Status: Please. . . Help me understand this!

On Mute

Chapter 14: The Fight Between Found Siblings

Chapter 14: The Fight Between Found Siblings


"Stop this, Yukito! You have no right to be hurting her! Look, she's all beaten to a pulp because of you!"

"Okay, so what? Maybe I have, big deal. She deserved it anyways. . ." Yukito said.

"She did nothing to you!" he stammered.

"Well, she doesn't deserve to live! She killed her own family and I will avenge them!" she yelled.

"They were nothing to you! You don't even know them!" Haruhi yelled back.

"Oh, yeah! Of course I know them! That's because Hinata and Maiku were my parents! I'm Kana! Kana Yukito Shitome! I made my name up and went to the orphanage to plan my revenge on her! I was then adopted by some rich people who couldn't have a child!" she yelled and me and Haruhi all gasped in shock.

She's alive?


I slowly got back up onto my feet, wide eyed at my now found sister.

"Y-you're alive, Kana-chan?" I whispered. She laughed.

"Alive? I've been alive all this time, and better without you! You ruined my life, killing Mother and Father in front of me like that without a purpose and that there was those men in the house! How dare you!!" she shouted.

"Me?! Those men forced me to without a choice! I was nine at that time and you were seven, what did you think I could do, Kana!?" I shouted back.

"Never speak of me of that name, you hear me?!" she shouted. I fumed with anger.

"How!?" I screamed.

"How what?" she smirked.

"How are you still alive through all these years? How did you survive through that window? You were only seven then; delicate like a flower! How were you not surprised or shocked, or even glad when you saw me again?!" I demanded. I needed answers.

"I was never dead to begin with, just majorly injured when the ambulance came by, and I'm not sure exactly how I survived the window. When I saw you, the only emotion I felt was hatred for you. I was finally happy at a school with tons of friends, till you showed up." she said, glaring at me.

"Didn't you miss me?" I asked, wanting to see if she did.

"Miss you. How could I possibly miss you, Asuna? You ruined my life! Do you know how hard it is to live with a bunch of orphans in a crummy house, with crummy clothes, and crummy food, and without friends?!" she stammered.

"Do you know how hard it is to live out in the streets for six freaking years and had to take care of myself? I was kidnapped and was brutally tortured by two psychotic men and was being chased for all my life. Do you know how hard it is to move on and find hope of what I did? I didn't want to, but did it look like a nine year old could outsmart two grown men? Yeah, I didn't think so." I stated.

"Asuna! The past is the past, and I will take my revenge on their deaths! I will-"

"If you say the past is the past, then why do you seek revenge still? Did Grandmother Suoh teach you nothing?" I stated.

"Tamaki's grandmother?"I heard Haruhi whisper in the background. Crap, I forgot he was there!

"Pfft, because you killed them!" she yelled. I stood there in place, not wanting to move or speak. She was wrong. . . I didn't kill them. It was those men.

"Leave me alone, Kana!" I shouted.

"Don't ever call me that!" she spat.

"Kana, Kana, Kana! That is your name!" I mocked. She growled at me in anger.

"Shut up!" she bellowed. She charged at me, but Haruhi got into the way.

"Yukito- Kana- whatever your name is! Don't put Asuna into this!" he defended.

"She killed them! I have every right to be putting her into this! I always hated you!" she shouted, charging at me. What do I do?! I can hardly move!

"Kana, please. . . You don't need to be doing this-"

"Shut up, Asuna! You will no longer live! Say your prayers, because this will be the last breath you take!" she shouted as she pushed Haruhi down hard and ran up to me. My eyes bulged wide in horror and shock.

"Now you leave Haruhi alone! He has done nothing to you so don't hurt him!" I shouted. She growled at me, picking me up by my shorter hair.

"I'll kill you!" she yelled as she threw me back to the ground. "You should feel the pain as I felt when I lost them! You did this! You did this!"

I felt her pick me up by the collar of my blouse, and before she could do anything else, two other people pulled her away from me.

"Get the heck off of me! Let me go!" she shouted, but I couldn't see who it was. My vision was becoming blurry. I tried to keep my eyes open, but the only thing I saw was that Kana jumped back and took the air out of me. I gasped for air, but I knew it was hopeless. She stabbed me with something hard, but I didn't know what.

"Now you shall belong in hell!" she shouted.

"You let Asuna go!" I heard, but I couldn't tell who it was.

"Shut up, baka! You don't know anything!" I heard Kana yell from above me.

The pain was worse than I could imagine. It felt like a giant needle pierced through my side, and I could feel the pain rising.

"Asuna, you'll be alright! Fight it! Stay awake!" Haruhi?

"H-haruhi," I mumbled. I felt Kana being pushed off of me but felt another presence at my side. I tried to keep my eyes open, but the more I fought the harder it was becoming to stay awake.

"No, Asuna! Don't you dare close your eyes! Stay awake! Don't you dare die on me!" I heard Haruhi shout.

"Haruhi, I c-can't." I muttered.

"Don't worry, the Host Club is here!" he shouted. The Host Club? Here? What do they want?

"No, don't be helping her!!" I heard Kana yell. I didn't have much strength left. . . I don't think I was going to make it.

"Kana-chan, I-I always l-loved you." I muttered before closing my eyes.

Kana's POV

"Kana-chan, I-I always l-loved you." I heard Asuna mutter before closing her eyes, probably dying. Serves her right! The twins kept holding me back, but I slipped out.

"Ha, she's dead, she's dead! I won! She lost!" I smirked, running up to my dead sister. I felt nothing but pure hatred towards her. I pulled her out of the boy's grip and pulled her towards me, smashing her into the ground.

