Status: Please. . . Help me understand this!

On Mute

Chapter 6: Liking The Host Club, Oh Wait! Nevermind!

A/N: Okay, just to let you know, the song on the side is what Asuna feels like and another thing, in case your all idiots and didn't read the first chapter, I DO NOT OWN OURAN HSHC. Sadly. . . You should've already known that in the start. . . The Song Is called Bad Apple, and if you somehow can't view it, let me know or visit the song on YouTube, the English version or the Japanese version.

Chapter 6: Liking The Host Club, Oh Wait! Never Mind!

"Mommy, do you promise there's no monsters under my bed?" I asked with tears strumming down my cheeks.

"Yes, Asuna, darling. I promise there is absolutely no monsters under there. I caught them all. Monsters always listen to mothers' even if they aren't theirs. I told them to stop scaring you and leave you alone. Trust me, they're gone and no longer will scare you." she said, tickling my tummy which caused me to squeal in a fit of giggles.

"Hee hee, okay Mommy. G'night!" I shouted. Her ebony black hair was neatly in a small pony tail because of her short hair. She chuckled lightly, kissing my forehead tenderly.

"Goodnight, Asuna. Sweet dreams." she said gently as she got up and turned off my lamp as she quietly walked through the dark room and opened my door as she walked out with a small smile that played at her lips. Her beautiful pink colored lips were so pretty, unlike my dull peach colored ones. I admired her strange beauty with her sapphire colored eyes with a brightness in them that proved her confident and strong. I always loved that about her.

She closed the door behind her, leaving me in pitch blackness. I didn't want to be scared. Mommy said they were gone. . .

My door opened slightly, revealing my younger sister, Kana. I sat up quickly in my bed full of concern.

"What is it, Onee-chan?" I asked. She ran over to me.

"Asu-chan, I-I'm scared. . . I thought I heard something outside, but I-I couldn't find it. Can I sleep with you, tonight?" she asked. Kana was five at that time, and I was only seven. I gave her a closed eye smile.

"Sure, Kana-chan!" I giggled, pulling her up in the bed with me. She had her green frog with her in her hand as she wrapped it around me, like she was protecting me.

"Love you, Asu-chan," she whispered, becoming sleepy.

"Love you too, Kana-chan!" I whispered, snuggling deeper into her. With that we both fell asleep. . .

I was sitting inside the garden maze, deep within, and I was pretty sure I was lost. I was curled up into a ball with tears streaming down my face. I missed them so much. . .

My very own family. . . dead.

I had to exile so no one could find me. It was years ago when it happened. This stupid, pink school was bringing back those memories. I hated it!!

Maybe it's a dream; maybe nothing else is real . . .

If I make another move they'll be no turning back

Because everything will change, and it will all fade to black . . .

What is happening to me? Why am I just crying here to nothingness when I could just run away? Oh right, I'm lost. . .

Still, everything just disappeared when I've could've done something this entire time throughout my life, and yet, everything could change either way. It is how it is, and nothing could change my past. I practically groaned out loud with all this pain I was feeling though my head.

My life was nothing but darkness. If I would just say a stupid word, my life probably would be better. Becoming social? I wouldn't think that could happen. All this emotion in my head seemed to be making it worse. I can't do anything!! I'm pathetic, I'm useless, and I'm slowly dying because of myself. How could anyone forgive me for what I have done? My life was a total mistake!




What have I deserved to let this happen to you?! I truly AM a monster!!

"Asuna! Oh my--you-you're. . ." I felt a hand on my back but I swatted it away quickly. I whipped my head back to see Haruhi. I couldn't face him like this!

With all my strength I wobbled onto my feet and stammered away, further into the maze trying to get the thoughts of Haruhi out of my head.

"Asuna, wait!!" I heard him call back. I ignored it and ran further and deeper into the maze, randomly turning which ever way I saw first. I tripped over a stupid rock and I fell down, but I didn't move. I just wept. I felt a hand on my back and I wanted to spat my head up and glare at him.

But instead, I just let him continue. I sprung at him and cried into his chest. His soft hands began rubbing into my tangled, messy hair.

"Don't worry, Asuna, I'm here. You shouldn't cry, Asuna. You're better than that to cry," he said. I only cried harder into his chest.

He doesn't know me.

"Asuna? Asuna! Asuna, look at me!" he shook my shoulders, and I stared up at him from burying my head in chest, wet tears stained his blouse. He wiped my tears away with his hands. "Please, don't cry, Asuna. I hate to see you like this. You're too pretty to get upset and cry." he said.

