Status: Please. . . Help me understand this!

On Mute

Chapter 15: I. . . I-I. . . How Could You Do This To Me?!

P.S the song on the side is Lie by Ren Kagamine. Her voice is so kawaii, nya~

Chapter 15: I. . . I-I. . . How Could You Do This To Me?!

Haruhi's POV

Tamaki sat down in the room after everyone left. Just Tamaki, Asuna, and I. I really hoped Asuna was okay, and that she would wake up soon. I didn't like seeing people like this. She must've really suffered a lot, worse than all our pasts combined.

I watched as she groaned, squeezing her eyes. I nudged Tamaki hard in the hip, waking him up from his "beauty rest".

"Wha-what is it, Haruhi?" he questioned.

"Asuna's waking up!" I muttered loudly, pointing at Asuna who blinked her eyes open.

"Asuna, your awake!" Tamaki bellowed, rushing over to her side. She groaned, rubbing her head. Her hair was badly cut in all directions, and it needed to be fixed.

"Wh-where am I?" she asked, sitting up in the bed. I walked over to her quickly, smiling down at her. She looked really confused.

"Your at the hospital, do you remember what happened?" I asked. Her eyes widened.

"Where's Kana-chan?" she questioned fearfully.

Asuna's POV

"Your at the hospital, do you remember what happened?" Haruhi asked. My eyes widened. Where is she?

"Where's Kana-chan?" I asked, wanting answers immediately. Please, I need to know. . .

"She's. . .dead." Haruhi sighed. My eyes widened.

"I want a funeral for her," I stated which earned a weird look from both of them.

"Why?! She wanted you dead!" Tamaki yelled at me and I winced from the loud noise.

"She's the only family I have left!" I shouted back. Ugh, my head hurts.

"She wanted you dead and now you want a funeral because she tried to kill you?!" Tamaki yelled, causing me to wince from the loudness.

"I don't care, Tamaki! Even if she did try to kill me, I still love her! You don't know what I've been through so stay out of it! You don't know what it's like to lose your entire family and can't do anything about it! Leave. Me. Alone!" I shouted, pointing my finger to the door for them to leave.

"You know that she tried to kill you! Look at you! You're covered in blood and she cut your hair! You have bruises everywhere and you just found out that your sister was yesterday!" Haruhi exclaimed. My eyes widened.

"Get me a mirror." I demanded quietly.

"I thought you would ask that," Tamaki muttered as he shuffled a hand through his-um-"purse". Seconds later and he popped out a hand mirror, handing it to me. I took it and looked through to see myself.

I threw the mirror at the window, causing both of them to crack. I looked at my shaking bandaged hands, not knowing what to do. My hair--my beautiful hair that I always admired the most about myself. I-it's all destroyed and cut into pieces, looking terrible. My once beautiful hair that was ugly, disgusting, that couldn't be seen by anyone else.

"N-no. . ." I muttered. I couldn't believe it. My hair!

"I'm sorry this happened, Asuna. I wish I could've done more to help." Haruhi stated.

Haruhi. . .

I couldn't explain it. Haruhi has been with me so much. He actually made me feel better. I really liked him, and I couldn't explain how my heart felt. My heart felt like it was healed by his words, like he was the only cure for me. He's the only one that cared; that saved me.

I. . . I love him.

"Haruhi. I want to do something." I said.

"What is it?" he asked. I smiled. I didn't care about my hair anymore, I didn't even care that my right wrist was broken.

"I like you. . ." I pulled onto Haruhi's neck with my left hand and with my remaining strength, I pulled him to my lips, kissing him. I heard Tamaki gasp, but I didn't care. I fell in love with Haruhi.

Haruhi pulled away, his face flustered with red. I looked over at Tamaki who's mouth was wide and his eyes were wide like frying pans. i then looked ashamed of myself for acting so stupid.

"Haruhi. . . I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." that was my first kiss. . .

"Asuna, I don't know if I told you this but-but-" Tamaki slapped a hand over his mouth, rage filling him up. Is Tamaki gay for Haruhi?

"How dare you kiss my Haruhi?! That is the second time Haruhi kissed a girl! When do I get to kiss you like that?" he shouted. My eyes went wide.

"So you are gay?!" I gasped. Haruhi and Tamaki gasped and he turned red blushing.

"G-gay?! Why would I turn gay for Ha-ru-oh. . ." his face fell.

"What?" I questioned. What was going on?

"Haruhi is. . . a girl." my eyes widened.

"You're lying! Tell me he's lying Haruhi!" I shouted not believing my ears. Tamaki removed his hand from his mouth. Haruhi couldn't possibly be a girl now could he?!

