Status: Please. . . Help me understand this!

On Mute

Chapter 4: Starting Today! You Go To School!

Chapter 4: Starting Today! You Go to School!

As I walked, I kept having this feeling that someone was watching me. Oh not this again! I started to increase my speed into a run, but my hand was pulled back and I was thrown into the same car as I was with those stupid idiots last night.

I growled angrily and I flicked Tamaki in the forehead as hard as I could. IDIOT!!

"OW! Why would you hurt me, princess?" Tamaki asked and I just flicked him again. I freaking hate him! And where the heck is he taking me? And most importantly WHY is he calling me Princess?! I looked to see out the window but it was no use.

"We're taking you to in roll you in school." Kyoya stated while not looking up from a book he was reading. I looked at the title: Make out Paradise by Jiraiya (I got it from Naruto). I looked at him like WTW (What The World). PERVERT!! Why the heck would he be reading some perverted book?! Even I know what that is!

"Is there something wrong?" he asked curiously. I pointed harshly at the book and then the twins stared at the words then burst out laughing at the book. SICK!! Kyoya is freaking sick!

"I don't get it?" Tamaki asked, oblivious to the book. "What's so funny?" Seriously?

"N-nothing boss," one of the twins stuttered as he calmed down from laughing. I think I'm starting to tell them apart. All I know is that one of them has a softer voice than the aggressive sounding one.

"Oh, Kaoru, that was hilarious!" I smiled brightly like I haven't in years. Tamaki seemed to noticed as he squeezed me in a bone crushing hug.

"SOO CUTEE~" he smothered me in his chest as he kept rambling on. "She smiled!! SHE FINALLY SMILED IN FRONT OF HER FATHER!" Father?! What the heck?!

"Why did you smile?" Tamaki asked as he pulled me out of his grip so I could breath. Mori handed me a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote down:

I can tell which one is Hikaru and which one is Kaoru.

Everyone read it and the twins grinned and put on green top hats.

"So which one is Hikaru?" Hikaru asked. I smirked and had no clue on why I did so. I wrote down on the paper again:

Kaoru is on the left and Hikaru is on the right. I can tell by your voices and Hikaru acts more childish and Kaoru acts more mature.

The smirked,"WRONG!!" I frowned. I was so sure? No; their lying. I shook my head slightly with a tiny grin. They both smiled at me like they one a prize or something.

"You're the second to get us correct!" Kaoru stated. Then who was the first?

"Haruhi was the first," Hikaru said up against my ear but I pushed him away. The limo then screeched up to a stop. The door was opened and everyone got out, and I got out last like last time before I ran off.

"No running off this time," Kyoya said with a fake smirk. Why is everyone seeming to read my thoughts? I then looked up in front of a tall building. It was freaking pink.

Who in their right mind would pick pink for a stupid building?! I then took notice of what everyone was wearing. It was the same of what Haruhi was wearing this morning. I backed away slowly. What was going on?!

"Asuna, where going to in roll you in school. Tamaki here, wanted to eavesdrop on you two this morning and put a micro-chip in Haruhi's pocket. We overheard the conversation. Well, only of Haruhi, of course." Kyoya stated.

So, they were spying on me?!

I gave Tamaki a death glare before flicking him twice in the forehead. Teme.

"I'm so sorry, Princess! I had to know if you two got hurt! Oh, my little Haruhi! I hope Haruhi's alright!" he kept bickering.

"Tamaki! Take the girl to the office to in roll her and to take the test." I went pale. Test? I didn't even want to go to school in the first place! I had no money, whats so ever! I'm like dumb as a freaking rock! I couldn't do this!! I need to get out of here fast!

"On it!" Tamaki saluted him and grabbed me by the wing and rushed me inside the school going as fast as Roadrunner. I'm SO going to regret this.


I was then pulled into a desk with a test booklet. I looked at Tamaki worriedly and he gave me a wide smile and waved at me like he knew I could do this. I think NOT.


After the test I looked rather doubtful. I knew most of the questions but I definitely knew I wasn't cut out for going to school after what happened a few years ago. My parents home schooled me with a VERY strict tutor and I began learning as fast as a bee. LITERALLY. Our family was well known for being well-educated and they used the same tutor they did and so they used her for me. That was how they met.

