Status: Please. . . Help me understand this!

On Mute

Chapter 5: Seriously, A Host Club? How Low Can You Get?

Chapter 5: Seriously, A Host Club? How Low Can You Get?

I waited til after school was over to see what Haruhi wanted to show me. Just a few more seconds until the bell rang and I sprung from my seat into into the hallway to throw my books inside my locker. I slammed the door shut and followed the directions that he gave me.

Up the stairs. . . Down the hallway. . . And to the abandoned music room. . .

I opened the double doors to the room and inched my way inside. I saw the room literally aglow and red rose petals danced everywhere. I stepped inside the room and glared at Haruhi. Seriously? This is so ridiculously stupid.

"Welcome~" they all chorused. My glare deepened.

This is what he wanted to show me? A stupid host club? They all looked like idiots, except for Haruhi. Tamaki danced towards me like he was the star of the show and gently held my hand and KISSED it. I slapped his hand away then hit him on the head for doing that to me and acting so strange. This was very retarded. What's wrong with him?!

"Uh, well Tamaki literally kept pleading for me to show you, so yeah." Haruhi answered like if he was reading my thoughts. I really hate it when people do that!

I was then being tugged to the center of the group by the twins. I'm so going to kill Tamaki!!

"Now, to introduce you to our types: There's Kyoya, the cool type; then there's Mori, the strong and silence type; Honey, the loli-shota type; Haruhi, the natural type; Hikaru and Kaoru, the mischievous type; and then there's me," he literally just started spinning like a freaking ballerina while literally sparkling. "The princely type!"

"So which do you chose?" he then asked. I only pointed to Haruhi, like he was my only friend, and because I was so freaked out by Tamaki. He was really pushing it to his limits. I could just leave, so why didn't I? Oh, well.

"Great! Now, off to work! The ladies will be here any minute!!" Tamaki shouted. No wonder they called him "boss". What was he talking about with girls? I gave a confused look over at Haruhi to explain this to me.

"It's pretty much like woe session club. It sucks." I nodded in agreement. This was just ridiculous! Trying to manipulate girls by their charms? This is so low!

Then the door instantly flew open and girls in yellow fruit cake dresses swarmed around everywhere. What the freaking heck?! Just does every girl in this school like their stupid moves?

-_- That's just lame. . .

A few girls walked around to Haruhi and sat down at a chair near a tall table. I'm going to need a lot of therapy after this. . .

"Asuna, come over!" Haruhi said and I hesitantly walked over to the squealing fangirls. Just how long till this is done and over with?

Haruhi patted a seat beside him and I sighed, taking it hesitantly. I just really wish I wasn't put up for such stupid nonsense. I listened to what Haruhi was saying to the girls as they all had hearts in their eyes and squealed like every ten seconds. I saw in the corner of my eye that a girl was glaring at me. I really hate when people do that and I tried to ignore it, and just kept listening to Haruhi.

"Yeah, this is Shitome Asuna, she's our special guest today. She doesn't talk though, kind of like Mori-sempai, but she's just quiet. She's really nice though, even if she doesn't say a single word. I think it's kind of cute," Haruhi said with a smile at me.

"Nice to meet you, Asuna."

"Yeah, a pleasure!"

"I hope we can become great friends, well, even if you don't talk. You're just so pretty, even if you are dressed as a boy,"

I just nodded, shaking their hands at least trying not to be rude to Haruhi's clients. I still think this is still a drag, though.

"Would you like some tea, Asuna?" Haruhi asked as all the other girls had hot tea in their china cups. I only nodded just to be nice to him and not be rude. I took a sip of the cup of tea, and it was actually pretty good.

"Do you like it?" he asked, which I smiled at him and nodded my head a little. This tea really was not that bad at all.

"So, Asuna, what do you do when you're not in school?" a brunette asked me with pretty green eyes. I couldn't say anything which only made her blush. "Oh, right. I'm sorry about that, I completely forgot that you don't talk."

I smiled, trying to not make her feel bad. How many times have I smiled today? Was my mood becoming less gloomy than usual?

"I'm pretty sure that means that it's okay. Am I right, Asuna?" Haruhi stated which caused me to blink a couple of times. I nodded again.