Did he just say I was pretty? No ONE said that to me before. At least not from my family. . .

I was called pretty, and that word literally took me out of teary-state. I smiled a true smile at him, and hugged him as a 'thank you'.

"You're welcome, Asuna." he chuckled, ruffling my hair.

I have never felt this way before. My heart was pounding hard, and I really liked Haruhi. What was this weird feeling? I haven't felt like this since I was with my best friend before he died. . .

What was I feeling for Haruhi?

"Oh, there you two are! We've been looking everywhere for you guys!" I heard Tamaki announce. I looked up from Haruhi and saw the entire gang standing there.

"I found her, Tamaki. Geez, there's no need to worry, she's fine." Haruhi stated, handing out a hand for me to stand up. I gradually took it and stood beside him.

"Oh, my little angel! Are you alright?!" Tamaki protested, pulling in the tightest hug he ever gave me. "Don't you ever scare me like that, again!" he nuzzled his cheek against mine. I stomped his foot, which he easily let go of me to rub his soreness.

"What made you get ticked-"

"-and run off like that?" the twins asked. I narrowed my eyes, ignoring them.

"Well, I'm going home. Goodbye," Kyoya stated. I saw him beginning to walk away. I rushed over to him and tugged at his shirt, making him stop. He turned his head slightly at me, arching an eyebrow at my sudden outburst. I gave him a hug as a gesture for helping me earlier by saving my butt from Yukito. He awkwardly patted my back.

Then I let go of him, letting him walk away since there was no way he would say anything to me by any chance.

"That was kinda weird?" I heard Hikaru state as Kaoru agreed with him.

"Can we get outta here now?" Haruhi asked. Mori nodded.

"Onward!" Tamaki shouted as he marched around inside the maze. Is he usually always acting like this?

He's so weird. . .


Once we made it out of the maze, I saw a limo waiting for the group. I watched as each of them got in but me. I walked away but a hand stopped me. I looked to see Haruhi's eye's glued on mine.

"Well, you coming or what?" he asked. Huh? He wanted me to come with them? I shrugged, following him. I then realized he was still holding my hand which made me blush. Haruhi noticed too and pulled away, blushing as well.

I got in the limo in between the window and Haruhi. I was positive we were heading towards Tamaki's house *sigh* again.

"So is everything okay, Asu-chan?" Honey asked. D-did he just say that again? Memories flashed in my mind again as tears started to leak. Honey gasped.

"Oh, I'm sorry Asuna-chan! What's wrong? Don't cry!" Honey pleaded. Tamaki gasped next.

"No!! Don't cry, Asuna-chan!! Please don't cry! A princess mustn't cry like that!" and when he said 'princess' I pushed back down on his seat.

I swear, how do these people like me so freaking much?!

"You okay, Asuna?" Haruhi asked. I huffed, nodding while looking out the tinted window. My life is so frustrating. How did I end up with these people anyways?!

Me: Hey peoples, sorry I had to end the chapter short. I'm kinda busy with writing the other new story I've been working on and the others I haven't been working on recently. Gah, I'm so busy.

Kyoya: Psh, sure you are.

Me: Of course I am, idiot! I have Band camp which I HATE and there's no way out of it!! Ugh, I need some cake.

Honey: Here you go, Scar-chan!

Me: Aw, thank you, Honey! See, Kyoya! Maybe you should be more sweet like Honey! * eats the strawberry cake *

Kyoya: What? I saw what you did there! You and your stupid puns.

Me: My puns are not stupid! Shut up, you robot!

Kyoya: I'm not a robot. . .

Me: Sure you are. Robots don't have feelings and they're very calculatedly intelligent. Just. Like. YOU.

Kyoya: So you're saying I'm a robot?


Honey: Santa!! I love Santa!

Tamaki: Who doesn't?

Me: -_- . . .Kyoya.

Haruhi: -.- Anyways, who wants to say goodbye?

Me: Hey, that's my line! *starts a fight*

Twins: *glancing evilly at each other with a devilish grin* WE HAVE SEXY FACES!!!

Me: Shut up!

Hikaru: Aww, look who's mad?

Me: *grins sweetly at screen* goodbye, and wish me a good butt kicking to the twins! *chases Hikaru around the room with a frying pan*

Mori: . . . . . I have a sexy face.