Status: Please. . . Help me understand this!

On Mute

Chapter 2: Unusual Morning

Chapter 2: Unusual Morning

I made a run for it quickly without being seen. I ran all the down the block and hurriedly turned on my left. I hope they don't find me!

"Hey, where'd she go?" someone asked. I gasped, speeding up. I heard footsteps behind me and I went faster. I couldn't see where I was going and tripped over a bicycle that was in the way. I fell with a loud crash and my foot was stuck in the conveyor belt of the bike. I gasped, hurrying to escape the trap of the bike.

It wouldn't budge! No, I can't die just yet! I heard feet steps come closer to me, as I expect that they see me in this stupid situation. I heard laughter behind me. I'm so going to slap them like crazy!! They will pay!

"Hey, are you alright?" one of them asked.

Does it freaking look like I'm alright?!

I grunted, trying to get out and run, but it was no use. I sighed in defeat. I guess my fate wants me to end my life. I knew I should have when I was younger anyways.

"Here, let me help you," one of them said. He pulled the conveyor belt upwards and the other one downwards with his other hand, and then I took my foot out and tried to get up. My hand slipped from the gravel and I fell back down, busting my chin hard. I heard a loud crack and a pop, and I instantly started groaning in pain. I pulled my hand towards it and felt a liquid substance spilling but I couldn't see it. What was that leaking?

"Here," the boy insisted, picking me up bridal style. I gasped, hitting him on the head which caused him to wince and drop me. I landed on my forehead first and blacked out.

Hikaru's POV

Me and Kaoru took a strict turn to the left and ran after the mysterious girl. Why did she look that way in the limousine? She looked beaten to death with bruises and scratches, and why was she bare foot? Why would boss be so stupid to kidnap her, even if he was only trying to help her? She was terrified when she saw us.

Kaoru and I saw the girl on the ground with her foot caught in the conveyor belt of an abandoned bicycle. I burst out laughing when I saw the girl trapped in it, and Kaoru playfully hit me in the chest for me to stop and help.

"Here, let me help you," I advised, and I opened both ends of the conveyor belt and she dragged her foot out. She tried to get up like in a sprint, but her hand slipped and landed on her chin. I heard a crack from it and I hoped nothing was broken. She groaned in pain from the impact.

"Here," I insisted, picking her up and holding her bridal style. I looked into her eyes and she gasped, hitting me upside the head harder than the last time she hit me. I winced from the pain, releasing my hand from her back and rubbed it trying to soothe it. What I didn't realize was that I had dropped her. I gasped, trying to pick her up.

"Hikaru, you idiot! You could've killed her!" Kaoru yelled, helping me pick her up. This was my fault if she dies, and what could I do? I could be sent to juvy! Or worse, jail! I picked her back up and carried her bridal style once more and hurried back to bosses mansion.

I'm so dead!

Once back at the mansion, I carried her inside and carried her to the lounge and laid her on the couch. Tamaki, Honey, Mori, and Kyoya followed behind.

"You idiot! You killed her!" Tamaki shouted.

"No, just unconscious. She'll be able to wake up in a couple of hours." Kyoya said. I sighed in relief and so did the others.

"We should all get some sleep, I'll stay here in case she wakes up," Tamaki insisted.

"No offense,boss-"

"-but you couldn't so that!-"

"-You'll fall asleep instantly,"

Tamaki pouted, going over to his emo corner, growing mushrooms.

"Who'll do it then?" Honey pondered.

"I guess I will," Kyoya stepped in. We all shrugged in n uncaring manor, walking towards our rooms where we usually slept when we came here like every other weekend. So, we technically had our own rooms.

Kyoya's POV

I sat on the opposite couch across from the girl. Her midnight blue hair looked tousled and tangled everywhere. I held my note book close to me and pushed my glasses up with my index and forefinger to my nose and kept a close eye on her. The only movements of her body was her chest slowly pumping up and down as she breathed. She looked broken.

My eyes started to drift down, but I quickly widened my eyes, trying to keep myself awake. I couldn't go asleep. If she wakes up and I'm asleep, how would I know? My eyes started to feel even heavier until they closed shut and I fell asleep.


I heard a loud thump and some groaning. I didn't want to open my eyes. So. . . tired. My body felt stiff in an uncomfortable position and so I let out a loud yawn and stretched my muscles to loosen the pressure in them. I blinked my eyes, seeing something missing. Where was the girl?

I stood up and looked around. She was no where to be found. I took a step to find her in case she escaped, but I hit something and looked down; realizing that she has fallen from the sofa. I scrunched my eyebrows, confused as how she did not wake up from the impact of the hard floor. I sighed, my mind getting annoyed by the early wake up call.

I crouched down and hesitantly picked the weightless girl back up and laid her back on the sofa. She sighed deeply when her head relaxed on the cushion of the seats. I picked up the thin blanket nearby and wrapped it around the girls' fragile body. She looked so bruised up and broken. What happened to her? Did someone do this?

