Status: Please. . . Help me understand this!

On Mute

Chapter 7: Don't EVER Say That Word!

A:N/ Reminder. . . I do not own. . . a car. JK, I don't own Ouran High School Host Club. But seriously, I don't own a car. . . I'll be getting my learners permit though. . . I don't think that counts, though. BTW, the song on the side is by Glutamine singing Glow. He's like so freaking awesome. If you can't see it, let me know and I'll send you a second link! :D

Chapter 7: Don't EVER Say That Word!

The Next Day

Apparently, everyone figured out I had no where to stay, because when I tried sleeping in a random tree last night, the idiot founded me and had a heart attack, which, also, made me fall out of the tree from his loud outburst. Tamaki freaking FORCED me to stay the night, at least at his house. Of course he didn't get what he wanted because I snuck out of the guest bedroom from the window and laid against another tree that happened to be there and fell asleep. I woke up just in time before he came barging in the room to tell me to get ready for school. What a drag. . .


Once out of the limo with Tamaki, I walked to class first period and sat in a seat beside Haruhi. Then a few seconds later the twins barged into the room grinning at every girl til they sat beside me and Haruhi. I sighed, looking out of the window. This was going to be a long day wasn't it?

I took out my stuff while the teacher began the lesson as I took down some notes that I would already know about, but all is well. I could feel cold eyes glaring at the back of my head again, and I turned my head immediately to see Yukito sitting in the far back of the corner with a smirk like she was planning something. I glared back, then turned around to pay attention. What was she planning to do?

"Class, now I'm going to partner you up in two groups. Gather up and I'll hand you your assignments," the teacher announced. I gulped. Partners? Does it involve talking? I felt a tap over my shoulder and I turned my head to see Haruhi. We exchanged smiles.

"Wanna be my partner?" he asked and I nodded. We scooted our desks together even if they were beside each other already. The teacher handed in paper work to all the students and left them on our desks for us to complete. Okay, this won't be difficult.

I started writing in my paper work and I knew every question, so I managed to get done in 13 minutes throughout the entire packet even if she said not to complete it all. But I'm guessing it wouldn't matter anyways. Haruhi got done just a couple minutes after me, completing the packet as well.

"How'd you manage to get done before me?" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders. It wouldn't really matter. . . I still felt as if I was still being watched.


I sat in the corner of the table in the lunch room, sitting beside the window. I didn't grab any food, I couldn't eat with this weird feeling inside my stomach. Besides, I was still nervous about the food and nervousness flew up to my gut, making me feel worse.

"Asuna, why are you sitting beside yourself?" Kaoru asked. I shrugged my shoulders not really caring.

"Come sit and eat with us," Hikaru stated, well more like demanded. I shook my head at them, not wanting to leave my spot. "Well if your not, then I guess we will,"

I felt both of them lean in and sit on each side of me, while smirks played on their lips. What were they up to?

"Here, eat this." Kaoru said, handing me something I was unfamiliar with. I sighed like I had no choice, and put the weird substance into my mouth, taking a go for it as I bit into the delicious cream. It was amazing! I finished it up, grinning at Kaoru as a thank you for the food, whatever it was.

"No, problem, Asuna." he grinned. They both ate their lunches too as they started talking to me, while I did my usual thing of listening and nodding. I was glad it was just me and the twins. Glad, eh? I could get used to that word. . .

"Lunch is almost over,-"

"-will you come to the Host Club after school?" the asked. I shrugged my shoulders, letting them know that I will think about their offer. I don't see why not anyways? Well, besides the girls falling head over heels for these guys. Wouldn't they just think it was all an illusion?

"Alright, we'll see you soon," they said in unison as they got up to leave. I sighed, getting up too and walking out of the lunch room. I walked through the empty hallways, feeling like I was being watched again. I looked around behind me to see nothing.

I shrugged it off, just walking awkwardly to nowhere. I felt the presence of someone behind me, and I whipped my head back, to see the same girl from before from yesterday. But before I could do anything else, I was suddenly pushed out of the window, glass breaking everywhere. I gasped, my eyes becoming wide as I was starting to fall though.

It was all slow motion to me, as they glass injected my skin everywhere as I was still falling backwards out of the window from the three story building. My vision was a bit blurry, but I fought to stay awake. I could feel myself become closer to the ground, and there was nothing that I could do to stop myself from dying like. this.

Out through the broken window, I could see her smirking but before long, I saw Haruhi and the twins staring out of window just as shocked as well as I was. I was going to die in front of their eyes. I thought I had sorta become friends with them, but was this what fate led me to? Death?

"ASUNA!!!" I heard their faint screams, but my hearing was becoming worse and my vision was starting to disappear into darkness, but I still fought my way to try and stay awake. That's when I thought it was going to end, but it wasn't helping.

I opened my eyes, staying awake as long as I could to see someone jump out of the window. I couldn't sense who it was, and felt arms embrace me. Who? I closed my eyes. I was too tired. At least I'll know I would die in someone's arms, feeling accomplished that I managed to have friends.

Did you hear that, Mom? I have friends. . .

I could feel her smiling right down at me, nodding in agreement. My little sister and Father would be proud too. I know they would. . . They would do anything to make me happy.

I still haven't felt the landing yet, and I knew something wasn't right. I could hear faint screams of my name beside me, and then on I fell into darkness.

Haruhi's POV

I risked my own to jump out of the window and save her. I knew she felt loneliness, and she was a troubled. I could see the shards of glass everywhere on her, covering her with blood. I had wrapped my arms around her, making sure that she wouldn't hit the ground. A hit from a three story building wouldn't make it to survive, so I knew I had to do something.