I couldn't think of them anymore as a tear slid past my cheek. Tamaki noticed as he brushed it away. Darn it, I didn't want anyone to notice.

"Don't worry, I think you'll do great." he tried reassuring me. That wasn't it. . . But what could I tell him? That's right, nothing. A teacher soon came back with the test results and Tamaki stood immediately to know what I made.

"Congratulations, she made it. Her score was well above average and she answered the bonus question correctly as well. All of the questions were correct when we put them through the Test scanner." the man stated as he walked away after handing Tamaki a file like he was my legal guardian. That wasn't what I was really worried about though. And besides, I already knew that eight years ago. Yeah, my tutor made it extremely hard for me and I was like only seven.

I thought this would be much harder and much more skilled for people my age. Had they not gone through this stuff already? I was supposed to learn all this college stuff that they would give to higher people; my reading level was WAY above average; and I even read throughout the entire Bible in less than six months. My family was very religious.

"See, Asuna! I knew you could do it!" Tamaki pulled me into another hug. Does he ever give it a rest?! I pulled him away. "Let's go get your dress!" I stopped dead in my tracks. A dress? No way will I ever wear a dress!

I hate being a girl. . .


I saw the dress. It was the color of yellow like a freaking school bus on those cartoons! Like a freaking damsel in distress! They picked that color of YELLOW!! I don't mind yellow, but this shade of yellow looked worst than the color of the school! It was ugly and so girly!

I shook my head at Tamaki, refusing to wear that stupid outfit. I'm most likely a tomboy! I hated girly things, pink, this stupid yellow dress, DRESSES, sparkly things, and makeup! It's disgusting! Revolting! Ugh!

"What? Why don't you want to where the dress? I think you'll look like princess!" that's the point, Sherlock. I shook my head again with the biggest frown I could manage. He sighed in defeat. "Well, there is a male outfit, which I'm positive you won't wear. But if your that confident, I'll allow it to my little girl."

He calls me "little" girl one more time and I'll put him in a "little" concussion!

I nodded, wanting to wear the male's outfit instead. He pulled one out, and showed it to me. I saw a blue blouse with a white shirt underneath and black dress pants and black dressy shoes that you would normally wear to a church. I nodded once again, taking the outfit and running to the nearest rest room to put on the outfit.

After I was done, I came back out of the rest room to see Tamaki staring at me with those eyes just full happiness. What's with him? He ran up to me and gave me another bone squishing squeeze. I was caught off guard by this, and pushed him away, glaring at him coldly.

"I'll show you to your classroom. Lucky you, you get to be with Haruhi and those little devils," he said. Oh no, this wasn't going to end well between me and Haruhi. I just hope we can make up. I don't even know how if I won't even talk, or what he'll do. Is he the forgiving type?(Hah, see what I did there?)

Tamaki helped me to find my class. Tamaki didn't even mind skipping first period to help me, which I was gradually thankful for.

I opened the door to my classroom before the bell rang and sat down in a random empty seat by the window that was closest to the back. I stared out with my "new" things that Tamaki gave for school. Some binders, pencils, pens, and everything else that I would need for school. I really wish I wasn't kidnapped. It feels like I'm still under ransom or something.

"Asuna! Hey, Asuna!" I know those voices. I turned my head to see two red-headed twins grinning at me. I waved, my face still expressionless. They walked up to me near my desk and sat down beside me.

"Excited to start school?" Kaoru asked me. I frowned as my eyes narrowed at the two idiots. They both started laughing at my expression. I rolled my eyes and opened one of my notebooks and just started sketching. I decided I should draw the twins and I got started with the outer layer of the faces. I then got to their hairs, but I instantly stopped when I heard the bell ring.

My head instantly lit up when the teacher walked in. A male teacher walked in front of his desk and clapped his hands to grab everyone's attention. I glanced at my right to see Haruhi sitting on the other side of Hikaru while Kaoru was beside me. She took a small glance and me and smiled then waved, acting like nothing happened this morning. Forgive and forget? I like that about him.

"It seems to us that we have a new student today. Shitome Asuna, would you please stand up?" the teacher asked with a small grin. I obediently stood up as everyone's eyes flickered over to me. The girls looked at me like I was crazy not wearing a stupid dress, and so I sat back down without a word; like usual.

