Status: Please. . . Help me understand this!

On Mute

Chapter 13: Being Silent Once Again. . . How Long Can I Pull It Off?

Chapter 13: Being Silent Once Again. . . How Long Can I Pull It Off?

I watched as the sun went down, as the sky was turning into a shade of purple and different colors of red and orange. I loved sunsets. The beautiful colors were so pretty and I always thought it would make me smile, because I realized that I have lived to see tomorrow. It was quite a sight to see. . .

My mind started to drift and I felt my eyes getting heavy. I tried to fight to stay awake but the more I fought, the more I was losing to stay awake. I wanted to see it go down, but my eyes closed and I had fallen into a deep sleep. . .

"This was your fault. . . You killed us," my father spat.

"I-I don't know you anymore! I thought you loved me, Asu-chan!" my little sister bellowed.

"This was your fault!!" mother yelled as she slapped me hard across the cheek.

My fault. . . It was all my fault.


I woke up to limos screeching to a stop. I blinked my eyes open to the warm rays of the sun. Hm, I wonder what time it is? I jumped down from the tree and walked towards the school, guessing it was now time to go inside. I walked inside and got my things from my locker and walked straight to class.

I had a plan in my head that I thought for sure I wasn't going to fail. I wasn't going to say anything to anyone, no matter the cost. I haven't talked in years ans I'm pretty sure I can do it again.

I sat down in my seat, farthest away from everybody since it was in the very back of the corner. I sighed, taking out my stuff and waited for the other people to arrive. You could say that I was a little early, and my stomach rumbled in hunger, but I had to wait till after school to find something else.

The other students came in soon enough and I saw the twins and Haruhi walked in together. I sighed, taking out my notebook that I was drawing in and flipped through the papers that I drew. I drew a picture of the twins, Honey eating cake, Haruhi and me together, and then the entire club. I frowned, ripping the papers out loudly, gaining a few looks from people.

I piled them up and walked up to the trash can as I dumped them inside uncaring about anything anymore. I walked back up to my seat and sat down, resting my chin on my hand. I ignored today's lesson and drew something completely different, something I wouldn't draw unless my emotions were mixed up or screwed.

I drew myself, sitting alone in the woods. An eerie, dark aura around myself, putting dark eyes in the forest trees. My clothes looked ragged and torn, pencil-colored blood sputtering out of places of the head and arms. The same men that were in front, snickering in disgust and had knives and daggers in their hands.

I heard the bell ring clearly through my mind. Class is over already? I stood up grabbing my stuff, heading out to my locker and grabbing my stuff for next period. Chemistry.

I walked into class before the bell rang and took the seat in the very back. I hope no one sits by me since the desks were wide enough for two people to work together. I sat down, waiting for class to begin. I continued shading in the picture to make it look perfect and realistic.

"Hatake-sensei, there is no other place to sit." I snapped to my head up to see Kaoru standing in front of the teacher. I looked around the room. There was no other spot to sit except beside me. Oh dear. . .

"Of course there is! Have a seat next to Shitome over there." she exclaimed as she beamed into a bright smile. I heard him grumble a few things before taking a seat beside me, having this bitter look on his face. It's so useless. . .

"I can't believe this," he muttered. I glowered my eyes at him, wanting to know if this was truly the Kaoru that I knew. But, sadly I didn't. I continued with my drawing, not really paying attention like I should be. I probably already knew about this stuff already.

I heated up the tube underneath the tripod using the gas burner. The liquid mixed with the base fizzled up after a few seconds. I did all the work and didn't let Kaoru near. I grabbed the tube with the tongs and set the tube on the stand. I grabbed the dropper and let the liquid from it drop into the tube.

I then grabbed the beaker with the acid that was in it. Our sensei told us not to let it get on us at all, and I tried extra careful not to let it spill.

Wow, our sensei must LOVE us. . .

I was suddenly pushed harshly into the table and my arm glided into the Bunsen burner where it was heating up the flask. I yelped in pain as the flask toppled over and crashed to the table, glass spreading everywhere as the liquid was burning my hair. I gasped from the glass entering my skin and from the heat on my scalp.

"Shitome!" I heard our sensei yelled. I removed my arm from the abusive burner, examining my burned arm. I saw people staring as the sensei rushed over to me.

