Status: Please. . . Help me understand this!

On Mute

Chapter 9: Rolling Girl

Hey guys, if you somehow can't listen to the song on the side, let me now and I'll send you a link to the video!

Chapter 9: Rolling Girl

I woke up with a start. I looked around the awkward room nothing making sense at all. I then remembered what had happened. Kyoya knocked me out with something. I can't believe he would exchange me for some stupid information about me!

I got up from the bed. This looked like the room I was being set in when I stayed at Tamaki's mansion. Wait a minute, it is. Why would he let me stay here even if he can't trust me and wants me away from him? Was he lying?

I quietly climbed out of the bed and walked over to the window, sliding it open to to sleep on the tree. I laid on the tree, just thinking about why would Tamaki let me in his mansion, after saying that he agreed with Kyoya. I looked up at the sky, the sun barely peeking through the clouds. It must've been like early in the morning but not too early. It was still kinda dim in the sky.

I loved sun rises. The beautiful color of bright orange was my favorite color of all on how it shines brightly. I smiled to myself, sighing at the endless sky. I was alive to see today, which I was grateful for, but was still concerned about the whole thing about the men that were after me. How did Kyoya even manage to find them?

I heard knocking on the door. How long have I been out here? It wouldn't seem to be that long. . .

I got off from the tree and went back into the room and opened the door. A maid was waiting for me for some odd reason. I looked at her oddly.

"Shitome, Mr. Tamaki wishes to see you," she said kindly. I nodded, stepping out. I then realized I was in some sort of night gown. I hope it was a maid who changed me. I stepped out of the room and she lead me down the hallway to a room I was unfamiliar with.

The lady opened the door and let me walk inside. I obeyed and saw Tamaki standing in the corner with an old women by his side. What the heck is happening?

"Asuna, I want you to meet someone. It seems like you already met once." he stated, directly to the old lady. She did look familiar though. I couldn't put my finger on it. She ran up to me hugging me tight.

Well, this is awkward. . .

"Asuna, do you remember me?" she asked. I shook my head, utterly confused. Was I supposed to remember her?

"I was your tutor when you were younger. And you're parents." my eye widened. It can't be her? She still seems to have that rude, strict aura to her. No way; that's impossible!

"I thought you've died along with your family! Tamaki had brought you up by Shitome and I thought that you had risen from the dead. I haven't seen since you were a little girl, how are you doing in school?" the lady stated.

"It's been fine," I mumbled. I didn't know how to react. I didn't exactly like her, anyways.

"I'm glad to see you safe," she whispered in my ear.

"Wow, Grandmother, I didn't know you were this close to each other." Tamaki stated happily.

"I'm not," we both grumbled.

"Well, Asuna needs to get ready for school." Tamaki said, pulling me away. I waved at my once ex tutor was with a tear leaked down from her cheek. Once we were down the hall. I pushed him up against the wall glaring through his skull.

"What did you do, and how come you're being nice when you weren't last night?" I asked through gritted teeth. I was beyond mad. I was startled and didn't know what to say. I sighed, letting him go hesitantly.

"Kyoya may not like you for what you did, but that doesn't mean I don't. We all have a difficult past but I can understand unlike him. I'm truly am sorry, and I would do anything to make it up to you, Asuna. I shouldn't have been so harsh on you last night, and I'm sorry." I could tell he was telling the truth.

"I forgive you. I guess you're truly not an idiot, after all." I said. I went back into the room and changed to get ready for school, even knowing I would regret it.

I took a shower and then put on the uniform. Once after eating a bit of something, which I refused, we went to the limo and waited to be taken to school. One thing that was on my mind was, I have absolutely no friends in classes.


I sat in my seat in the very back, waiting for class to begin. No one had even bothered talking to me so I knew I was on bad terms with the twins and Haruhi. I took a quick glance at them as they were laughing in the middle of the class room, and then the teacher walked in starting up class.

"Class, we'll begin our lessons by taking out our History books to page 421," the teacher instructed as we all opened our books to the directed page. The Europeans. Oh, the joy.

I listened to the teacher speaking until he called my name.

"Shitome-san, would you mind reading the first paragraph?" I went pale. I hate public speaking. I don't think I can do this. What if I freeze? I can't do-

"I'll do it!" someone exclaimed. I whipped my head to see Haruhi. What was he doing? The teacher didn't mind it, but gave me a concerned look.

After class, I grabbed my stuff and hurriedly walked out. I hand landed on my shoulder, but I slapped it away, knowing it was Haruhi. I couldn't face any of them right now.

I ran out, not even caring to stop at my locker. I stopped at the steps, not wanting to trip. Suddenly, I felt like if I was being pushed, and I started rolling down the stairs into flips. I rolled all the way down, tumbling at each step.

I landed with a thud on top of someone. I rubbed my head, looking up at who I crushed. It was him! Nekozawa-sempai!!

"S-sorry," I stuttered, getting up. His dark cloak looked wrinkled from where I fell on him. He looked up at me, standing up also.

"That was quite some fall. Who pushed you?" he asked. LIE!!

"Oh, I just tripped." I stated, rubbing my arm. I felt awful lying to him. He quirked an eyebrow, but brushed it off.


Walking to lunch felt like walking through a grave yard. I didn't even walk up to the table were I sat the last two days. Why am I getting bullied? Do they even have bullies at this rich, high-quality school? I guess so.