"It's true. I'm a girl." my eyes widened.

"I. . . I-I. . . how could you do this to me?! Me, kiss a girl?! I kissed a girl?! I kissed Haruhi that is a girl?!" I shouted, not believing the words that came out of my mouth. How could I be so stupid?! my face flushed red. I couldn't face Haruhi anymore. . . This is so embarrassing! (I'm even surprised by this 0.0)

"What's going on Tama-chan? Oh, Asuna-chan's awake! Asuna-chan's awake!" I heard a high squeal from Honey. No, this is so embarrassing! I couldn't let people come in on me now!

"Asuna, are you okay?" I heard one of the twins ask. I couldn't look at them.

"What happened-"

"-With Asuna?"

". . ."

"Please don't tell me she just found out that Haruhi was a girl?" I heard Kyoya. I gritted my teeth angrily. I'm so sick of him! Kaoru and Hikaru burst out into laughter.

"That's hilarious!" Hikaru shouted.

"How'd she find out?!" Kaoru asked while they were still laughing. Haruhi sighed like it was no big deal. It was a big deal to me.

"She kissed me," he muttered. Oh wait, it's a she now. . . More fits of laughter were heard around the room except from Kyoya. I hated this. I begin to get out of the bed and the laughter died down.

"Where are my clothes?" I asked.

"They're ruined. We got you some new ones." Tamaki stated, handing me a bag of what I'm guessing clothes were in. I sighed, taking the bag and walked over to the little bathroom that happened to be inside the room. I opened the door and quickly walked inside, closing it behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I'm such an idiot. . .

I let my emotions get over me and I kissed a girl. My first kiss had to be with a girl. This was humiliating! I took off the hospital gown and looked through the bag. Good, something that I can get used to.

I picked them out, putting on the dull green sweater that fit perfectly and then the grey skirt. It looked simple. Once I put the clothes on, I looked at my hair in the mirror. It looked awful. I loved my long dark blue hair, but it was gone. My once long hair was now all the way to my chin, ugly looking since it was in all directions.

I turned on the sink fositt and used my left hand that wasn't broken and rubbed my hand in the water; splashing the water on my hair to calm it down and fix it. It looked awful. I ran my fingers though it, using it like a comb to calm my hair down to tame it. It didn't help much but I needed it as much as I could.

I then opened the door, walking out to face the idiots that saved my life. I only mean Haruhi of course. . . Haruhi, the girl that saved my life. I sighed once again.

"We have decided to let you have a personal funeral," Tamaki informed, causing my eyes to go wide once again. He means it?!

"Thank you," I muttered.


They made a funeral the following day, and they left me alone to deal with my feelings while Kana was in her coffin in the church. I sighed, brushing the hair out of her face. I let this happen. If I didn't kill my parents or went down stairs to the kitchen, this wouldn't have happened.

My entire family. . . . is dead.

Just when I found out my sister was alive, she died. I didn't care that she tried to kill me, I always loved her. I was always there for her during those years together. I stood up for her, and yet, I let this happen. If I didn't go down stairs to look for Onyx, this wouldn't have happened and everyone could still be alive.

I'm so stupid. . .

This was my fault; I have to end this suffering. . .

Me: Okay people, I have some new to share!

Everyone but me: What is it?

Me: *sighs* We are close to the ending.

Everyone but Kyoya: WAH! So soon?!

Me: Sadly, yes.

Honey: No, Scar-chan!

Me: I'm sorry, Honey-senpai. Everything comes to an end.

Tamaki: It was wonderful!

Kyoya: I'm just glad it's over. . .

Me: -.- Shut up, Kyoya. *mutters colorful words*

Kyoya: I heard that.

Me: Maybe it was meant for you to hear!

Kyoya: *rolls eyes* sure it was.

Me: Whatever, but good news! I heard there was a Second season of you guys announced! In December!

Everyone: SPOILER!

Me: *sticks out tongue* So?!

Kyoya: Real mature. . .

Me: Who needs to be mature when your awesome?!

Kyoya: Your not awesome. . .

Me: I'm not? Well, I'm not mature, so, I guess I'm awesome! In yo face, Kyoya!

Kyoya: Goodbye, everyone.

Me: *Gasp* Kyoya, you don't say that! I ask someone and then they say it!

Twins: And we have a sexy face ;P

Me: GRR! Stop it!

Haruhi: What about my fancy tuna?!

Me: No fancy tuna for you, missy!

Haruhi: WHAT?! T^T