Status: Please. . . Help me understand this!

On Mute

Chapter 16: Ironic How You're Attacked At Your Sisters Funeral?

Chapter 16: Ironic How You're Attacked At Your Sisters Funeral?

I walked away from the church, walking towards nowhere that I would have known. Those men are still probably looking for me, and I'm wasting my time in one area. I had to move out. . .

"I'm causing more pain for my self aren't I?" I asked to no one in particular. I looked around the place I was at. The sky was dark and the trees had a weird aura feeling off of them. I had this strange feeling in my gut that I didn't like and I knew I had to get away from it as soon as possible but I didn't move.

I didn't know how to react at first when I saw something shiny quickly fly past my head and stuck to a tree. I gasped as it almost hit me. I whipped my head to around to see that it was a knife, deeply in the branches of the tree. I heard chuckling from behind me, and I instantly knew who it was. . .

"Kaito. Natsume." I muttered as I gritted my teeth. Natsume; big and tall, with scruffy brown hair and dull green eyes. His left ear pierced and a briar tattoo around his wrist. Kaito; shoulder length chocolate brown hair and hazel brown eyes; was big and tall, and was definitely more clever, with a dragon tattoo on his left shoulder and had a bit of a beard.

"So the runaway remembers us," chuckled Kaito. I snickered at them in disgust.

"You look different. Got a hair cut? It suits you," Natsume snorted. I glanced at both of them as they inched closer of every word they said. I backed up in fear, not knowing what to do. Can I ever get a day where I'm not about to get killed?!

"Well, enough chit-chat." Kaito snickered as he charged at me. I ducked as he was about to lay a punch on me. I ran away, hoping to get a good distance from them.

"Yo, get back here!" they shouted. I didn't listen. I only ran further and further til I reached the church again. I ran inside, hiding behind the casket. I heard them enter the church too, which made me very cautious. I heard the feet shuffle near by and I stopped my breathing, fearing that they would hear it. I didn't know what to do!

"Come out, kitty, kitty, kitty." they chanted. I could feel the sweat trickle down my neck.

"Don't worry, kitten. We won't hurt you." Kaito whispered sickly. I couldn't move. One slight movement or sound and it triggers them into action. I was useless at this point. Ironic isn't it? Dying in your sisters funeral?

"Come on, kitten. We promise we won't harm you. Just come on out, so we can talk." I could feel Natsume smirk. They weren't far from where I was. I knew I had to get out of here soon enough, but I didn't know where to run. I didn't know where to run without being seen or caught. I need someone. Anyone. Anyone to help me. I couldn't die here. I couldn't die now.

"Kitten, come out. Don't be shy. We promise we won't hurt you. Just come with us. . . We need you. We miss you." lies. They were all lies. This was why I didn't trust anyone. This is why I didn't want the Host club near me, and I was only a burden. A mere distraction to keep the thoughts of these men away from me. And I was so stupid to think I could get away from it all. . .

"Found you," I heard from behind me. I slowly turned my head, but my eyes did most of the turning. I saw them right in front of me, smirking with wild, murderous grins on their faces. My body lay stiff, and I couldn't move or respond. I felt like my death was only seconds upon me.

"Hey, kitten." He grabbed me by neck and pulled me up as hard as he could on my feet. I hissed in pain as he was pressing down on my pressure points. He chuckled wickedly, his breath inches from my neck. I couldn't move, and I regretted running inside here instead of down to the park.

"Nice to finally see you again. I bet we will have a fun game tonight. What do you say?" Kaito asked with another sickening smirk.

I could feel everything dawning down to me and my mind suddenly returning to reality. I felt the anger rise, and with all my strength I kicked him where the sun don't shine.

"I say how about you leave me alone before I kill you?" I asked as he fell to the ground, clutching onto his groin. I felt hands attack me from behind and wrap around my waist. I elbowed Natsume in the nose and made a run for it. I ran towards the entrance of the church but another knife was thrown at the door. I turned back around to see Natsume clutching onto his bleeding nose and Kaito walking a little limp.

"You made a bad move there, kitten." their eyes narrowed at me. My eyes widened in horror as I made another run for the door and hurriedly open it up, not caring about the knife was wedged in. I slung the door open and dashed outside and ran down the nearest street that I turned to.