The teacher then moved on with the lesson of History of the Dark Ages. I knew what it was about and just continued with my drawing of the twins.

"Psst, Asuna, let me see your schedule." Kaoru asked and I didn't even hesitate before I handed it to him in an uncaring manner without the teacher noticing, even if it was wrong to disturb the classroom if he caught us. Hey, I'll just blame it on the idiot that was looking at personal information about my classes.

He then handed it back to me and I realized he had written something on it. It said that we all had the same schedule as Haruhi. Great, now these shells will annoy me. Just what the doctor ordered, idiots. I sighed, pushing the paper away before working on my drawing again.

Not before too long the bell rang and everyone was dismissed, heading to their lockers and going to their classrooms. A hand stopped me before entering the hallway, and I looked up to who needed me. It was Haruhi. What did he want?

"Listen, Asuna, I'm sorry for hurting your feelings earlier today, I didn't mean too. I didn't even know you were going to this school til Sempai told me everything not too long ago. If you still feel bad, I want to show you something. Here, take this," he said and handed me a slip of paper that read:

Music Room #3.

What did he have to show me in a music room? Oh well. I slipped it into my pocket and walked to my new locker, still angry with Tamaki for in rolling me into school. I took out my stuff I'd need for next period and walked into class before the bell rang again. I hated this SO much!!

~Time Skip~

I walked towards the lunch room and saw Haruhi sitting alone at the lunch table. I didn't bother to grab any food because I was too embarrassed to be seen by anyone else, so I walked up Haruhi and took the seat right beside him. We exchanged smiles before the others came and sat down beside us. I sweat dropped.

"Hey, Haru-chan! Asu-chan!" I heard Honey giggle. Asu-chan? I could only hope he would never call me that again. . . I couldn't bare to hear those words out of anyone's mouth. Never.

"Hey, Honey," Haruhi called and I just waved at him and Mori. Then came the twins, and then Tamaki and Kyoya. It was all a big group as Mori sat beside me and Honey at the side of his.

"Aren't you going to eat, Asuna?" Haruhi asked. I shook my head. "Why not?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Here," Mori said as he put something in my hand. I looked up at him confused. I looked back at what was in my hand not knowing what it was but bit into it immediately. Christmas, this tasted amazing!! I continued to eat it but still used my manners. I didn't want to eat like a slob even if this taste like dancing double rainbows.

After I finished it, Mori suddenly held my chin with one hand then wiped my mouth with a napkin with the other. Why in the world is he treating me like a baby? Or is it because he cares for people? That's so sweet of him, but this was becoming really awkward. . .

I then just realized something. I was sitting with a bunch of guys. Well, it is better than girls, anyways. But why would a bunch of guys want me to sit with them anyways? I decided to release that thought and forget about it.

After lunch was over we all walked back to our classes.


"You still have that note?" Haruhi asked me and I nodded. Why was he so caught up in a little note anyways? What is the room, really?

"Good, it's after school. See you there, Asuna! I'm pretty sure you'll love it!" he grinned as he ran to class. Is it just me or did he just let out a run like a girl? Hm, I suppose not. . .

Me:Ahh!! Please, Haru-chan! I made you two make up, please stop chasing me! *still running away from Haruhi, and out of breath*

Haruhi*panting* I don't care! You made me sound mean and you took my fancy tuna!!

Me: Eh heh. . . About that. . . There's-no-more-left! *says last sentence quickly*

Haruhi:WHAT O_O YOU are so dead! *Runs faster*

Mori:*catches Scar in the air and keeps her away from Haruhi* Stop fighting and both of you apologize to each other.

Me:Never had I heard so many words in one sentence from your mouth, Mori-chan.

Mori: *glares*

Me:O-okay! I'm Sorry, Haruhi, friends?

Haruhi:I'm sorry too, Scarlet, friends!

Tamaki:Awe, that's so beautiful!

Me: -_- Okay, so I'm going to say goodbye, now! So, goodbye! You have a sexy face!

Twins: We have a sexy face? Awesome!

Me: No! Say it!

Twins: We have a sexy face!! ;)

Me: *Facepalms myself* Nevermind...