"Hey, Shitome! Don't worry, I'll get someone to take you to the infirmary to clean up those burns and get that glass out." I couldn't exactly put the words together. Everything was foggy.

I threatened the tears to fall from my eyes. It hurt. My arm was in pain and I couldn't do anything. Did Kaoru push me into the table? I couldn't think straight as I was being led out of the room."Shitome, answer me!" my sensei shouted. I only winced from the pain as it was spreading to my elbow.

"Can someone please take her to the infirmary?" he asked. I grasped onto my arm, afraid to let it go. I looked around and saw no one raise their hand.

"I'll take her," I couldn't see the person clearly because the warm liquid dripped down to my eye, making it slightly blurry.

"Thank you, Yukito." I gasped. Yukito?! I didn't know I had a class with her?

"Yes, Sensei." she grabbed my arm hard and zipped me out of the classroom. My vision was fuzzy and I couldn't see her straight, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to give up! She pulled me down the hallway, and faced me.

"Listen, Shitome. I told you to stay away from them, and you didn't. I wanted to sit beside Kaoru and you took that away from me! So, be prepared. I know the people that are after you." I gasped, not wanting to believe her words. She knows them?!

"Besides, it's not like you can do anything to stop them." my vision was a little better to see her smirk. That made me fire up with rage. I attacked her.

I grabbed her from the side and made us fall down, me on top of her as I held her in place. I punched her in the arms and-OW! She freaking pinched my neck! That wench!

"Shitome, you're useless!"

"Your pathetic!"

"You killed your parents! They don't love you!"

"You deserve to die!"

"That should've been you dead!!" all those words hit me like bricks. Those words cut deep. I bit into her shoulder hard and she winced in pain. She punched my head multiple times as I continued to bite down and then she suddenly thrown me off.

"You will pay for that you boy cosplayer!" she shouted. I got up on my feet, ignoring the pain in my arm. I threw myself at her again, pushing her against the lockers. I pulled at her hair, twisting it in my fingers for her to stop. She obviously didn't listen as it was now reversed as I was against the lockers, and she was pushing me against it.

I grunted, not liking this position. Her nails cut deeply into my wrists, and I could feel the blood rushing and the skin go numb. I could see the evil smirk on her face as she leaned close to my ear. I winced, not wanting this to happen. I could hear my heart pounding loudly in my ears, and my breathing become rapid.

"You are a pathetic. . .

murderous. . .

hopeless girl.

How could you ever think you could have a family after killing them? Did you feel proud? Did you enjoy seeing their dead corpses in front of you? Were you happy to not be loved by them? Do you think you could've possibly made friends and could be loved?

"I bet you were laughing to see them dead in your eyes. What about Kana-chan? Do you think she's still dead?" she whispered wickedly into my ears.

"Shut up." I muttered. "I'll kill you!! I'll freaking kill you!!" I felt a slap on my check. I hissed as her nails clawed my skin, feeling a burning sensation.

"You will shut the heck up, Asuna! I'll drag you to the ends of the earth." she yelled. "I don't give a living crap about you!"

"Then why are you so jealous?" I smirked.


"Ha, me? Be jealous of you? You must be joking! Ha! That's rich, real rich!" she laughed without humor. I closed my eyes tightly.

"Denial isn't just a river in Egypt." I muttered. She must've heard as she dragged me out of the school building. I winced as she dug her nails into my wrist.

Once we were outside, she pulled me along the schoolyard. I couldn't struggle as my limbs were sorta useless, and they lost feeling. I winced though, still feeling a pounding sensation in my head. She pulled my chin up with her finger, looking deeply into my eyes.

"You will pay for what you said about them. Oh, and by the way, I saw those pictures you drew in first period. You're quite the artist, Asuna. Too bad, that'll end quickly when you lose the artistic 'touch'!" she yelled as she twisted my hand back, and I winced in pain as she pushed my hands back further and further until I heard a loud crack.

I gasped, hissing at the pain as she finally let go and I pulled them close to my stomach, staring at them in disbelief. Tears finally fled down my cheeks. It felt like indescribable pain.