She suddenly turned over, about to fall off until I quickly pulled her body back up on the cushions cautiously. This isn't too safe for her to sleep. I picked her back up carefully so she wouldn't startle, and sat myself down in the corners of the cushions and laid my legs across the cushions. I laid her on my body so she wouldn't fall off for sure. I wrapped an arm around her just to be sure, and I fell back asleep. . .

Girls' POV

I felt something warm underneath me. Never in so many years have I felt this warm in my life, so I took my advantage and snuggled deeper into the warmth that felt so good. When did my little space feel so warm and soft? I sighed in relief, wishing this warm moment could last forever and stay in this dream. But its' never a dream; it's a nightmare that is living my reality of every step that I take.

I couldn't smell the dirty streets, so I instantly knew I wasn't where I thought I was. I could feel and realize that I wasn't anywhere close to my dream. Memories of what happened flashed in my mind from last night and I gasped in realization from knowing and dreading when I open my eyes. I was on top of a body.

I literally sprung my eyes open, trying to get the blurriness out of my eyes and look straight at my captive. It was the guy with the glasses, and he looked deep into sleep of his self conscious. I tried to get up but then I felt his arm draped over me, and that means I couldn't move.

Well isn't my life just perfect? It's probably like extremely early in the morning.

I heard him mumble a few things before his eyes opened, and I quickly closed my eyes so he wouldn't notice that I was awake. His arm fell from my waist and slowly tried to sit up, probably not to wake me up. That's when I sprung up to action.

I opened my eyes and then jumped up from the couch, facing him. His eyes widened at my sudden outburst, but then they relaxed. He is such a freaking creep!!

"Sit down, we have much to discuss." he ordered, but I didn't listen. I ran away from the room and into the hallway, trying to find my way out. I heard not far behind me and so I ran into the nearest room and then under the bed. I closed my eyes and tried to think of a plan. I couldn't think with all this snoring! Wait--snoring?

I quietly crawled out from the bed and saw a figure in the bed. It was those twins! I'm so dead! But maybe, if I stay here long enough for them to leave, I could sneak out and escape from the window while they're out of the room. Seems good enough to me. I crawled back under the bed and waited, and waited, and waited.

"Hikaru, wake up. It's morning." one of them spoke and I literally stopped my breathing.

"No, Kaoru, let me sleep." I could feel my heart pounding in my ears.

"Come on, wake up. We gotta make sure that girl is okay," where they talking about me? Oh no, they're gonna kill me! I gulped hard as I saw one of them get up as I turned my head to see what was going on. He pulled up some pants from the ground and put them on. A blush crept on my face and I literally gasped.

I turned my head the other way and accidentally hit my head on the wall. A loud thump vibrated and I could feel the other sit up from the noise.

"Kauro, did you hear that?!" one of them asked.

"Hear what?"

"I heard something under the bed!" my eyes widened in fear. They're going to see me! What could I possibly do?!

"Lemme check," then suddenly I saw a face with amber eyes. I gasped and then hit my head on the bed from raising my head because of horror. Oh no!

"It's her!" I crawled out as fast as I could and stood up almost immediately. Their heard turned towards my direction and their gaze widened.

"Look who wanted to join us?" the one with the pants on said. I backed up towards the wall in fear. What are they going to do to me?

"Hikaru, stop it. She's probably scared," the boy in the bed said as he got out and walked close to me. I closed my eyes shut tight ready for him to slap me.

"What's wrong? Don't worry, we're not going to hurt you." he said in my ear. I shook my head vigorously because I knew they were lying; everyone does. My eyes tightened as I turned my head slightly to the left, ready for the impact. Why were they not hurting me, yet?

I felt a hand touch my chin, turning it straight towards his. I stiffened up as I waited. But nothing happened. I opened one eye to see them gaze at me. I then opened both of them to stare at him shock. Would he hurt me; he looked to kind to do so?

His jaw dropped as he stared into my eyes. Wait, what is he thinking? "You don't happen to belong in the Shitome family, do you?" he asked. My eyes went wide. He doesn't want to hurt me, but how does he know about my family?

I nodded my head slowly. How could he tell? He seemed to read my thoughts as he said,"Your eyes; they're the color of sapphire blue and a tint of a lighter sky blue. My family were really lose to them once, but we somehow lost contact to them. I could also tell by the blue-ish black hair."

(the picture of her is on the cover)

My eyes widened to saucers. They knew my family?!


Me:So how was that? What'd you think?

Honey:Wahh!! It was awesome, Scar-chan!

Tamaki:Truly amazing work, Scarlet! Marvelous indeed! Please to all-

Me:Shut up!

Tamaki:*Runs to corner upset and grows mushrooms*

Kyoya:I don't see why you put me as a creep.*pushes glasses towards nose*

Me:Because you are!

Tamaki:When will Haruhi show up?

Me:In the next chapter, now, go back to your corner, blondie!

Hikaru:Aw! Why couldn't I be the one to do that to the girl! She's so cute!

Me:Because I didn't want you to, pervert!

Kaoru: Ha ha, she called you a pervert!!

Me:Anyways, who wants to say goodbye?

Mori:I'll do it.


Honey:Yeah, Taka-chan!

Mori:*coughs to grab attention* Bye. *walks away*

Me: o.O Okay? *everybody walks away*