," someone muttered which my breath caused to be stuck at my throat.


I'm going to die today, I'm literally going to die today! He began walking closer as I was frozen like a deer in headlights. What could I possibly do? My feet were frozen on the spot!

"G-get away from me, Kyoya! I freaking don't understand what you're doing! Leave me alone, you freaking teme! I hate you!!" I shouted the last part loudly enough for the world to hear. I felt something hard and cold stung across my cheek. D-did he just slap me?!

"Shut up, do you want people to hear you?" he spat.

"What do you think I was going for, baka?! Get away from me, I have nothing to do with you! Leave me alone!" I shouted. A hand covered my mouth but I quickly bit it. He pulled it away, examining where I had bitten him.

"I said to get away!" I stammered harshly.

"Why would I do that?" he asked playfully with another one of his stupid smirks. I wanted to rip that stupid smirk off his stupid face so badly right now.

"Because that's what people should do! And if you don't leave, I'll have to use my forces against you," I said confidently, getting into a defensive position but not without my rib jolting in pain. I tried everything to get my mind off of it,

"Ha, like that would happen!" he said rather in a cocky way. I felt anger flew through me as I knocked him to his feet and flipped to his chest, holding him down with my foot.

"Oh, those forces," he coughed a little.

I smirked, pulling my foot away.

"Now, stay away from me, you idiot!!" I shouted. I walked away from him, not wanting to speak to that idiot ever again in my life time. I was completely soaked and had to get away fast, but my rib wouldn't stop in pain. I groaned as it was springing around to my chest and hips.

"Shitome, get back here!" he shouted, but I just ignored him again. I had to get away from him.

I bit my lip once my ribcage became throbbing in pain. I had to keep going no matter what! I felt worse pain that this before, so I knew I could make it out alive.

Lightning struck down only a few feet in front of me, causing me to let out a scream of surprise. I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck prick up from being in utter shock. I couldn't move. My body was once again frozen on the spot from almost being electrocuted. I freaking almost died!

My eyes were bulging out of my head right now just looking on the street where black streak marks were shown where the lightning hit. I felt as if my body became stiff, and then just collapse on the ground.

It's starting again.

Kyoya's POV

I ran as fast as I could to find Asuna. Where the heck could that stupid girl be?! I ran past shops to find her, and just up ahead I saw lightning about to strike itself at her a few feet in front of her. What would she be doing out at this time anyways?!

Shouldn't she be at home with a guardian or something? Even if she did kill her family wouldn't she be sent to the orphanage when the police could find her? Did the police even know what she did? What if she killed them too? No, this girl couldn't do that, could she?!

This girl could be mental or something!

Then suddenly the girl just collapsed on the ground after almost dying by lightning. She just laid there like she just fainted. Should I help her? NO!! She could have the chance to kill me too, like when I heard that she tried to do suicide by throwing herself out the window, when Yukito told me.

Why would she do suicide when she could've done that years ago anyways after she killed her family. I seriously doubt that she was kidnapped though; I mean like you couldn't just trust her like that anyways.

She had to be lying to start with, and I agreed to let Tamaki start in school for no reason, but I knew there was suspicion around this girl. I shouldn't even help her! I couldn't just leave her alone like this though. . . What should I do?

I should just leave her, there's no point in saving her anyways. She's a threat to me and I shouldn't save people that I despise and loathe after. There was no point on her living anyways. I could take her to my police force and they could handle her well in a Mental Institution.

I sighed, about to walk away from the streets and talk to the murderous girl another day. But then things could go wrong and my father would find out eventually because he never stops til he knows what's going on around him.

I walked over to Asuna, picking her up bridal style and decided to call for my ride to take me home and let the girl rest. She's only unconscious so she will wake up in her own time. I then looked down and noticed something misplaced on her side.

I examined carefully and noticed that her one of her ribs was injured. When did that happen? Was that when Yukito threw her down the stairs in anger and Nekozawa took her to one of my many hospitals?

You really are a stupid girl, I thought.

I wonder if Yukito really did throw her out of the window by any chance? What if Asuna had no intentions of killing herself and it wasn't planned out of happening? Even if she had done so, why would she have done it at a school to begin with and why would Haruhi save her life to give up her's instead? Does Asuna even know that Haruhi really is a girl and not a boy?

"You really are messed up, Shitome," I muttered under my breath just as my ride was here. The man who I never really bothered to know his name opened the door for me as I crawled inside as the girl laid emotionless on my lap.

What have you really been through that I don't know about?

Me: So boys, what do you think of your cakes?

Honey: It's great, Scar-chan!! I just LOVE strawberry cake!

Me: I know you do! And what about you, Neko-sama?

Nekozawa: I love the "dark" red velvet cake. It's just my type. I especially love the black and crimson icing you used to decorate it. It's lovely. Thank you.

Me: You're welcome! I put a lot of effort into it!

Honey: You did amazing!

Me: *giggles* Thank you, Honey-sempai.

Tamaki: *shudders at Nekozawa* Why does he still have to be here?

Me: Because he's my friend, Tamaki! Deal with it! Be glad that I even left your tom-boy, Haruhi stay!

Haruhi: *sweatdrops*

Twins: *bursts into laughter*

Tamaki: Why you!!

Me: Don't start with me, Tamaki! I have a reputation to keep!

Tamaki: More like a reputation that will be destroyed! How dare you talk about Haruhi that way!

Me: *sighs and ignores* Okay, anyways, I managed to get some writing done today. But the weird thing is, I've just started on this like three days ago and I'm already on the Tenth chapter. Weird, right? I've never felt so accomplished and stuck on one thing for a while. I wonder why that is?

Kyoya: Maybe it's because you watch way too much anime.

Me: *gasps* I SO do not, Kyoya!

Kyoya: *rolls his eyes* sure you don't. . .

Me: *ignores* So, who wants to say good-bye this time, huh?

Twins: I do!

Me: Who does?

Hikaru: I will!

Kaoru: No, I want to!

Twins: *starts arguing*

Me: Guys! Guys! I know how we can settle this! Nothing a little Dip can do!

Twins: Chips and Dip?

Me: What? Chips and Dip? Where the heck did that come from?

Twins: You said it!

Me: *quickly ignores* Here we go! Ip, dip, doo. The cat's got the flu! The dog's for chicken pox, out goes you! *points at Kaoru*

Kaoru: What kind of pointing-out game is that?

Me: Doesn't matter! Just do your thing and let's go! I'm cooking ramen for dinner and I don't wanna miss it! HURRY!!

Kaoru: Fine! Well, good bye ladies! And remember now, I have a sexy face!!

Hikaru: I wanted to say that!!

Me: Let's just GO, already!! *pulls on twins sleeves to leave*