She broke them. . . She broke my wrists. My only touch of feeling like myself again was by drawing. It was the only way to escape from reality and enter my own two-dimensional drawings. My life is over. I will only feel pain and judgement. I will never be forgiven by the crimes that I didn't want to commit.

My only way of living. . . is gone.

Kauro's POV

It's been a while since Asuna left the room and she should be back by now. I looked at the corner of the desk and saw a brown book. Curious, I picked it up and flipped through the first page. I then realized at what she had felt.


There she was in black and white. Asuna beaten up with blood and bruises; two men in front of her, smirking devilishly at the girl as the dark aura surrounded her, knowing that she would be facing death soon enough.

Maybe those two men that Kyoya was with was those two people, and Asuna said she knew them? What exactly happened?

I couldn't know though, I couldn't even go near her. Kyoya wouldn't us near her and her near us. That was a rule. I thought it was silly at first, but I then realized ay how serious that it was.

But she looked broken, so much in pain. How does she live? Kyoya couldn't even find it! What if she didn't even have a home, because she murdered them?

"Kaoru, I'm going to go check on Asuna!" Haruhi shouted.

"What? Why? Kyoya told us to stay away from her." I stated.

"I think she's in trouble." she said calmly while running from the room. What was that?

Should I even help her? Kyoya told us not to go near her, but what Asuna really was in danger like the picture she drew?

Asuna's POV

I hissed in pain as Yukito pulled onto my hair harder, continuing to snip it off with some scissors I never knew she had. Tears fell down my cheeks as she kept going with that sinister smirk on her face.

She already had made my body go numb by her clawing at my skin everywhere. It was completely useless for me to stop her. I couldn't move. . .

"Aw, don't cry, Asuna. Don't worry, it'll be cut off soon enough." I could feel her smirking behind me as one hand snipped at my hair while the other was holding me down by the waist. Why is she torturing me when she could've killed me on the spot?

"Please, Yukito. . . Stop this." I muttered but I doubt she heard. I heard a gasp from behind me. "What? Deciding to let me go?" I said louder.

"Shut the heck up, Asuna!" she pulled onto my hair with only a few long straps of hair left."That wasn't me!" she then turned me around to see the person that I couldn't face.


"Yukito, you let Asuna go right now!" he shouted, running up to us.

"H-Haruhi? I'm only defending myself. A-Asuna was beating me up, so I-"

"Enough of your lies! Why hurt Asuna when she did nothing to you?!" he shouted. Yukito dropped me harshly on the ground, kicking me in the back. It lost my wind of air, as I tried putting some back in. That really hurt!

"She hurt me, Haruhi! I was only defending my person!" Yukito whined.

"Stop this, Yukito! You have no right to be hurting her! Look, she's all beaten to a pulp because of you!"

"Okay, so what? Maybe I have, big deal. She deserved it anyways. . ." Yukito said.

"She did nothing to you!" he stammered.

"Well, she doesn't deserve to live! She killed her own family and I will avenge them!" she yelled.

"They were nothing to you! You don't even know them!" Haruhi yelled back.

"Oh, yeah! Of course I know them! That's because Hinata and Maiku were my parents! I'm Kana! Kana, Yukito, Shitome! I made my name up and went to the orphanage to plan my revenge on her! I was then adopted by some rich people who couldn't have a child!" she yelled and me and Haruhi all gasped in shock.

She's alive?


Me: OMG!! What the heck was that?! RANDOM MOMENT!

Everyone: *sweatdrops*

Twins: I suggest we throw her out. . .

Me: *gasps* Hey, I put you here so you be thankful for it!

Twins: Nuh-uh-uh~

Me: Gr!

Tamaki: Don't worry, daughter! Everything will be alright as long as your with me! *spins into circle while sparkles like Edward*

Me: . . . No thanks, senpai.

Haruhi: I still want my tuna!

Me: No tuna for you!! *sticks tongue out while pulls down on eyelid* Here, have a lemon instead! *hands her the lemon*

Haruhi: I don't want lemon!

Everyone: *bursts into laughter*

Me: Dude, you got it all wrong!

Honey: What's lemon?

Everyone but Honey and Haruhi: o.O Nothing!

Me: O-okay? Well, bye-bye for now!

Honey: Mori-chan, do I have a sexy face?

Mori: . . . yes.

Everyone: 0.0 BYE!