Status: Please. . . Help me understand this!

On Mute

Chapter 12: Eenie, Meenie, Miney, SHUT UP!! Oh, And Kyoya's A Rapist

Chapter 11: Nightmares That I Think Are Becoming Worse

I awoke to the sound of a clatter of metal pots making a loud ruckus. I sat up in bed hurriedly, jumping out of my bed and running to my little sister's room for protection. I always came to her and she always came for me when we needed each other most. I hated being alone when bad things like this happen.

"Kana-chan, wake up!!" I whisper-shouted as I began tugging on her sheets impatiently. I heard her murmur some things before opening her eyes to see mine worriedly.

"What's wrong, Asu-chan?" she asked.

"I think I heard something from the kitchen," I whispered.

"But that's two stories down, how could you hear it?" she asked as her head titled slightly to the left. Another crash was heard and we both yelped, clinging to each other like two little scared kittens. She stares at me in disbelief.

"Go get Daddy and Mommy," I tell her. She nods her head vigorously, sprinting from her bed and running towards the door. She yanks it open and runs out of sight. An idea popped into my head, thinking that I had forgotten something and was out of where he shouldn't have been.

I ran out of her room and all the way down the stairs till I reached the kitchen I was never really allowed to enter unless necessary. Which at this moment completely was. I spring the door wide open, hoping to find our house cat, Onyx.

"Onyx, where are you?" I ask out in the dark. I've only been in here two times. I heard a few chuckles, and I instantly knew that it wasn't Onyx into hiding.

"O-Onyx?" I say out, utterly confused.

"Sorry, but you must be looking for someone else, Princess." a scratchy, deep voice said from behind, causing me to let out a loud gasp. What's happening?

"Who are you?" I asked, hoping to know if it was a butler or our chef. Sadly, it wasn't. Another chuckle was heard, a different voice. Their voices were so unfamiliar to me.

"If you're so interested, you'll have to do us a favor. I'm Natsume, and my buddy here is Kaito. We were told to do something. . . for a friend." the man answered.

"Dude! You didn't need to tell a "nine" year-old that!" someone rasped.

"Don't worry, man! It's not like I was giving her a choice anyways! At least we have someone doing the job for us," he chuckles, flicking the light switch on.

I could see them all clearly now. Big, tall, and looked ready to kill. Natsume had brown hair and green eyes, with a tattoo wrapped around his wrist that looked like a briar cut.

Kaito also had brown hair, but with brown eyes. He had a tattoo of a dragon on his left shoulder.

They walked closer to me, grabbing me by the shoulder. They snickered at me, holding me tight.

"H-hey! What are you doing?! Lemme go!" I shouted, but due to no avail did they listen. I thrashed around, trying to escape their tight grasp. They snacked me hard across the face and covered my mouth so no one could hear the protests of my screams.

"You will shut up and listen to us!" Natsume shouted at me through gritted teeth. I was scared of what to do. What would they do to me?! He put a dagger in my hand and tossed me to the ground. I whimpered, getting up.

These were bad men and they were wanting me to do something terrible. I wanted to refuse, but I was too scared at that time.

"You're going to do us a quick little favor. . . You succeed, you get your freedom and we leave you alone, until you come of use to us." Kaito stated with a sickening smirk. I was so confused yet I didn't want to say anything.

"That dagger in you're hand. Kill them. Kill you're family, since we don't have to. You don't do as you're told to do, and we'll kill your family our selves, you watching, and then we'll kill you as well." I stepped back in horror.

Kill my family? The people I love the most? NO!! --But they'd kill them too and force me to watch, and then kill me.

"Got it? Now. . . DO IT." they said, pushing me towards the stairs. Tears streamed down my face. I couldn't do it.

I couldn't do it. Kill them? What good would this come out of?

I walked slowly up the stairs, the dagger tightly in my hand as I etched closer and closer to the bedroom doors of my parents. I shouldn't be doing this, and yet, why am I listening to them?

I opened the doors slowly, the lights turned off and heavy snoring from my father was heard, echoing through the doors. I walked inside, shutting the door behind me. I couldn't do this, I shouldn't be doing this.