I ran down the cemetery that was behind the church and I ran up the hill where the sun was going down. I began panting when I reached the top and I was out of breath. I was so scared. What could I do? I can't possibly get rid of them. I have to hide!

I climbed up high into the tree before they made it up to where I was and hid between the branches and leaves. They were right below the tree, looking around. I stopped my breathing. Please don't find me. Please don't find me. Please don't find me. Please don't find me.

"Where the hell did she go?!" I heard Kaito yell in anger, throwing his knife at the ground roughly near his feet.

"I dunno but she couldn't have gone far. Let's go up east into town to see if she's there." Natsume stated, looking around.

"Alright, I just hope the little kitten didn't get too far." Kaito replied as they ran off the opposite direction of the tree. I let out a breath of relief once they were gone. I'm safe for now, but not for long. I'm never safe alone. I jumped out from the tree and sat down on the ground, my knees up to my chest and my arms wrapped around them.

I then started to break down crying my eyes out.

Why did this have to happen to me? Why can't I be just like a normal person and not have to suffer and fight to stay alive? Why do I have to run away from everything and not face them head on? Why couldn't I do anything to prevent the deaths of my family?

I can't do this. . . I can't live on. I'm only making this worse by living. I shouldn't be alive. It was all my fault anyways.

So, why am I still alive, I should be dead? What is there to live for? Why am I living? Why am I still breathing today? Why can't people look beyond my past? Why can't I be loved. . . by anyone? The world is a stupid place full of stupid people. I'm only hated by everyone. . .

I'm not loved; my loved ones died; all of them died in front of my eyes because of me. No one loves me. . . No one likes me. . . I tried to make friends with the Host Club, but they blocked me out because of what 'I' purposely did. It's all my fault. . .

All my fault. . .

"All my fault," I muttered aloud. I lifted my head up out of my knees full of tears. It was all my fault. I ended their lives and I didn't stop it. All this depression, they we're all put into their souls and I didn't stop of what could be stopped. No one believes me. No one trusts me. No one liked or loved me. I know what I must do.

I sniffled, standing back up on my feet. I knew what had to be done. I had to end this suffering, to end this madness. If I did this, they wouldn't chase me or hunt me anymore. No one would even care if I did so anyways. . .

I picked up the knife, examining it closely. I held it tightly between my shaking fingers, holding it close to my chest and took a deep breath through my mouth.

"It's all my fault. Ending is the best way to end my suffering. I'll be in a better place, where God is at my side and I don't have to stay on this cruel planet." I muttered under my breath.

I closed my eyes tightly, pointing the end of the knife to the left side of my chest. I exhaled slowly, wanting to take my last breath. Then quickly, I injected the knife into my chest, causing me to loudly gasp from the impact.

"Goodbye, everyone." I muttered, feeling the pain rise strongly and then my eyes begin to close as I started falling towards the ground, the pain succumbing as I saw nothing but a blinding light, knowing what was going to happen in the afterlife.

Everyone but me: . . . .

Me: What?

Everyone: Uh. . .

Honey: Wah! T^T So unfair! Unfair!

Me: I'm sorry, Honey-senpai.

Honey: *sniffles* It's okay, Scar-chan.

Hikaru: I just can't believe-

Kaoru: -She had to die so quickly.

Me: What's done is done.

Kyoya: At least it's over.

Me: *smirks* Not quite, Kyoya.

Tamaki: *gasp* What ever do you mean, Scarlet?

me: I "mean" that there will be another chapter.

Haruhi: What about?

Me: Everyone but Asuna. A whole chapter dedicated to you guys! But don't worry, it's only the guilt chapter!

Everyone: How does that make us feel good?!

Me: When did I say that it would be a happy chapter?

Kyoya: -.- You're an evil human being.

Me: Talking about yourself?

Kyoya: You know who I'm talking about.

Me: Whom do I speak of?

Kyoya: It's quite obvious, really.

Me: Yeah, because it's you. You're evil, twisted, and rebellious.

Kyoya: I'm not-

Me: Well, that's all we have time for! Who wants to say goodbye? Mori?

Mori: Alright, goodbye everyone. Thank you for reading today's chapter and I hope you all have a wonderful day and read on to the last chapter. Oh, and I have a sexy face. Can I go home now? *finishes reading the cue card the twins gave him*

Twins: Yep!

Everyone but the twins and Mori: o.O

Me: Well, okay then? 0.0