"You let my precious daughter go! I'm sorry Kyoya, but this must be done! How could you treat your sister like that? Have you no heart?!" Tamaki shouted. I scoffed, but I was quickly pulled back by the stupid twins.

"Let me go, you bastards!" I tried squirming out, but it was no use. I wasn't giving up!

"Kyoya-senpai! Take Asuna to the hospital!" Haruhi shouted.

"Too late, she's already dead and nothing you can do about it!" I shouted with a smirk.

"We'll see about that!" Haruhi shouted back. I growled, finally managing to escape from the twins grasp and run out of the school yard.

"Hey, you get back here!" I heard Tamaki shout, but I only ran faster. I ran out all the way away from campus and ran towards the road. No way can they catch me now!

I smirked, looking back to see a few chasing me from behind.

"You'll never catch me!!" I grinned evilly, looking at their shocked faces.

"Look out!!" the cute little boy shouted. I arched my eyebrow, twisting my head back to the front. My eyes widened in fear, seeing a large truck honking at me. I stopped, frozen in fear like a deer in the headlights.


Kyoya's POV (ROBOT XD)

I ran towards to chase that girl which I found out was Asuna's sister. How did I not notice that before when I looked her up? I ran towards till I saw her running on the road.

"You'll never catch me!!" she shouted. My eyes bulged wide when I saw the huge truck honking at her to move out of the way.

"Look out!!" Honey shouted by my side. But it was too late. . .

The truck ran her over easily like she was nothing compared to it's large tires. I gasped in utter shock. I couldn't believe my eyes. The Shitome family now ends. . .

The truck drove away, not caring about murdering the girl. Once the truck was out of sight, Honey and I ran over to her, me picking up her dead body. Blood was covering her skull and her body. I carried her over back to Tamaki and the others.

"Kyoya, you got her! Wait-what happened?!" he shouted.

"She's dead." I said monotonously.

"What happened?!" the twins gasped in unison.

"She was being careless and wasn't watching when a large truck crushed her body." I answered. Everyone gasped except for Honey who saw the whole thing. I patted his head to reassure him that everything would be alright. (Yay, Kyoya's not a ROBOT!!)

"Well, Kyoya you pick up Asuna and we'll carry her to the hospital!" Tamaki shouted as he pointed his finger upward. That's our boss. . .


We rushed to the hospital as soon as possible, and everyone was hoping it was not to late. We ran to the nurse at the front of the desk and I was first to speak,"Help! This girl might be dead!"

The women gasped as her eyes bulged wide and she called a few men came in and carried Asuna away from my arms.

"You will need to fill out some paperwork," the women said. I nodded, and took the papers and the pen she handed to me. I sat down calmly at a chair in the waiting room and Tamaki sat right beside me. Mori was on the other side where Honey was beside him.

"Kyoya-senpai, how can you act so calm?" Haruhi asked. I looked up from the papers. Everyone's head turned towards me.

"Because I feel nothing towards her. I still think we should stay away from her-"

"Kyoya, enough of this! So what about her past? She said she didn't want to because she was forced to kill her parents, you don't know everything out there in the world, Kyoya. Besides, you should've stopped about telling us information in the first place. She would've possibly told us on her own; it wasn't your business to be looking inside it anyways." she stated.

I finished filling them out without giving a word to Haruhi.



A male doctor came in with a clipboard in hand. He smiled at me, knowing who I was and stared down to his clipboard. I knew that something was instantly up. . .

"Is Asuna-chan gonna be okay?" Honey asked with teary eyes. Mori patted his head to reassure him. I stood up from my chair and walked up the doctor. The man sighed; either hesitantly or in relief.

"Shitome Akuska-"

"Asuna!" Tamaki corrected darkly. I was even slightly taken back by this. The doctor glared at him before turning back to me and continue.

"Miss. Shitome shall be fine, but she must stay overnight due to her injuries. She's asleep right now at the time, but visiting hours start in two and a half hours. One of you may accompany her for the night." the doctor stated.

"We well~" the twins chorused.

"No," I stated simply.

"Why not?" one of them asked.

"Because you'll be doing inappropriate things while she is sleeping." I said. They gasped but it soon turned into sinister smirks.

"You know us too well."

"I guess I will," Haruhi sighed.

"My precious angel should not be doing that all by herself! I will accompany you as well!" Tamaki grinned. I sighed hesitantly.

"Fine, but we'll be back tomorrow." I informed and Tamaki nodded in agreement.

"Aren't you going to visit her, though?" Haruhi asked.

"No, I have business to be taking care of." and with that, I walked away.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Me: Hello everyone!

Haruhi: I still don't know what lemon is!

Me: *whispers in her ear*

Haruhi: Uh. . . I shouldn't have asked.

Konata: Welcome to the new installment of LUCKY-

Me: 0.0 Konata, wrong place!

Konata: I-it is?

Me: Yes. . . Well I think it is?

Konata: Well, I guess this is LUCKY STAR!!

Kyoya: This Is Ouran HSHC, wrong place, Konata. Please, return to your own show.

Me: TT_TT NO, she can stay! She can say the goodbyes!

Konata: I can?

Me: Sure, why not?

Kyoya: Because this is-

Me: It wasn't a question! It was a figure of speech!

Kyoya: Whatever. . .

Me: Go ahead, Konata!

Konata: Okay! Well, goodbye everyone! Enjoy next chapter and watch Lucky Star~

Me: *sighs in relief* She didn't say it. . .

Konata: Say what?

Me: ^-^ Nothing~