Yet, why am I walking closer to them?!


I cut through my fathers' neck, tears rolling down my cheeks as I noticed what I was doing. I pulled away from him, up to my mothers' side of the bed. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful, just looking like the older me. . .


Right in the neck, I slitted right through it easily. I couldn't let this happen! What the heck was I doing?! I'm a murderer. . .

I walked out of the room quickly. What have I done?! I just killed my parents you made me! It should've been me that should've been killed, not them!

Real slowly, I walked up to the other room, known as Kana's. I opened the door, seeing the night light she always kept on. She was wide awake.

"Asu-chan? What's the matter? What's that red stuff on your hands?" she asked me. I couldn't do it! She was my only and best friend! My sister!

"Kana-chan! You have to hide! T-there are men in here that are going to kill us!" I whimpered, looking at her through tears weld up in my eyes.

"What? Mommy and Daddy said there was nothing happening and told me to go back to bed!" she bellowed. I held her by the shoulders with my bloodied hands.

"Kana-chan! I'm serious! You have to run away, they're here, right now!" I said seriously. That's when the door banged open. I whipped my head around to see Natsume and Kaito.

"I told you, brat, to kill them!" he shouted as I winced from their loud yelling. No one ever yelled at me before and it made me want to cry.

"Asu-chan, run!" Kana yelled, pushing me away. Why would my little sister tell me to run? I'm supposed to protect her!

"No, Kana-chan! I won't leave you!" I shouted back, defending her from the men that were chuckling deviously in from of us as they walked closer.

"Such talk from a little girl. Oh well, we'll change that." Natsume snorted, leaping up at me, tackling me down. I screamed, wanting him to let me go. He picked me up, about to carry away. I watched as Kaito did the unexpected.

He threw Kana out her window.

"Kana, no!!!" I screamed, trying to wriggle out of his grasp.

"No way we're letting you get away, girl! Thanks for helping out, and to repay for the favor-" that was the last thing I heard til he put a rag over my mouth with a sweet smell to it, and I inhaled in. Chloroform.


I managed to escape the men that held me hostage under a shed. I held my stomach as it was bleeding through the ragged clothes. They engraved something onto to my stomach, something I didn't want to remember. It will become a scar and it was my reminder of what they did to me.

It was too terrible to describe their sickening pleasure of torturing me everyday. I was running away into the streets, hoping that they couldn't find me. I had to live by hiding and running, 'cause I knew that they wanted me for something but I never knew what.

I didn't really want to know.

I kept running until I knew that I was safe behind a building. I sighed in relief, leaning against the boxes and tried to manage to fall asleep.

Although, I couldn't. I looked down at the scar that they engraved onto my stomach. It was death written in Japanese, meaning that they would come back for me.

When I least expected it. . .


I woke up with a gasp.

I knew that the nightmares have returned, and it was too late to change of fix the past. Those nightmares. . . I think they're becoming too real for me to handle. What could I do?

I sat up, sweat everywhere on my body. I was at someone's house, and it didn't look like Tamaki's mansion at all. Where was I?

I sat up, looking around the room. I was in a white room, in a floral white bed. Nothing in particular that was out of the ordinary.

I jumped out of the bed and ran towards the door, opening it and running out, trying to think of a plan to escape and find my way out of the door. I ran past many hallways and almost escaped.

I was in Kyoya's house and Kyoya was smirking right there.

Just my luck.

Me: *slurps up the rest of the ramen* Yum, that was great!

Haruhi: Why didn't you share?

Me: -.- It's only ramen, it's not like it was some fancy tuna.

Haruhi: So? You owe me for eating my tuna!

Me: I ain't owe you no diddly squat!

Everyone: o.O

Me: . . . What?

Everyone: Nothing!

Me: O-okay? So, I guess Hikaru is going to say goodbye today!

Hikaru: Yay!

Kaoru: Aww!!

Me: Take it away!

Hikaru: Goodbye, sexy ladies! Remember, I have a sexy face! ;D

Me: When will you guys stop saying that?!

Twins: NEVER!

Me: *groans, walking to bed while mumbling colorful words*