Status: Please. . . Help me understand this!

On Mute

Chapter 3: Haruhi

Chapter 3: Haruhi

They knew my family? How? I wanted to say something, but I haven't in years. I probably forgot how to speak anyways. It still isn't clear on how they knew them in the first place, and how I didn't know of them anyways. My family never spoke of them anyways, well, I don't even know their last names, so who knows?

"Are you alright? We still didn't catch your name?" he asked. If my family were connected to his family somehow, how come they wouldn't know? How come I didn't know of them? I didn't really have any friends back then except one. He died in a car crash.

"You don't talk, huh?" he stated. I shook my head slowly. I wonder which one he is? I just wonder about them. . .

"Well, then! Let's go tell boss you're awake!" the one that was further away from me protested. I didn't want to, but did it look like I had a choice of free will? No, I didn't think so.

The one closest to me pulled me by the arm and tugged me out as we walked two doors down. One one that was still on my wrist knocked with his other hand and four seconds later it was wide open. His eyes averted from them then to me. His eyes went wide and a smile cracked.

"Oh, you're awake! You're so cute with those pretty eyes~!" he cooed and pulled me in a death grip of a hug as he swooshed me around like I was new toy. After a while he finally put me down and I gave his a threatening glare. I hated being touched, and so I flicked him in the forehead hard for him to never do it again. He got the message.


After being seated on the sofa in the couch, nearly everyone was awake. Except for that little blonde kid and that silent guy.

"I'll go wake up Honey." one of the twins said.

"I'll come with you!" said the other. After they left it was all an awkward silence. No one dared to speak up until they came back with the little boy, and the quiet guy. Mori, was it?

Honey rubbed his eyes with his curled up fists until he blinked and looked at all of us. His eyes then averted to me and a big grin spread across his cheeks. He ran up to me, giggling.

"Hey, I remember you! I didn't catch your name though, what is it? Do you remember me?" he spoke through giggles.

"He's right, what is your name?" Kyoya was it?

"She doesn't speak, but I know she is a Shitome," one of the red-headed twins stated. Kyoya took out what looked like a lap top and was typing some things. What is he doing?

"Shitome, huh? You mean, Asuna Shitome? That is your name, right?" he asked. I gasped. How did he know that in a matter of seconds? "I guess I'm correct?" he asked which caused me to nod my head in return. Was he researching me?


If he looks up any more research about my family, he'll know what happened to them! I got up as quickly as I could and shut the top of the lap top, not wanting him to know anything else. My name was far enough to know! I closed the top and gave it to "boss".

"Is there a problem?" Kyoya asked with his eyebrows scrunched up like he knew something was up. I then took out the battery from the lap top and put it in the back pocket of my shorts. Now he'll never get it back. "I want my battery back," he demanded and I just shook my head and sat back down on the sofa beside Honey and Mori.

Both of the twins walked up to me,"You shouldn't have done that~" they chorused. I don't care. It had to be done to protect myself. Kyoya stood up and walked up to me, his eyes narrowing down on me, but I didn't flinch.

"Give me back my battery," his eyes narrowed. I narrowed mine too, glaring daggers. I shook my head slowly. He took in a deep breath through his nose and picked my up by the waist. I gasped, punching and kicking my way to get out of his grip. I felt a hand reach the back pocket of my shorts and I gasped once again, punching him in the head which made me fall on my butt as the battery went flying in the air.

I caught it quickly and stuck it in my bra. Yeah, you guessed correctly, bra. Kyoya raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"You can keep it," he muttered. He sat back down. Then I jumped suddenly when I heard a door bell ring.

"Who's here?" asked Mori.

"Oh, I invited Haruhi over. Sorry for not telling you guys." Tamaki said as he walked out of the room. Who?

Seconds later, Tamaki sprinted into the room with a boy following behind. Oh, that's Haruhi. His eyes glanced across the room until they landed on me. He smiled, then walked up to me, holding out a hand.

Should I take it?

"Hello, I'm Fujioka Haruhi. It's a pleasure to meet you! What's your name?" the boy said and I instantly wanted to jump around and shout to the world. I took his hand in mine and shook it kindly. My face stood blank and I couldn't bring the words out of my mouth.