It felt like a burning sensation was in the back of my head as I could feel the girl still glaring at me, which really made me frustrated. I stood up angrily, walking over to the girl holding china in her hand. I took the tea cup from her hand and set it on the table in front of her. I glared at her darkly, staring through her soul, baring through her amber eyes. Her eyes narrowed in return but with a sickening smile.

"I know what you did. You're Shitome Asuna, and you killed your own family. You shouldn't be around the host club. You're just a burden to them, and you'd better watch your back. You're just ruining their lives, wanting them to feel bad for you and pity yourself; just going to blame it on someone else, when it was really you, and you could've stopped it; but you didn't. The longer you're with them, the more you'll put them in danger." she whispered.

I gasped. How would she know about that? That stuff is personal and only I should know that! How did she get her hands on such classified information that not even the government would know? What did she even do to get her hands on such files that no one would know, and I haven't even told a soul either.

She smirked, her eyes glazing over her cup before she picked it up and threw it over herself, burning herself from the hot mess that splattered over herself as she fake screamed. She stood up which almost made me lose my balance as she tried knocking me over. She ran over to Tamaki with fake tears streaming down her face. Everyone was staring at us.

"T-Tamaki, that g-girl just poured that hot tea all over me for absolute no reason at all! I-I didn't do anything!" she shouted, definitely bringing people's attention. Kyoya walked up to us, pushing his glasses up to his nose as he sighed hesitantly.

"Actually, I saw the whole thing, Yukito. You poured tea all over yourself to blame it on Asuna. I may have not heard what you said to her, but I'm pretty sure it was threatening enough to get Asuna in trouble to humiliate her in front of everyone and get her kicked out. But, you only managed to humiliate yourself instead, am I right, Asuna?" he said. I nodded my head slowly, not sure enough if he really did hear anything. Was he spying or does he do this to everyone? The girl who I recognized was Yukito was beaming red.

"T-that's a lie, Kyoya! Asuna was the one who poured it on me and-"

"That's enough!!" Tamaki yelled. Whoa, I'm guessing you don't see that everyday? "Kyoya would never tell a lie, Yukito. I'm politely suggesting you should leave before things end badly, and I also suggest you apologize to Asuna."

"I will not apologize to that--that monster!! She will just betray all of you and make your lives all miserable!" she shouted. Tamaki was growing impatient with his client.

"Yukito, leave." Tamaki demanded in a polite way.

Yukito grew angry, stomping her way out, but before anything, she shot me a death glare at me while snickering like she had a plan up her cupcake sleeve. It was so silent you could hear a pen drop. She slammed the door shut on her way out and I just stood there in utter shock.

She was right, of course. I could've stopped it. . . I didn't though, I'll be putting the Host Club in moral danger and if anything happens to them, and then it'll be all my fault.

"Hey, Asuna, you okay? You look really pale." I heard Kaoru ask and I just looked at him. What could I possibly do next?

I'm a killer to my own family and a burden to this world. They shouldn't have suffered that cruel pain. I should have instead. . .

I looked around. Every girl had left the room. Tamaki or Kyoya must've sent them out on mine and Yukito's episode earlier. I stared at my trembling hands.

I might as well be a monster. . .

"Asuna, what's wrong?" I heard Haruhi then ask, putting a hand around my shoulder trying to comfort me, but it wasn't helping and just made it worse.

"Asuna-chan?" I heard Honey's voice full of worry. I really am going to make their lives hell if I let anything happen to them. If they come back.

I threw his hand off and dashed out of the room, faintly hearing my name being yelled behind me, which only caused me to run faster.

It was all my fault. . .

Me: Hey guy's, sorry this chapter runs short.

Tamaki: Yeah, why did you?

Me: Because I had to, gotta problem with it, blondie?

Tamaki: N-nope!

Me: Good!

Honey: Poor Asuna-chan! T^T

Me: Don't worry, Honey! Everything will be fine next chapter!

Honey: YAY!! ^o^

Me: Yosh! Okay, you wants to say good bye before we go?

Twins: We do! We do!

Me: Take it away, boys!

Twins: Goodbye, everyone! We have sexy faces!

Me: -_- Not again. . .