I sat down in a seat farthest from the Host Club, feeling unwanted. I still didn't grab a lunch. My stomach was grumbling though. I could hear the Host Club laughing far from behind me, considering that they were having fun and I was too busy wanting to be with them. I thought I could have friends, was I being to oblivious to know so?

I heard someone sit across from me, but I didn't look up from glaring at the table. I didn't care who it was to begin with.

"Enjoy being alone?" someone spat. I whipped my head up to see that same brunette. I growled at her through my anger. I knew it was her that pushed me off the stairs."Did you enjoy that fall, considering you landed on that weird freak?" she giggled. I slammed my fists hard on the table, gaining attention from the entire lunch room.

"Don't you ever call Nekozawa a weird freak!! He's my friend and I won't let you call him anything over my dead body!! If anything, I'm surprised you're not expelled yet from throwing me out of the three-story school from the window!" I spat viciously as everything went silent in the room, listening to our harsh conversation. She only smirked like she won a prize.

"Why should I be expelled? My grandfather helped build this school and you think he would let me be expelled over someone just happening to 'fall' out?" she pretended to giggle.

"You know what you did, Yukito! You should be ashamed of yourself! I thought this was a school for rich, blue-blood people, not spoiled, jealous girls that likes to push people out of windows to their death and push people down the stairs to harass them! Just what are you, Yukito?!" I bellowed as she snickered at me in disgust.

"Well why not tell everyone what you did to your family since everyone is listening to us? I'm sure everyone would love to know that you, Asuna Shitome killed your own family!" she spat. Everyone in the room gasped in utter shock and horror.

That's it!!!

"YOU LIAR!!" I yelled, throwing myself at her. I pushed her towards the ground, clawing my way through that really stupid, banana dress. She pulled at my hair, punched me in the eye at least six times, and deeply scratched my neck where I felt blood pouring out. I bit her arm at least two times before being pulled off. And by who you presume? Mori-sempai. I haven't even really done anything to her yet!

"Let go of me, you idiot! You don't even care about me anymore! I thought you were my friend, Mori-sempai! Were you lying?! I thought I could trust you! Yet, you guys threw me out like I was a killer! Oh wait, I'm pretty sure Kyoya says I am! Let. Go. Of me!" I screamed out. I'm surprised a teacher or the principal hasn't come out yet?

"No, I can't let-" suddenly I was thrown off by Yukito. She dragged me away from him and slung me across the wall, kicking me on the side. Why isn't anyone doing anything? Yukito slammed her fist into my side as I spat up blood.

"Stop it, Yukito!" I screamed. Just then she picked me up and through me off some stairs. Where did they come from?! How jealous was she? Why does she want the Host Club so freaking bad?!

I began tumbling and rolling down the stairs, inching down a step at a time on my side. I winced every time. The breath was instantly knocked out of me as I heard something crack on my rib. Did something break?! It hurt so bad as I finally reached the end of the stair case, groaning from the intense pain on my side.

"Asuna!" was that Nekozawa? I heard feet rush up to me and my neck was too weak to see the face. I did see black feet and something black drape over him, so that must be his cloak.

"N-Nekozawa?" I stuttered. I chucked through blood spitting though my mouth. "They should call me Rolling Girl,"

"That's not funny," he said through chuckles, trying to put a smile on my face. He put his arms around me and tries to stand me up. I wince as I stretch my stomach. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice full of worry and concern.

"I-It's my side," I winced. I looked down to see a little pool of blood drooling around. He gasped like he hasn't seen it.

"We have to take you to the hospital," he stated, picking me up bridal style.

"W-what?" I asked, unsure if this was necessary. I don't think it's that bad. It was just a little blood-- n, it was a lot more blood when I looked back down at it. "We can't just leave school, though, Nekozawa! We'll get in trouble!" I shouted as he ran through the halls as we were getting weird glances from people all around us.

"They'll understand! Mr.Suoh isn't a complicated person!" he tried to reassure me. "Just try to relax and think of something else to keep your mind off of your injury!"

I nodded.

What made no sense to me was that Tamaki didn't even help me. He apologized and showed meaning through it and I knew for sure it wasn't fake. Was it because he didn't want to do anything stupid in front of Kyoya? It just wouldn't make any sense, especially on why would Mori do something and he didn't. Nothing makes any sense at all. . .

Me: Sup, everyone!

Tamaki: Hello!!!

Honey: Scar-chan, did you finish my cake?

Me: Of course, Honey-sempai! We made a deal! *hands Honey the big, home-made strawberry cake*

Honey: It looks delicious!! *takes a bite, then eyes go wide in awe.* IT'S AMAZING!! *scarfs it down quickly*

Me: Thank you, Honey-sempai! I made it home-made myself!

Twins: You cook?

Me: Yeah, all the time!

Twins: Can you make us some too?

Me: Sure ^-^

Nekozawa: Mind making me something for me too? Like, maybe with Pomegranate?

Me: o.O Someone has been reading too much of Hades and Persephone fan fictions~

Nekozawa: So will you?

Me: Uhh. . . Sure? Alright, I think I can whip something up.

Nekozawa: Thank you, Scar-chan.

Me: No problem!

Kyoya: Can I say good bye?

Me: KYOYA?! SAY GOOD BYE?! Why the heck would YOU want to say good bye?

Kyoya: So I can go home -.-

Me: Psh, yeah right! But fine, if you insist!

Kyoya: Good bye, and I have a sexy face! *smirks down at Scarlet*

Me: I knew you were up to something no good!!