"She doesn't talk, like at all." one of the twins said. I wonder if he can tell them apart? Haruhi looked confused at him, then back at me.

"Why not? I would love to hear your voice," he stated and that instantly made me want to smile, but, I just couldn't. My mouth wouldn't respond. I realized he was still holding my hand and then I brushed it away, a little blush that spread across my cheeks.

"Aww!! She blushed! That's sooo cute!!" Tamaki exclaimed, pulling me into a tight squeeze as he swooshed me around again. I tried pulling away but he wouldn't budge.

"Senpai, stop it! She doesn't like that!" Haruhi shouted, and Tamaki instantly let me go. Senpai? Tamaki blushed madly before apologizing to me.

"Sorry about that, senpai does that a lot, and I'm still not used to it." Haruhi said. He does that to him too? "I still didn't catch your name, though?"

"Her name is Asuna. Our parents were really close to them once." the twins chorused again.

"Well, I think Asuna is adorable!! We could teach her to talk!" Tamaki declared. Yeah, I don't think so. Does he think I'm an infant or something?

"Senpai, I'm pretty sure she knows how to talk, and what were you saying about kidnapping her?!" Haruhi demanded.

"Boss stuffed her in the limo-"

"-And we didn't do anything,"

"Her skin was blue! What could I do, leave her?" Well, yeah! I like being left alone!!

"No wonder she won't talk! She doesn't even like you to even talk. She's scared out of her mind!" Haruhi stated. That was partly correct.

"Then why don't you-"

"-Go talk with her?"

Why is it they're talking like I'm not even here?

"But Asuna-chan likes me!" Honey said. That was sort of true.

"Maybe I will talk to her. You know what, Senpai, I'll just take her home. Bye, everyone!" Haruhi said and walked closer to me but was suddenly stopped by Honey.

"Would you like some cake before you go?" he pleaded.

"Sorry, Honey-senpai, she looks scared. I'll take her to breakfast then take her home. Don't worry, we'll be fine." Haruhi reassured. Senpai?! Honey is older than Haruhi? But he looks like a freaking kid?! And he acts like one too!!

"Here, Asuna-chan, would you like some cake?" Honey asked me. I shook my head. I stood up from the corner of the couch and walked towards Haruhi. I liked him over all of everyone here, except Honey too, he wasn't that annoying or rude. I guess Mori too.

I followed Haruhi out of the mansion and walked down the streets with him. He smiled at me and I wanted to smile back, but I couldn't do it.

"So, you don't talk to them? I completely understand. They're all morons if you ask me." she said. I wanted to say something but it was like I forgot how. I haven't spoken a single word in years, but something inside me wanted to shout out to the world now. Why now?

"So let's go get some breakfast. I know the perfect place." she said. Breakfast? It would be the first time from a long time ago when I ate a decent meal.


I pointed to the words on the board and Haruhi nodded, giving the old man our order. I wanted the pancakes with chocolate chips in them. I haven't had pancakes since I was nine. Haruhi ordered the biscuits and gravy platter.

He gave the man his money and smiled at us, and seconds later our food arrived. I didn't know how I was going to say thank you for my appreciation. I wanted to do something, but nothing came out.

So I smiled. . .

It wasn't a big smile. It was just something that etched onto my face, and it felt. . . nice. I don't remember the last time I smiled, but it made my muscles feel good. I felt good. I finally just smiled in front of someone I don't even know. I liked Haruhi a lot by the fact, which made me feel very strange when I suddenly smiled for the gesture of thanks.

"You're welcome, Asuna. It was no problem. I actually enjoy eating with you. Your not like must girls I met that keep drooling over me, or annoying like my friends that come around and crap like that. You're somewhat different. I like that." he said, and it suddenly made my smile wider.

"SO CUTEE~" I heard very loud in the distance. What the heck?! I turned my head towards where it came from, but no suspicion was in the area.

"You heard it too? Good, I'm not going crazy." Haruhi stated.