I landed with a tumble and a roll, knowing that I had survived in my own ways I knew with that impact of back first wouldn't. I set her on the ground, screaming her name to wake her up. Instantly the entire Host Club was here with me, also screaming her name.

"Asuna! Don't you dare go into the light! You must stay with us, Princess!" of course that was Tamaki who shouted that. I still had my arms around her, afraid that she would die in front of my eyes. Her breathing became shallow and slow, and she wouldn't open her eyes.

"Asuna-chan! Please wake up! I-I'll give you cake, just don't die!" Honey shook her shoulder, but of course it was no use. Kyoya refused to call the ambulance even if his family was all into that business stuff, to know if she would wake up first.

Asuna's POV

I could hear the faint voices of my name become clear. My name was being shouted nearby, and I knew I had to open my eyes. It became difficult, but when I opened my eyes the first person I saw was Haruhi staring down at me, his arms cradling me.

"H-Haruhi," my voice whispered as it echoed through my mind. I just had spoken, but it wasn't heard. My voice was hoarse and raspy, but it sounded scratchy as well.

"Asuna, thank god you're alive!!" Haruhi shouted. Tears were down his face. He was crying for me? Why would he cry for me? A bunch of other heads were seen in the corner of my eye. Everyone I knew was technically here. I smiled, but it was small, and I could taste blood inside my mouth and on my lips.

"Asuna, you're alive! We were so worried, don't you ever scare Daddy like that again!" Tamaki bellowed, pulling me away from Haruhi and into his own arms. DADDY?! I couldn't move, and with his body squishing me, it made my body feel worse through the pain of glass.

"You gave us quite a start there, Asuna." I heard Kyoya state, but I could sense a little worry in his voice. Everyone cares for me?

"Asuna, what just happened?" Kaoru shouted, pulling at Tamaki's grip to stop. Tamaki loosened. I didn't say anything.

"We thought you could've died! If it wasn't for Haruhi, you would've been head first on the ground!" Hikaru shouted. Haruhi saved me? He saved my life? He risked his life to save mine?

"Asu-chan, we were so worried. I-I was so scared." Asu-can?

"Don't ever say that word!" I shouted. Everyone was caught off by surprise by my little outburst. Their eyes were widened in shock, and even I was surprised.

"Y-you talked! Oh, that was the most beautiful voice I've heard! Please, talk more often!" Tamaki shouted. I grew really angry. The shards of galss inside my skin was just making it worse by him.

"I always wanted to say this to you, Tamaki, stop hugging!" I shouted again, walking away. My voice becoming back, but was still scratchy. I haven't spoken in years and this is when I speak? I may talk now but this doesn't mean I'll be some loud mouth. A hand stopped me from going any further. I looked back to see Haruhi.

"Asuna, please you need to stop struggling. You have glass in your body and you need to get them out. Here, let me do them for you," he insisted. I nodded. He told me to sit and he took out the glass out from my body. I winced at every one he plucked out of me, and let me tell you, it hurt like CRAP!

"Stop moving, it would end a lot faster if you didn't pull away," I growled at Kyoya who was 'helping'. And when I mean helping I mean he's just sitting here enjoying me in pain. At least I know he's not a robot. . .

I'm pretty sure school was over and Host Club had to do their hosting. I didn't want to go, but when Haruhi asked me to to, I just nodded to say that I would.

I'm so stupid. . .


I was sitting on the sofa in the Host Club. I had some bruises on my neck and some other places where the cuts were, and Haruhi cleaned up all the blood. I actually said thank you to him for doing so, and, Tamaki was smothering me in another hug from talking. I hate him sometimes. He's so freaking annoying!

I was bored to death because I wasn't doing anything and I was sipping on some tea, watching everyone do what they were normally doing with their clients. Acting like idiots. I overheard the conversation between the twins having a "bromance".

I was mortified for needing therapy for at least . . . 3 to 10 years.

After all the girls left, Honey and Mori sat at the opposite sofa from me, facing me. Honey had a worried expression on his face and I instantly knew that this was not good.

"Asu-chan, why don't you want me to call you Asu-chan?" he asked, clinching his pink rabbit to himself. Was he really this curious?

"Bad past," I muttered, shrugging my shoulders.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked. I shook my head slowly, making sure he got the memo. Too many memories. . . all were so terrible.

I looked over at Kyoya who seemed to be on his lap top, doing something that a robot would normally do. Maybe he's a cyborg? Who knows.

And that's when things went wrong.

Me: Sup, fella's!

Tamaki: Hello, everyone! How are my lovely ladies that are reading this chapter?

Me: Shut up, Tamaki! You weren't supposed to be in this end! Thingy? Whatever it's called!

Kyoya: It's a-

Me: I don't care, Kyoya! I'll figure it out on my own or until someone comments below to tell me!

Kyoya: . . .

Me: * smirks * That's what I thought.

Haruhi: When do I get my fancy tuna?

Me: Eh? What fancy tuna?

Haruhi: The one that someone gave to me. . .

Me: 0.0 Oh that fancy tuna? * laughs nervously *

Haruhi: What. Did. You. Do?!

Me: Uh, nothing. . .

Honey: She ate it!

Me: I told you to keep it a secret-- . . . uh, Oops?

Haruhi: WHAT?! T^T That was mine!

Me: But it was SO good!

Haruhi: Why you! * Chases Scar-chan! *

Me: Well, until next time folks! * runs for my life *