I picked up my fork and picked up a slice of pancake with creamy chocolate, covered in sticky syrup and stuck it in my mouth. It was amazing. My mouth felt like wonderful of the taste of pancakes. I moaned from the delicious taste. I haven't had something this good in ages and it all came back with the glory of this breakfast.


After breakfast, I noticed something a little off as we walked through the streets. It felt like being watched, and I hated that feeling.

"Ever get the feeling you're being watched?" Haruhi asked. I nodded in agreement. He pulled on my arm, obviously wanting me to quickly follow him down the path. After a few minutes we reached an apartment. Why are we here?

"This is my apartment. Here, let me show you inside." he insisted. We walked up the stairs and he opened the door for me, letting me inside first. This is where he lives? This is way better than what I have.

It was then that I noticed what he was wearing. A uniform. Why is he wearing a uniform? Does he go to one of those special schools, or something? Isn't today Tuesday? Oh right, that would explain a lot.

"Sorry this isn't much, but I just hate the feeling of being watched," he said and I nodded, understanding and agreeing. "So what do you want to--oh wait, never mind."

I sat on the sofa in the living room, not sure what to do.

"Want me to take you home?" should I lie? No, I don't lie. That would be dishonest, and I kinda-sorta-maybe-slightly like him. I wanted to open my mouth, but even if I did, nothing would come out. So, I took a piece of paper and a pen from the little table and wrote on the paper.

I don't have a home.

I couldn't just lie to him, but I also didn't want to tell him. I handed it over to him and read it slowly. He looked back up at me with his eyebrows narrowed, and his brown eyes were full of concern. Maybe I shouldn't have told him?

"I-I'm so sorry, would you wright down what happened? And why don't you talk? I don't want to sound mean or force you to telling me, so take your time." he sounded so sure and nice to me. I didn't know what to do.

Should I tell him the truth from the beginning? No, he would hate me. But why would it matter, I would never want to see him again either. That's when I had an idea. I took back the piece of paper and carefully wrote down:

I don't want to talk about it. But my voice? I didn't lose it or anything. Just a bad past that I don't want to talk about.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I won't bring it up further. Do you want to stay somewhere? I don't mind at all, really." he said. A blush rose to my cheeks and I shrugged, trying to forget about the thought of living with him. A boy? Really? I couldn't possibly become a burden to his home, that would be rude.

"Wait, does that mean you don't go to school either? Do you go to school?" I shook my head in embarrassment. Now I feel pathetic. "Oh, there I go again. I'm sorry for making you feel bad. Maybe I could get my friend to set you up for school. That way, I could see you everyday,"

I blushed scarlet. WHAT?! Go to school with a boy? That's insane! I can't even go to school. I'll probably be dumb because I haven't had an education in six years. SIX!

"Uh. . . I didn't mean it like that. The school part, sure. But the 'seeing you everyday', uh-" I frowned. Does he not like me? Does he think of me as a burden to him and his home? I'm such an idiot to be having these emotions over a boy so suddenly. I knew it.

I stood up and walked towards the door. I looked back at him full of somber and hopelessness. It was too good to be true. A single tear slid past my cheek as I opened the door and walked out, closing it behind me. I leaned against the door.

"Great, Haruhi. You just blew it for a girl. Now she thinks that I'm just a jerk." I heard him mutter through the door. I walked down the stairs to try and forget him. Just when I thought I could be happy again, I just took advantage and get myself hurt. I'm the idiot.

Me:That's a wrap, folks!

Honey:Aw, it's over already?!

Me:Sorry, Honey!

Haruhi:You made me feel bad for Asuna!

Me:Eh heh. . . yeah, about that. . .*voice get's slightly higher*

Hikaru and Kaoru: Don't worry, Haruhi! We'll comfort you!!

Tamaki:Don't you dare touch my daughter!!*Punches the twins, while holding Haruhi protectively in one arm*

Kyoya: . . . . .

Me:Anyways. . . who wants to say goodbye? How about I let Haruhi do it.

Haruhi:*growls* fine.


Haruhi:Goodbye everyone! Read on to the next chapter and watch me get revenge on Scarlet!

Me: 0.0 Uhh? *Runs away and hides behind Mori*

Haruhi:Get back here!